JAY's audio memes (and reviews/ranking too I guess)

Best regards on the new journey and self reflection. You’ve been a tremendous force in the forums and your videos have been a fresh and inviting change to the review format. Definitely lurk around and every once drop some Jay knowledge and memes without detracting from your goal. Keep my phone number handy and if you ever find yourself in South Florida hit me up.


Have loved your videos ever since you started releasing them - glad to know that you enjoy the process but also happy that you recognize there are other things you can be putting your energy into.

Best of luck!


As sad as i am to see one of my preferred reviewers go, I am thrilled seeing someone making this leap of faith to go for it and live his passion. I wish you all the will, joy and luck you need in your journey. Please keep us updated from time to time: i’d love to see your first creations.

And as a vocal lover, I would love to hear you sing!! With all the gear we have, we should certainly hear any default to help you improve :grin:


Thank you for your wishes Mag :pray:Will miss chatting with everyone here, and I’ll definitely come say hi if I ever visit Florida. I’m glad I was able to have some sort of positive (I hope) impact while I was here, but I’ll be lurking and maybe drop a random review here and there :face_with_peeking_eye:


Thank you man! I appreciate all the support throughout these few months. I’ll definitely will be needing the extra energy with all the workload coming up, but I’ll still drop a random review here and there hehe


Of course man! When I think the quality is to my standards I’ll be sure to let y’all know :saluting_face: Means a lot that you guys enjoy my reviews - this leap is definitely needed. Best wishes to you, and everyone here in whatever they’re pursuing~


Leaving on a high note! I like it. Your content is fantastic. Thanks for the honesty and reviews.


Yessir :saluting_face: We finishing things with a bang :boom:

Glad you enjoyed them, and thanks for the trust and support~


Thanks for your contributions, Jay! May you find joy on your next journey. Your reviews are the most interactive and fun I’ve viewed. Glad I did trust your take on RSV, one of the best sets I have. Given the quality of your contents I think you’ll do great on film and cinematography.


Thanks for all the support man! I’m so glad you’re enjoying the RSV - it may sometimes be a hit or miss depending on your library (definitely knocked me off my socks sheesh). I really got a lot to learn when it comes to film, but I hope I’ll be able to dish out quality stuff for people :crossed_fingers: Wish you the best man~


Godspeed Jay! Best of luck! But I’m pretty sure you’ll be around from time to time.

Keep us in the loop of your new adventures, especially the music ones :stuck_out_tongue: im very curious.

Now someone needs to pick up the meme style…


Yesssir I will drop a random review here and there and try to drag people to the dark side with cookies and tea :wink:

Don’t expect music any time soon LOL I need a lot of improving until I reach a standard I find “good”. But the memes shall live on :saluting_face:

Best wishes to your new family life brother, and try to get some sleep~



Don’t expect a video anytime soon though (maybe in September?)


Wake-me-up-when-september-ends GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY





Quick Monarch MK3 Impressions:

–Bass is slamming, very tactile and clean with great texture and separation. I’d it’s borderline a “bass set” but not rosefinch or Maestro Mini level of course. Reminds me of the sub-woofer feeling in the Khan and Variations but sharper and more refined (I certainly hope so at this price lol)
–Great for hiphop, R&B, POP, rock, EDM, JPOP, and electronic stuff. Not gonna be meaty/warm set, but still engaging and satisfying enough
–However, my major nitpick is that the bass gets a bit too much on certain ballad/slower tracks and takes away focus from the vocals and other midrange instruments… I feel like if it had a little less low-end it’d be perfect for my library… aka the Monarch MK2 :rofl: @domq422
–That aside treble is pretty smooth with good air, not a treblehead set, but no harshness with no noticeable masking - great extension
–Stage wise it’s more open vs the RSV - around the EJ07 level, but not as “3D” and immersive as the 07, although airier with sharper note transients
–One thing I noticed right way though is the difference in detail and resolution (vs RSV and 07) - yes folks, an actual noticeable difference for once wooo!
–TOTL imaging and tech and all that stuff - a slight step over the SA6U in-terms of note and imaging sharpness :ok_hand: but with much better bass and vocals, so an upgrade from that (and the SA6 MK2) imo
–Better bass resolution and tactility vs the TOP (not as boomy/cleaner) with smoother treble and vocals, an overall upgrade but not worth going out of your way to get it if you have the TOP, resolution and everything is basically the same, but just more refined dynamics with better bass
–Overall I’d say this is the new end game all-rounder - does everything extremely well, although probably lacking that special mid-sauce from the MK2

Also mine has noticeable driver flex :upside_down_face: Not an issue after you find the fit, but ya, kinda annoyying

Fit is ok for my average ears, not the comfiest but not bad either - people with smaller ears should probably avoid lol

Unboxing experience was very disappointing for $1K - the TOP has better packaging and case wth :unamused:


Hey y’all I’m looking for a Thieaudio Hype 2 and Monarch MK2 to loan for the MK3 comparison vid in September. Hit me up if anyone is willing or know someone :heart_hands: (I’ll cover shipping)

Edit: was able to get a pair letsgooo :call_me_hand:


We back :sunglasses: (Monthly Update)