JAY's audio memes (and reviews/ranking too I guess)

If you’re CONUS PM me and I’ll send you one for free.

(Olina SE that is)


A Sony NW-306 competition dap ?

Screenshot 2023-11-07 214050

Got the $60 voucher. Thinking this is pretty much what I’ll get on 11.11


Them Coreir’s :gem::+1:

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Looks like an interesting rival for the Hisense Touch. :joy:

3gb ram on the M300 should be enough for android 13, although depends on how heavy their customisation of android is.

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ARIA 2 IMPRESSIONS: No more spring tips :frowning:

No more spring tips, packaging is overall an upgrade over the Aria SE with the case being better quality, as well as coming with a better cable.

Build is a bit heavier, both are metal I believe, fit is similar, still needs tip-rolling for me (I’m using a deep-fit tip), and design goes to the Aria SE for sure - looks way more unique.

Sound wise the Aria SE was around the same level as the G10 and Tanchjim One - the Aria 2 on the other hand is a bump in resolution and separation, not by much, but hey, we take those.

Aria 2 reminds me of the EW200 ($40) tech wise, but I’ll need to do more A/B. I’d still take the G10 for vocals since it highlights that really well, but as all-rounders the EW200 and Aria 2 are better.

They’re all harman sets, so the overall sound signature is very similar with the difference in the little refinements. Anyhow, spring tips aside I’m digging the overall package - just not the price when the Simgot EW200 exists, but we’ll see!


That cable behaves very well in photo shoots :stuck_out_tongue:
srsly tho, looks like it’ll have nice haptics, a value rising with a bullet on my plus cable attributes list :smiley:

I’m probably going to limit my 11/11 joyride to tips and mod supplies bc I am still recovering from the effects of noob big eyes :eyes: but I’m feeling pretty content despite some fomo turbulence in the 200 dolla zone…


Ok guys so I was just A/Bing the EW200 with the Aria 2 for the past hour and:

@Rikudou_Goku Pretty sure it’s the same driver lol - the EW200 sounds a bit cleaner with less mid-bass

Guys you’re basically spending the extra $40 for a better cable and case… I mean if that’s for you go for it :man_shrugging: but I’d rather grab the EW200 and get a banging cable on the side



Doesn’t this have the same vent design that the EA1000 has?

Actually really cheap to even just for the interchangeable cable…


It tuned lik

e the EA500 that is clearly going after.


Looks pretty good for the price actually.

(Note; the graph lies because it doesn’t show the effect of the BC driver, which operates only in bass and midrange. It is apparently not slightly bright as graph suggests but rather a warm neutral signature.)

Bqeyz Wind (10mm LCP DD + 10mm BC) is getting quite stellar reviews on Head Fi from some notable names.

A midcentric set with a rich, full yet transparent midrange to die for (relative to its price) with stand-out bass texture & huge stage 3D stage thanks to its open back nature, and with smooth integrated treble. Very similar to Raptgo in description but dynamic driver instead of Planar and higher end BC driver.

As an owner and lover of OG MiM Dark Magician, this intrigues me to no end.

What I find particularly interesting about Bqeyz Wind is that the Bone Conducting Driver it uses isn’t a Piezo type but rather a self developed copper voice coil type, and it uses it for bass up to midrange (like Unique Melody) rather than treble (like it’s predecessor Winter) or fullrange like Raptgo,

I very much liked the Raptgo but couldn’t quite deal with the Piezo zing that the BC driver tainted the treble with. Also I found the mids a bit pushed back and hazy for lack of a better word, possibly also due to Piezo zing.

I think it deserves some attention and maybe a review?


I can’t unsee this now.



@Lexington99 Maybe if I can a review unit sure

Haha yeah suspected that. The diaphragm difference is usually not really a big difference and the changes are some slight changes in the tonality here and there.

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Its an LRA (linear resonant actuator) type I believe. Only works as a woofer in a very specific/limited range. Used in some CVJ/TRN iems (like the Konoka and the Assassin) and Empire Ears Legend Evo.


I do believe it has some upper mids 2.5 bright shoutiness out of the box hoping it calmes down or tunable with a nozzle filter , but yeah some songs got abot too intense.

But the Bone Conducting Driver is legit!
Fitment will be paramount as will tip selection.


Red and Green graph look good depending on taste. How did you achieve those graphs?

Tanya filters?


How is the comfort?
Also is the 5,5k peak/bump notieable?
What source are you driving the Wind with?

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500 level mesh filters yes