JAY's audio memes (and reviews/ranking too I guess)

Agreed - def found that to be the sweet spot with that set. :headphones:

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Your video worked for me. I only bought the KZ Castor - Black, two cables, and two cases, and still spent under $55 ( on Linsoul, so they might be here before Christmas ). That is my best 11.11 since 2019.

I think the only newer sets taunting me right now is the Kiwi Ears Melody, but I am probably more interested in the ZiiGaat Cinno. I was curious about the Hype2, but the nozzles were too big for me. My small ears have saved me some money in the last few years.


Very cool, have you gotten a chance to compare the 530 to the Neon Pro and Supernova?


Nah still can’t get a hold of one lol

I can loan you mine if you want :+1:


Kiwi Ears Melody - not recommended. I would rather opt for Hidizs MP145 if bassy smooth DD-like planar is up your alley.

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Oh shit which one? PM me :+1:

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Melody is not bassy smooth, more v-shaped and exciting

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I trust you’re correct, but one may be fooled by looking at the graph.

Planar graphs are different though

Are they? I find they tell quite an accurate story judging by my time with Timeless, Hook X & Heyday.

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The bass hits different on planar and to me it’s not super obvious on graphs

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I see your video is back!


Planar bass a bit tighter and less bloomy for sure, but I wouldn’t say it’s enough to skew perception of a graph to where you won’t tell if it’s going to be a bassy experience or not.

Anyway, MP145 graph is quite accurate to me.

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V-shape is bassy and bright so ya, but the bass is tight on the Melody so that’s nice

Alright, AFUL Magic One round 2… As some of you may know my first review got taken down via a copyright strike because I used a 9 second clip from another reviewers video as commentary. But we have now settled things privately and cleared the misunderstanding regarding the fair use law so that video is now back up. I did agree to cut out his part in the intro, so that should be up soon. But that aside, go check it out and let me know if I went overboard with that review, or if I was being an ass towards any of the other reviewers.

Meanwhile I had the time to relisten to the Magic One to see if my opinion of it has changed or not and… Ya it’s still mid.

So the 3 main issues I had with the Magic One were number 1, the bass is meh, it sounds blunted and pillowy like Timmy said in his review, and the slam, impact, physicality just isn’t there, which is expected for a single BA set, but that certainly doesn’t excuse it. #2 The peaks do still exists on certain songs like Traces of time by Rainie Yang, and I remember by Sterphanie Sun where the end notes to the consonants sound very sharp from the way both of them announce the words, and same thing with Model, cymbals and Li’s voice combined can be a bit fatiguing.

I would say at lower/mid volume it’s perfectly fine, pretty smooth, but the problem is you can’t really listen to this at mid-lower volumes because the vocals and instruments sound too buried and warm from the extra mid-bass, so in order for them to be more audible, you need to turn up the volume, and when you do things also open up more, but you also will run into the peaks on songs with a lot of cymbals and electric elements. I played around on tone generator and the peaks seems to be around 5K and 12Kish so just be weary of that.

And #3 the vocals are a hit or miss, when they hit, they hit, for example female singers are again beautiful on these, artists with a higher pitch and who uses more air like Billie Eilish, Taylor Swift sounds stunning with the extra mid-bass that helps make up for their lack of lower notes as their singing style tends to be more falsetto, and also helps balance out that air. Likewise high pitched male artists like WOODZ also sound great, but on the other hand singers with very low and moody voices like Hebe and Lana Del Rey can sound too warm and a bit congested, and lack the openness. This is because they lack the clarity, gain, and space for their voices to open up because of the extra mid bass and the decreased 3K region.

Think of it this way, in singing there’s chest voice, head voice, and falsetto that makes up a singer’s mix voice. Chest voice is the base of the sound and it creates the deep fullness to the notes; Head voice is the middle-upper range where the sound opens up and feels very powerful and extended; Falsetto is the higher end where the air and high pitch sounds come in. And in order to have a great mix voice you need all 3 parts.

The Magic One in this analogy can be seen as having very good chest voice because it has a lot of mid-bass, very warm and deep, and it also has a decent amount of falsetto, because the treble is fairly well extended, However, what it lacks is the middle part that brings both of those together, and the part that really pushes and opens up the vocals, in other words, the Magic One’s head game is weak. Which is why singers who have a very strong head voice can help balance out the weakness of the Magic One.

A perfect example of this would be Adele’s Hello, in the verse Adele is using more chest voice and her voice is already very deep so combined with the Magic One’s extra mid-bass and the lack of 3K it makes the song feel closed in and lacking that openness, but in the chorus when she switches to her head voice everything opens up because Adele’s got one of the most powerful voices in the world, so everything balances out and it sounds amazing. So it’s harder to recommend the Magic One because of this inconsistency, even just in “Hello” the quality of the vocals changes so drastically from the verse which would be like a 6 out of 10, to a 9 or 10 out of 10 in the chorus.

And with singers who doesn’t have a powerful head voice, or their singing style is just more laid back, softer, dark, and moody then the Magic One kinda starts falling apart like on Venice Bitch for example. So in general, I would say it’s still mid for the most part like the bass, male vocals, softer slower singing styles, not very energetic, but again it can sound amazing under the right context - the chorus in Hello goes crazy hard. But ya, score hasn’t changed. Thanks for reading :slight_smile:


Calling @Rikudou_Goku with your smirking Goku gif!!! ASAP!!!

And yes, I went through the whole review and that’s all I took from it





How did I know it was going to be you Brando


@rattlingblanketwoman is busy pretending to be an upstanding citizen at work so I had to represent