JAY's audio memes (and reviews/ranking too I guess)

You’d be right, KL with the bass (or even just the regular EJ07M) is still the one of the top IEMs at $500-600. I’m not super hyped by it because I listened to the other versions of them so many times already :rofl: Whereas you know the Supernova is stupidly hard to get


Great review man!
I like how you just dive into it rather than sticking with the bass/mids/treble format
…and the Dark Saber :upside_down_face:

I got to demo Supernova and it is awesome and you describe it better than I ever could.
Hopefully I can grab a used one someday

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Darksaber>Supernova because you can use it to cut one open (true story)

Oh shit it’s happening?? :eyes:



You deserve it, brother. By far my favorite audio YouTube channel of 2023 :handshake:


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Mine too, no bias! I love the ones with his friends giving “layman” impressions but also the usual vids as well.


Hear hear, me three :boom:


Make it 4 baby!!!


Let’s GO baby!!!

@VIVIDICI_111 deserves all the love, no doubt t about it :pinched_fingers::pinched_fingers::pinched_fingers:


You guys :face_holding_back_tears:

Got a banger coming up this friday :wink:


I have always loved the Tea and Tea2, but Tea2 with the MT-602 is hard to top.I was listening to the latest Greta Van Fleet album ( Starcatcher ), and just got lost in the music in a way that doesn’t happen very often.

wait so there was a KL with more bass … I missed that completely

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Yeah it’s called the EJ07 LOL
I couldn’t believe the difference when I finally got a chance to listen to the OG


Same here, I remember hearing the EJ07 at a friends for the first time (who also owns an EJ07M) and going “…isn’t this the M but with less bass and treble?”.


Yup basically. OG at high volume is still the most immersive set I’ve heard to date. M at mid volumes as an all rounder


My impressions of a resin EJ07M (with a harsh bias due to its price and reputation) was that it had floaty subbass at the bottom and was “trying too hard” for lack of a better phrase when it came to the treble of higher strings being plucked (sort of jangly). In reality it was probably fine, once preferences and expectations are canceled out.

Beautiful IEM though, especially the resin style chosen for the set I had.


I often joke about KL (with added bass, resin), but if I had to be serious, I would say the following in short: The best soundstage ( full 3D experience) of IEM I own; the best separation, the best dynamics, the best images, controlled and fast bass. The only thing is that there is a bit of BA timbre, which is somewhat remedied by changing the cable and a suitable warmer source. I’m not kidding now.
Otherwise, HYPE2 can only watch from afar and hold a candle to it, as much as I like it with its amazing musicality and good tuning! :wink:

If you were closer I would send it to you to hear because it is the last version with extra bass. I don’t think it has anything in common with the other two versions, because the tuning is also different, the resolution is also excellent.


I can’t remember if you ever tried my KL when we met up, I should send it your way if you didn’t. The lowend is more cohesive if slightly less impactful, IMO.


Funnily enough I took Issue with the EJ twins for similar reasons. The EJ07 had too little sub-bass and bass for my taste, and was lacking at the top end in terms of sparkle and clarity as well - although it had a beautiful midrange presentation.

Then the EJ07 “fixed” the bass for me (I say “fixed”, but here and for me that just means a more balanced tonality with bass levels which actually make it have some impact) in quantity and smoothed out the lower end transitions, but was still lacking in the treble just like it’s bigger namesake. Still beautiful in the midrange.

Overall a beautiful set, both of them, and I can see why many love either - they go for a specific tuning and back it up with great technicalities, especially staging. I just have too many faults to pick with either which is why I ultimately let go of my EJ07M long ago.


I don’t think I did!

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To be fair, we did blow through a whole mess of sets in short order that night lol; if you get the urge, lemme know!