JAY's audio memes (and reviews/ranking too I guess)

I’m guessing you probably didn’t crank up the OG EJ07s then. At high volume (as high as possible) the sub-bass and treble is just right, anymore and it’ll kill your ears, whereas the mid-range is more forward and even cleaner with the low-end and treble behind it in the background, creating a 3D headstage. Very immersive, and I highly recommend you to try it this way if you ever get another chance :notes:


Oh, I did crank them up too, and they truly do have an impressive headstage. But no matter the volume I listened on them, I couldn’t help but feel that the bass and treble are lacking. Too little body and presence down low, too little sparkle up top. So while I might have been immersed in the soundstage - I ultimately wasn’t immersed in the music.

So not for my ears and library (which is pretty much every genre in existence), much like the M. But still a great set for those wanting an immersive vocal centric set. :sparkles:


Holla @VIVIDICI_111

Noticed you mentioned on yer rankings list that you ended up tip rolling to profit w/ the Cinno (hereinafter known only to me as the “C-note”).

Whatcha end up liking?



Any deep+wide bore tips will work :+1: Just nothing shallow or weird like the Dunu tips and flanges lol

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Cool - I’ll chuck some CP155s on tomorrow… :dizzy:

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THE NEW $59 GEM :gem: (Kiwi Ears FORTEZA vs the REST)

Very cool plating Kiwiears :sunglasses:


Pretty off-topic but I tinkered around with foobar2000 for a while today and its so sick. Currently have my Hiby R3 Pro 2 hooked up to my computer streaming off a Hiby FC4 LOL. Its such a great program for organizing / playing music.


Sorry boiz idk about this one


I listened to Tony’s review on this one and I think it’s a step in the right direction for the company. Although not perfect, they seem to be on the right track to find their “tuning” foothold. Given time, I am sure they’ll wow us with something rather soon…especially the way the current IEM release schedule is happening.


If you like sub bass, bro, look else where, jeez :smiling_face_with_tear:

But honestly, it doesn’t look bad everywhere else. Plenty of warmth in the lower mids and some mid bass to boot, plus, the pinna isn’t as aggressive as I thought they’d make it so I think it’ll have a smooth playback.

For genres like jazz and classical, bro? I think it might be a pretty decent set.

Also for some reason, before I watched Tony’s review, I thought these things were like $2000, idk where I got that from :rofl:


It looks absolutely fire, but the dips makes me worry. I mean after listening to the supernovas everything else sounds jittery in the treble - my ears have been ruined :upside_down_face:


lol - perils of access to the premium stash :rofl:

edit: wonder how this would compare to the O2? My squig fu didn’t allow me to get them both on the same graph, but maybe I need to back it up a level rather than lazily entering the site through a Google link (or maybe that’s a perk of membership)…


I have to get you the Helios SE at some point; still probably my favorite treble presentation.


Can you show me how to enable the “bit perfect” of Foobar? I mean i know it has something to do with Wasabi or ASIO, but i have no idea how to set it up

Supernova is a special set for sure. Glad that you got to experience it.


You da man :handshake:

Oh right and the OG Helios, but it’s been such a long time since I’ve heard it that my memory’s fuzzy about it.


Never had a chance to try the OG Helios, but everything I have heard suggests that the SE is basically the same but slightly refined. It also fits normal human ears haha.


Sounds like a good time :eyes:

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I’ve used ASIO with Ableton for production in the past - the biggest benefit of it is for the improved latency rather than resolution, in my eyes (which is why it’s not really useful for music listening IMO).

Assuming you’re running an external DAC/AMP and on Windows 10+ you should be good - Microsoft fixed the audio handling engine so it’s basically as good quality as WASAPI/ASIO now, no more weird Windows AMP stuff like 2+ years ago.

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Decided to do a little gaming test with some IEMs :sunglasses: