JAY's audio memes (and reviews/ranking too I guess)

The best price bracket of 2024 so far :sunglasses: :


@VIVIDICI_111 are you getting your hands on the new Tansio Mirai TSMR X


It seems interesting :thinking:

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Ya maybe, if I can find one, we will see since I’ve never heard their IEMs before


I think they can only be adquire through Penon.
Their RGB model was highly praised.

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Celest Dark Phoenix vs PhoenixCall vs Plutus Beast:

huge thanks to @Sonofholhorse the legend for the loan!






With filters:

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This is the type of tuning that does not work well with damping. As you can see, it doesnt really do much to the pinna range.

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Oh ya?

jk I’m just messing around now lol. This scales the best. The H570 tips makes things less shouty - that 8K peak is mostly coupler I think (I don’t hear it too much)

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Is the BC from plutus beast unique enough for me to skip EA500LM for now or F1 Pro to give it a whirl?

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it’s a bit sharp imo, still testing it tho





I hate tuning switches so much. They are just trying to reduce customer dissatisfaction by making things confusing. Just make a good iem that fits good and sounds great. Is it really that hard?


Word, it’s annoying asf when they barely do anything. I had to take out 3 congifs because they didn’t change shit ugh :unamused:


Hi Jay, recently found your channel and love your videos. Thinking to buy the Letshuoer S15 after watching your video on it to replace my broken OG Timeless. I like the look of its warmer tuning - I get treble fatigue from IEMs with brighter tuning during longer listening sessions.

Just got one question before I pull the trigger: how does the S15’s resolution and imaging stack up to other competitors in the USD300-ish bracket like the Blessing 3, Hype 2, and Performer 8? You touch on the S15’s technical performance with its price competitors being the same in your video, but I wanted to get your more detailed thoughts when it comes to the S15’s resolution and imaging.

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Hey! Glad the videos helped :+1:

Imaging wise the B3 and Quintet is a bit sharper, but since you listen at longer sessions I’d avoid those as they can get fatiguing. That aside, everything else is similar (separation, detail, staging). Hype 2 has the best bass texture out of all of them. S15 feels the airiest.

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So, we have a new single DD from Tanchjim, and today we’ll be comparing it to some other well–known single DDs like the EA1000s and the LM!

Tanchjim ORIGIN vs EA1000 vs EA500LM Honest Review

Starting with the overall sound the Origin has a balanced and clean signature with a bit of mid-bass sprinkled on - I say a bit because even though it graphs a good amount it actually doesn’t sound that warm because the low-end is well separated. Like the LM the overall dynamics are very smooth like, but just cleaner.

The bass impact is punchy, notes are well-separated, good texture, not boomy or soft or anything, but I found the attack isn’t as tactile and clear as the EA1000s when it comes to the sub-bass rumble or kickdrums. The Fermats have sharper imaging because of the extra uppermids which translates over to the attack, but ya the Origin’s bass characteristic is more similar to the LM in that both are high quality, but just not as tactile compared to the Fermats, and also the Origin doesn’t have as much in-terms of volume, which gives it that more balanced sound. Obviously it’s not super slamming or a basshead set, but just overall a very solid low-end that doesn’t get in the way of the mids, and personally out of the three, I like the Fermat’s low-end the best, it feels more nuanced.

On the other hand the main star of the show on the Origin would be its Vocals, female vocals especially sound beautiful on these: Sweet, lighthearted (if that makes sense), extended, opened, and doesn’t come off thin or shrill sounding, again dynamics are great on the Origin, very smooth. If you like more husky and powerful vocals, look elsewhere, I mean the note-weight isn’t hollow or anything, it’s very natural, but I wouldn’t consider them thick, meaty, or deep because of the tamer low-end + the extra air which makes things more light.

For example on Hello, Adele sounds sweeter and less deep in her chest voice in the verse, you hear less of the rumbling and deep reverb in her lower octaves, and instead at the chorus she sounds more open and light, less heavy and powerful, which is good or bad depending on what you like. Personally, I think the Origin is missing some deepness in the chest voice, and also could use a little more sparkle, since again, very clean and open mids and vocals, but… it doesn’t feel like anything special. Out of the three the Fermat has the best vocals to me, sparklier, clearer, you can hear more nuances in the voices better because of the extra uppermids, and the little bit of low-end adds just enough weight without going into husky or warm territory like the LM.

Now the Fermats actually feels more open to me in the head stage, which is weird because the Origin should have more air based on the graph, but on “Self Control” at 2:55 the reverb in Frank Ocean’s vocals are more obvious and the decay lasts longer, and I hear more of the echo on the Fermats, which creates this sense of space. Maybe it’s because of the extra clarity in the vocals, allowing you to hear more of the reverb on the song which gives off the illusion of a bigger sense of space, But then again, this is all just psychoacoustics.

In-terms of treble dynamics, again the Origin is just as smooth as the LM, but cleaner because there’s less low-end, at the same time well-extended, no jarringness, not super airy like the Helios, but enough when it comes to cymbals and the overall air and head space. And yes, the fermats are the sharpest in-terms of note transients out of the three, sli got it brigther depending on the nozzle, and a little more resolving than both the Origin and LM, with the Origin being around the same level as the LM, but with cleaner separation.

Overall, if the Origin is balanced and clean in its sound, then the Fermats would be slightly bright and sparkly, with the LM being the warmest and bassiest out of the three… So all three actually have their own spot or flavour with all of them being mid-volume sets, you can’t really crank any of these too loud unless you mod them, which I did a lot of, go check out the graphs if you’re interested. But with the mods I like the Fermats the best, it has just the right amount of energy and liviness to the vocals without being overly warm like the LM, or too boring like the Origin which doesn’t have that extra energy without sacrificing the uppermids clarity.

Now, price aside, out of the three if I could only keep one of these for the rest of my life, I would keep the fermats. Not only does it sound the most resolving, but the extra sparkle on the vocals along with the more tactile low-end brings this liviness that you can’t replicate with neither the LM or Origin, I guess you can say it’s got that special sauce that the other 2 are missing. Mod wise the EA1000s also have the most flexibility because it’s got a good amount of uppermids to work with before sounding too boring like the Origin, and also not too much bass like the LM where more filters and sponges will just turn it too bassy and bloated.

Honestly, the Origin is a bad spot because it gets outcompeted both in price and sound by the EA1000s. Ya the Origin’s smoother, but that doesn’t really make much of a difference at mid-volume as these are both mid-volume sets, and the fermats are just more engaging in both the low-end and the vocals, while also being a little more resolving - Ya it’s more energetic, but you’re not blasting neither of these stock, and if we’re talking scaling after modding then the Fermats also mods better. Not only that, but the Origin also has to deal with the LM coming for its neck at more than 2 times cheaper with similar resolution, and all the other crazy sets like the Nova, Chopin, Quintet, sooo, ya the competition’s rough.

The only scenario where the Origin could be a valid option is if you want a balanced set with smooth dynamics like the Nova, Chopin or Hype 2, but you don’t want the scoop in the mid-bass, then in that case, sure, Origin would be a good alternative - It’s clean, smooth, balanced, but the problem is the competition moves at a rapid pace, and knowing chifi, someone’s probably gonna release something similar in a few months for half the price or something, so idk. If the Origin was around $150 I think it would’ve been justified, and more future proof as a cleaner LM, but… the Fermats are just more special, and the LM is cheaper with better bass, so, unlucky, unless you really want that clean and smooth sound, then I can’t stop you, but maybe wait a bit. Also, the extra nozzles don’t do anything.

Origin Final Ranking:

Tonality: A+
Tech: A/A+
Overall: A


The no effect switches are annoying.

If they actually make a change, then it is effectively saving from us the other half dozen untuned things CCA/KZ were going to put out.


Interesting. I’ve never been interested in Simgot because I don’t want to go deaf quickly :grinning:, but this looks interesting :wink:

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