JAY's audio memes (and reviews/ranking too I guess)

There’s a name for a trio of singolos:



You know, for the amount of heat you get for going after people (Crin, Lee), you do be giving them a lot of promotion, and you keep trying the gear.

You can’t be that bad, now can you?


For the life of me I can’t decide between Cincotres+Doscinco vs Hype4 + Tea2 (Which is on Ali for 193 currently…). Hate to be the asking advice, I usually just lurk and read others, but seems that very few people seem to have the Ziigaats or the Hype for atm.

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If you want a lot of bass, doscincos

If you want vocals and scaling, Tea 2

If you want an all-rounder, Cincotres

Hype 4’s pre-order time is like a month and the Cincotres does the same thing for cheaper :+1:


And I got Crin to visit SIMGOT lol

Where the honeys at??


Hype 4 is overpriced for what you get from my demo.


Simgot probably invited him because now they’re going to have reviewers check out the new Simgot EM Zeros that’ll be out next week.



Is that how they got their name, because Sim Got it like that?


Pimp Got lol


Is there a huge difference in the bass department between the Doscinco and Cincotres?


Thank you to @Sonofholhorse for the opportunity in allowing me to hear this legendary set :pray:

Better with audio and visuals, but here’s the write up:

Freedom in Music

What does freedom sound like? Is it the rustling of the leaves in the wind? The bustling noise of a bar on a Friday night? Or maybe, it’s the tranquillity of a Sunday afternoon? The meaning of freedom is different to each person, but nonetheless, everyone wants to be free, or at least be as close to that state of freeness as possible. To me, Music is another channel where we can see glimpse of that freedom; a good song will paint another world, and trigger memories and emotions that blends you with the music, allowing you to be free from all the noise and expectations of society, and really just living in the moment and being yourself - really feeling what you’re experiencing without interruptions or attachments to other things and ideals, in those few minutes.

A good song is like a Mirror

A good song is like a clean mirror, reflecting back your past and future dreams, and everything that you want to become and don’t want to be; it’s an introspection of the self, and this intimate discussion with the self that could only be done by detaching the bindings and being freed. But even music has its roadblocks from truly being detached - and this is where earphones come in, or in other words, the tool or channel which the music is played through. Now, most if not all the IEMs I’ve heard and reviewed have some sort of flaw which gets in the way of that immersion. There always seems to be a distraction, maybe it’s the bright treble, the nasally vocals, the lack of mid-bass, or too much mid-bass, but either way there always seems to be a chain that binds on, a noise that’s firmly attached and refrains the listener from reaching that true free state.

The closest I’ve been to achieving that freeness is with the OG EJ07s, but even the EJs have its flaws… don’t get me wrong it’s pretty much perfect with the right song, but on certain tracks because the scaling is so good and you’re cranking them at stupidly high volume, this makes the vocal gain and 1.5K on the vocals a bit too forward on certain songs, which can be jarring, and takes you out of that immersion. Sure, you can turn it down, but that defeats the whole point. The STORM on the other hand is different.

When trying to see a glimpse of freedom - imagine our attachments and distractions as a chaotic hurricane, destroying everything in sight, creating things that binds us down, and every IEM will have that storm to various degrees, maybe it’s a big hurricane like KZ, a small thunderstorm like the Variations, or a light breeze like the EJ07s… but the Subtonic Storm on the other hand, doesn’t have any of that. Contrary to its name, in all of the chaos of a hurricane - the Subtonic Storm would be the eye of the storm; no distractions or attachments that would affect the music, and not boring either.

The STORM simply allows the sound to be free in its original form, free from tuning imperfections, natural, effortless and tranquil, like the eye of a Storm. It’s just… good. It’s so good that it plays everything back cutting off the distractions that attaches onto you which breaks the immersion, and fully allows the listener to reach a state of introspection and free state with the song - almost like you’re having a conversation with the singer or instruments, just fully and completely immersed in the sound, living in that brief few minutes, free from everything else. That’s why I believe the STORM is the best IEM in the world, not because it’s got the best “technicalities" (which it does as well), but because it fulfils what music is trying to do - it takes us on that journey and into a state of freedom.

The $5000 Problem

However, the STORM does have one big issue… it’s $5000. Which is not accessible for the vast majority of people, and why it’s so sought after as a rare collectors piece. Now, do I think it’s worth $5000 for regular audiophiles? Hell no, if we’re talking about price to performance the diminishing return are astronomical, it’s the worst value wise if we’re strictly talking resolution and “tech”, yes it’s the best in-terms of resolution, separation, imaging, even slightly better than the U12T and CAD12, but for $250 the Cadena 4, gets you 75% there, and for $1000, the Monarch MK3s gets you 95% there, so the STORM is definitely a “luxury” IEM.

However, there are the intangibles. This is the only IEM I’ve heard that takes you into that free state away from all worldly distractions, and you just like melt and become one with the music. The treble is also insane on these - the best and most natural I’ve heard on anything - it jumps out at you in the best way possible. So, it’s almost impossible and I don’t know how to calculate that “special sauce” in-terms of money, like how do you put a number on something like freedom and immersion? Because the STORM definitely offers something no other IEMs have done which gives it free reign to price itself however it wants.

Let me just put it this way, if I’m comfortable with my finances and I’ve never heard the STORM before and I have $5000 lying around that I want to treat myself with - then I would buy the STORM. Now, I’m not sure how that holds up for me personally after getting to spend some time with it because the “mystic/mysterious” surrounding it is gone, so maybe I wouldn’t buy it myself since I did get to spend 2-3 weeks with it, but for others big money bags, go for it. It also varies depending on how you listen to Music, and what the point of music is for you.

Who’s it for?

For example if you’re just here to have fun, jam out, you know your library is more jpop, kpop, pop, edm and stuff like that then you’re set with something like the HYPE 4, or even the Ziigaat Cincotres. Like if you don’t care about all this free-state, self-intrespection, takes you on a journey kinda vibe, then ya you don’t need the STORM, nor is the STORM for you. Likewise if you use IEMs as a background for work, studying, working out, then really you shouldn’t be spending more than $300; I think you’d be happy with the EA500LM, Nova, or the Cincotres as they’re all great all-rounders for those use cases.

And also, if you only want bass, like basshead levels, then the STORM is also not for you - it’s got phenomenal mid-bass texture and the quality in general is like that of a high quality DD, but it’s not bassy nor basshead enough, it simply doesn’t have enough quantity, so go checkout my basshead guide for that.

Overall, the STORM is the best, and most natural IEM I’ve heard to date. Low-end - fantastic. Mids - TOTL. Treble - the best, period. And on top of all this it’s also got the special sauce to back it up. The STORM isn’t flashy and obvious like the EVO, but its subtleness and refinement builds up as you spend more and more time with it, eventually leaving you no choice but to be in awe at this marvel. The STORM takes away everything from reality, and pulls the listener in with no distraction from the music. The dynamics are phenomenal, but never boring, having just the right amount of “spices” sprinkled in with the small peaks and dips. If I had $5000, and were to leave the hobby today - I would take the STORM. It’s sound is simply, effortless, freeing, and timeless.

Final Rankings:

Tonality: S+
Tech: S+
Overall: The very first S+!!

Thanks for reading :slight_smile:


Of course it is to listen to my gear, duh. :rofl:


After reading this I suddenly felt like meditating :grinning:

Cadenza12 is also rated S+ by you, I guess it interferes with your meditation because of treble extension :nerd_face:?!

TBH I’ll merge with the absolute when I win $5000 in the lottery, until then I’ll merge with my DTE900 :grinning:.

Now seriously, I think this is the king of IEM, but I still haven’t listened to it…


Like I said on Youtube, beautiful intro, brother. Really well written - Bravo :ok_hand:

The STORM is genuinely an experience rather than just another TOTL IEM. $5k is absurd, of course, but If I had the disposable income, I’d absolutely try to get my hands on a pair.


Ya Cad 12 too much treble to listen at higher volume, but it’s fantastic at mid-volume. STORM is basically that but also scales better with better treble + low-end.

@domq422 Thank you brother, and same here - but as for now I think I’d rather go on Vaca or pay off this year’s car insurance :rofl: (and next years, and the year after that :joy: )


Lmao, I feel that, brother. Music for me is like an escape, also like a vacay at home, and I am notorious for being able to justify crazy numbers for IEMs and audio gear lol - Don’t get me wrong, $5k is stupid. But honestly though, I remember cranking** up the STORMs and feeling an insane weightlessness listening to music.


This was literally me haha


Word, that’s literally me as well.

Why does all good things have to be so expensive :cry:

If I ever do a collab I’m doing my version of the STORM

Hit me up chifi :eyes:


Aye man, we have expensive taste, whadayagonna do about it? :sweat_smile:

I will say, the Crimons are like a baby STORM and have some things in common when it comes to the tuning. Full review coming hopefully this week :eyes:


Very well written review :clap:


I´m hoping so much Letshouer will release Cadenza v2 one day. I just can not forget this IEM.
Only wish for a liiiiittle bit less upper frequencies and a liiiiiittle bit more bass and a liiiiiittle bit less pricey :crossed_fingers:
But I could live with the OG aswell, it´s only minor EQ tweaks and only for some genres