JAY's audio memes (and reviews/ranking too I guess)

I mean the Hype 2/4/10 with Cinco brothers since Ziigaat and Thieaudio/Linsoul are at least holding hands, if not fully connected.

Yes Ziigaat’s lineup is actually diverse. You’re :100: on that


Someone didn’t watch the “mistakes I made” video, eh @VIVIDICI_111


Oh I did but I knew I wanted a comfortable IEM with a warm signature, so I thought I’d A/B a few and later sell the ones I don’t want.

But ya, I got carried away due sales, should’ve stopped at two… :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Nono keep going you need more recommendations? :joy:


Sure, I’d be happy to hear your recommendations! :blush:

About my preferences:
I started with over-ear headphones and tried a whole bunch in Japan. While I’ve experimented with many high-end ones (from Stax to Utopias), my favorite set is still the warm, natural, and full-sounding HD650 (with worn pads).
I tend to shy away from anything too bright, which is why I think I prefer the warm, smooth sound of the HD650s over many of the much higher-end ones.
To me, vocals on the HD650s have been among the most natural and musical sounding I’ve heard.
The only thing lacking would be just a tad more sub-bass.

I also enjoy the Porta Pros when I want something lighter and more comfortable.
Besides sound, my only other consideration is comfort.

My favorite artists are Lizzy McAlpine and The 1975 – which I guess fall into the indie-pop/indie-rock genres? I also listen to a lot of ASMR, and I find that warmer sets sound better for that; it makes the sound feel closer, since the closer you get to a microphone, the bassier a voice will sound.

For IEMs, I already have the Nova, ER2XR, Waner, Ling Long, Quarks DSP, and Tanya DSP.
I also have the Performer5, Doscinco, Cincotres, and Tea2 on the way.
I do like the Novas a lot, but they often feel too bright and lack enough sub/bass/mid-bass.


Consider trying earbuds since it seems you like headphones.


Ah yes, I do enjoy flathead earbuds. I often use them to fall asleep with, because they’re more comfortable than other form factors.

I settled on the EB2S after getting about twenty earbuds last year :sweat_smile:

But they’re not my fav for critical listening due to lack of subbass and inconsistent fit (I don’t enjoy the foam).

:joy: well since you’re asking, you can try Myer CKLVX next time, I really like it with Lizzie McAlpine, or Magic One even if you like something warm, both add up to around $250, a nice sidegrade to what you have already


Hello Jay, hope you’re doing ok. Thank you for recommending the Doscincos in one of your videos, I’m enjoying them immensely and it’s the end game for my bassy tracks.

I’m thinking of eventually getting the Monarch. Is it worth it as an end game allrounder? I believe they both have isobaric drivers for handling the bass, how does it compare to the Ziigaat?


Rikubuds Saber 3


Glad you’re enjoying them man

The Dos actually has more bass/warmer than the Monarchs. The MK3s and Hype 10 is an overall boost in resolution layering, but it’s not as warm, so if you like warmness then you’ll be fine sticking with the Dos :+1:


Bro you’re supposed to say: “Yes, they’re infinitely better and don’t forget to use my affiliate link.”

Appreciate it :smile:


:pray: Thanks for the recommendations, but I think if I get any more, it’d have to be an upgrade.

CKLVX seems like a Performer5 with extra air/treble? Which I think I’m fine without, being treble sensitive.
I’ll take a look at the magic one.

The only other IEM I’ve been considering is the Softears Studio 4, not sure if it’d suit me though. Is the sound/tonality similar to an HD650?

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I’m skeptical if that would have more subbass than an IEM.
Is the reason for the recommendation because the saber 3 is known for it’s subbass? Or is it an upgrade in a different way?

It wont have more than the bassy iems, but if you compare to something more neutral then yes, buds can have more sub bass.

Yes and because of the fit/comfort. @Ohmboy


Use my affiliate link

@Ljnu nah the studio 4 is clean/neutral sounding and not warm at all, Magic One would be warmer if that’s your thing (and it’s not too pricy)

You can also try the Dunu Falcon Ultra for a warmish single DD


Phew haha, that really helps, I was getting concerned about dumping another $450 on IEMs :see_no_evil:

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Hmm, maybe it’s time for me to jump back into world of flathead earbuds instead :joy:
I do like the comfort of a Q39 shell, but gonna do some research on current alternatives.
The Saber 3 does sound pretty appealing, is it the most HD650s-like tonality in the lineup?

I do not know what the HD650 sounds like so cant tell. Saber 3 in the gen 3 lineup is currently the bassiest and most sub-bassy.


Have you tried the Kefine Delci yet? I’m interested in that as a warmish affordable (sub $100) IEM and would welcome your thoughts.

My current set that I’m listening to the most is the Artti T10 which I think I like more than the EW200 now. Still largely disappointed with my Zero Reds (which I still think are dull - even with tip and cable rolling. They’re ok, but that’s about it)