JAY's audio memes (and reviews/ranking too I guess)

So many opinions being spun as facts is what’s wrong with the world these days but, yeah, definitely will keep an eye out when things start coming together!


I don’t care if they do because I plan on making a set that breaks the market (if it goes through :crossed_fingers:)




trying to think of someone that’s smarter than DaVinci and a brand more exclusive than Dunu


… Can’t wait for Elysian Einstein bro!


brand new iem concept - each IEM has its own unique tuning (for each earbud as well)!

Innovation, totally not shit qc. Makes them more collectable too


Ziigaat Oppenheimer - Atomic Bass :exploding_head:


Where did you buy the Dusk that you can return them?
I keep hearing people advise against returning things on AliExpress


I was just thinking of that name lol, but I decided on something else :wink:

I got mine from shenzhenaudio so we should be gucci


Symphonium TITAN

Sounds guud so far, Shoutout to @wueer01 for the loan on the Titan :pray:




I think I know why Titan hits @domq422 like it does:


How’s the QC on such an expensive set? :thinking:


Pretty much perfect channel matching:


Are you sure they sent you the right set?


Not my set so maybe that’s why the qc curse didn’t work :joy:



overwhelming jealously is literally overflowing

:triumph: damn, Jay. Enjoy, brother. @GooberBM with the eagle eyes on the comparison with my monarchs… interesting.


Very excited for your review! I am currently waiting for my pair which should arrive tomorrow, first kilobuck iem so I hoping I made a good choice! Lol

I got the one with the acoustune bundle which, I’m assuming, should be a good match so I don’t have to worry about power


EPZ Q1 PRO REVIEW: 7hz Zero 2.0

The EPZ Q1 Pro is the direct successor to the OG 7hz Zero, and I dig it. Now, it’s not perfect by any means, it is only $30 so don’t expect anything crazy, but EPZ did indeed improve the driver which has better clarity now.

The overall sound of the Q1 Pro is pretty much the same as the Zero but it fixes the peaks in the treble that people found a bit sharp and metallic (well, at least my unit because you know, chifi qc and all that). So expect a very familiar clean and well-balanced sound where vocals and mids are the highlight of the show, open, extended, clear, and great for ballads, acoustics, indie and female vocals. The bass on the other hand is on the lighter side of things, not ideal for hiphop, EDM, rock, or low-end heavy tracks, but the overall control and punchiness is still there, just not enough for those imo.The vocals also does get a bit much at higher volume on some jpop and kpop tracks because of the uppermids emphasis, as well as just the nature of the vocal production and mixing, but at mid volume it’s not an issue.

In-terms of overall resolution, the driver EPZ is using is more resolving than the one in the Zero. You can hear the small nuances better, notes are a little more clear, and if I were to place it the Q1 Pro would be around the same tech as the EW200, but just not as v-shaped, so if you want more engagement and low-end then the EW200 is still the better all-rounder. And in-terms of layering and separation the Q1 Pro is one of the best under $50 because it’s so clean you can easily pick out the different instruments that otherwise would’ve gotten hidden away by the extra low-end from the EW200 or even the RED, and with the updated better driver it makes the Q1 Pro a better version of the OG Zero. So, f you really like that clean sound from the Zero and just wished for something with better clarity and less sharp, then that’s what the Q1 Pro was literally made for, and why it’s the direct upgrade from the OG Zeros

Comparisons (Artti R2, Simgot EW200, Truthear RED)

As for some other comparisons, the Artti R2 is another all-rounder like the EW200 and RED, but versus the Q1 Pro the R2 is warmer - not warm or bassy - just warmer than the Q1 Pro, and the R2 is also less extended and clean when it comes to the vocals. Basically, the Artti is a less sharp version of the EW200 as they’re essentially the same besides the treble where the R2 is less bright, and the Q1 Pro would be a cleaner version of the EW200 with more vocal emphasis, and in-terms of pure vocal enjoyment I would take the Q1 Pro over both the R2, EW200, and RED.

However, as an all-rounder the R2 and EW200 are going to be better as they have more low-end, less forward in the vocals which gives the sound more flexibility, better for more genres, and I would just avoid the RED entirely since the EW200 and R2 are just better all-rounders - I mean if you want something smooth, then sure, RED is fine, but it’s just too safe and boring imo, not as engaging like the EW200 & R2. On the other hand, if your library has a lot of acoustics, ballads, indie, slow-rock, instrumentals, and you listen around 65 to 80dbs then the Q1 Pro would be a good pick as it highlights the vocals & instruments beautifully, and the design looks the best imo as well.

Other Alternatives (Z300, QKZ HBB, Trio)

Now, obviously if you want something warmer or bassier you’d be better off with the Z300 or QKZ HBB, and if you wanted that subwoofer bass you have the KZ Castor as well (please don’t buy the Singolo for that unless you can find it for less than $40). Then lastly, if you just want a shit ton of bass, the Rosefinch is still amazing for that at mid-volume-higher volumes, and also the Hades if you want to blast your brains out.

Here’s the overall ranking of the Q1 Pro:
Tuning: A-
Tech: B
Final Ranking: B+

Thanks for reading :slight_smile:


Kefine Delci:
