JAY's audio memes (and reviews/ranking too I guess)

Brothers from different mothers!


I own both the R2 and the EW200, and I would have never thought that based on my own experience. I had fit issues with both. The nozzle angle on the R2 meant I struggled to hear any bass.

And this isn’t an anti Artti thing, since I put the R1 as my favorite under $100 currently, and it knocked Kailua into the number 2 spot. FTR, I will take Olina SE over the EA500 both OG and LM.


P1 MAX 2 :panda_face:

Tangzu x HBB NV:


P1 Green foam squiggly looks like my jam and same with new HBB collab. But the channel imbalance on the Tangzu🫣

1 Like

Some more:

Closest to OG P1 Max before re-tune is the retune + 300 Mesh:


Well I am cursed with Chifi QC so… :joy:


It feels like atleast once every couple weeks it happens with ya brother


The only things guaranteed in life are:

  1. Death
  2. Taxes
  3. Chifi QC



Question for you, Jay: when you and your boys were listening to Plunge Unity, how much time/effort did they put into tip rolling it before they called it as “meh”?

Just curious cause this is definitely one of those sets that getting the right fitment matters more than most, being able/willing to mix sizes on each ear does things…sometimes it even feels like on Monday a M will fit and then Friday, I swapped to a S and got a better fit. Or I’m so confused I’m talking myself in and out of tips.

What was your experience with it?


It’s a god damned shame what they did to the Panda name.

The stealth retune is absolutely wild to me….


As for as I know they didn’t have any issues with the fit, as did I, I tip-rolled them pretty well, tried like 5 different ones



The Symphonium Titan is one of the more unique bass focused IEMs I’ve heard in a while - it’s pretty good.

Shoutout to @wueer01 for the loan! What a G :sunglasses:

Now, normally there’s always some drawback or sacrifice when it comes to bass heavy sets because, well, they have a lot of bass and it takes away the audibility from the vocals or the smaller details. However, the Titan still has a good amount of bass and great quality - it’s no doubt a bassy set, definitely not neutral, but you can still hear the vocals clearly without losing too much detail or extension. Is it the cleanest or most open when it comes to the vocal extension? No, it’s a bass set, but it actually has better extension than the DUSK as a bass set, so that was a nice surprise.

But the main reason you’re here for is the low-end, and boy does it slam. It’s very well controlled like the Hype series so it doesn’t bleed into the mid-range but the mid-bass is still tactile and textured with good note weight, not the warmest but it has enough mid-bass for an engaging sound when it comes to the drums, bass guitars, and male vocals. The sub-bass also extends pretty deep, very rumbly and nuanced, you can hear the bass notes very clearly, and it does not distort the vocals unlike the Scarlet minis, again well-controlled but still gives you that impact and authoritative feeling in the notes.

The Titan is just a well-balanced bassy set, and it reminds me of the Monarch MK3s but just with more sub-bass (they graph very close), and obviously not as clear and detailed. But the good things don’t stop just at the mids as the treble is also well extended, and not sharp and peaky like the Maestro and Scarlet minis. The Titan doesn’t have many big peaks and dips - although there is a drop off after 15K, but it does come back up again to give you that air and open feeling, so it’s not the end of the world; it’s not a treble headset by any means, but for a bassy set the Titan does both the mids and treble very well on top of the slamming low-end.


Now imo, the Titan would have almost been the perfect bass IEM if it weren’t for the peak from 5K to 8K because on certain tracks with very forward snares like HULU for example, the Titan does get too sharp in those regions, and I find it to be a bit much with certain hiphop and kpop and jpop stuff. It scales decently well, but the Titan is more of a mid-volume set because of that 5-8K boost, although it’s still smoother than the Maestro and Scarlets, so just a heads up for that for certain tracks. Also, you need a good amount of juice to drive these just like the other Symphonium IEMs.

But overall, the Titan’s great - it’s fun, engaging with quality bass, it has a big sound, the head space feels opened, and most importantly it’s not overly warm or lacking extension in the other areas, so if you wanted a bassy set but still well-balanced, then the Titan would be the best pick under $1K currently.

vs Doscinco

Now as for some comparisons if you want a warmer, smoother sound, the Doscinco is still a very great warm/bassy IEMs, endgame for most people in that area, and it scales better as well - not as rumbly as the Titan, nor as clean and open like the Titan, but the Doscinco is fuller, smoother, and it works better for Hiphop, rock, jazz, and metal, and it’s also like 3x cheaper. Overall balance and “technical” performance goes to the Titan though.


The UP is a rather clean “basshead” IEM. The decay to the notes are very fast and tactile, and even more “balanced” than the Titan. Even though the Titan has more sub-bass and sounds more engaging overall, the rest of the frequency from the UP actually sounds very reminiscent of the Titan. Good vocal and treble extension, fairly smooth, not peaky, and scales decently well. However, as a “basshead” set the UP imo doesn’t have enough low-end to really be grouped in that category. It’s more of a bass-boosted neutral, so because of that I would take the Titan for low-end enjoyment/fun even though the UP’s bass quality is UP there, but just not enough in this context.

vs Maestro/Scarlet Mini

As for the Maestro Minis, the Titan is just a direct upgrade to those, less fatiguing in the uppermids and treble while still being engaging, not as sharp while the stage feels bigger as well, and overall I would take the Titan as both are going for that balanced-bassy sound at mid-volume, but the Titan just does it better.

But if you do want the most sub-bass, the most rumble, slam, and you don’t care about the bass bleeding and distorting the mids then the Scarlet minis are still a fun option - they’re not balanced by any means, but hey, at least you know what you’re getting yourself into with that fat bass-shelf

vs Grand Maestro

Now, versus the Grand Maestro (going off memory and notes) the Titan is just a mini version of it bass wise at 3x cheaper. They graph and sound very similar in the low-end with the only difference being the Grand Maestro sounds more energetic in the treble, which means more perceived treble detail, but also sharper and not as smooth. In-terms of variety and overall resolution the Grand Maestro is better in that area, it has ESTs and better drivers, but if we’re talking low-end only the Titan would be the much better buy coming in at $1K versus almost $3K - because the low-end tuning and bass quality is very similar on the Titan, so if you’re just here for the bass, get the Titan

vs Evo

Then lastly compared to the EVOs the Titan again is a much better value with no atrocious driver flex, not as resolving as the EVOs, but it’s a better and more balanced bass set because of the tamer uppermids and more sub-bass extension. The Titan works better with hiphop and rock whereas the Evo can be a little too aggressive sometimes, but hey @wueer01 likes it, so if you do like a v-shape bassy sound, then the Evos are still good, but I’m not sure if I would pay $3K for them, but hey it’s your money.

That aside, here is the final ranking:
Tonality: S-
ETech: A/A+
Overall: A+

Thanks for reading :slight_smile:


Happens more and more even when companies get caught they dont care.


Fantastic review again, my brother - well done!


Thank you brother :handshake:

Looking forward to your write up :wink:


If I can sell 5 more cars by the 30th, I’ll have a review coming by the end of May :sunglasses:


I had an excellent fit and seal and it still sounded like shit imo. The gimmick is that it’s tuned “for musicians”, trying to hide behind that for why the tuning is so far left field imo.

Sure it’s got great mids, but at the sacrifice of the things that accompany those mids.

I produce music, I listen to music and regardless of the two viewpoints I still consider it to be asking far too much for far too little. :joy:


I am in the market for an e92 M3 - if you’ve got a metallic silver one with a manual gearbox and sub 100k miles maybe you’ll have Titan sooner lmaoo


Oh I thought they were sending you one :rofl: my bad brother
Not set on the tuning yet for mine yet, but maybe my baby can help you out :smirk:

@wueer01 @GooberBM :face_with_peeking_eye:
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7Hz Aurora:

uh oh