JAY's audio memes (and reviews/ranking too I guess)

Or the Chifi QC RNGesus gave you a warmer better tuned version.
It was bound to give a good one at some point :wink:


Or, as shown by BGGAR, his coupler/mic underestimates the bass. Same unit btw: Gizaudio IEM Discussion Lounge (Ranking, Impressions, News) - #248 by hawaiibadboy


With a IEC711 coupler you need to use a Outboard DAC not the soundcard ideally ESS for a accurate bass response. Thats what I was told so I use a EPZ TP30.

THE PANDAS ARE BACK. So, there has been a lot of the same planar tunings recently - the T10, F1 Pro, Klanar, and of course all the S12s, which is why I’m happy to announce… the P1 MAX 2 is slightly different (lol)

In-terms of the overall sound the P1 MAX 2 follows a balanced sound signature, very familiar from it’s low-end up until the 2K-3K area, similar to the T10, F1 Pro, and Klanar in that regards, but the main difference occurs from 5-8K where the other planars have a more energetic uppermids presentation, and where a lot of the sizzle and sharpness normally exists. The Pandas instead tames the uppermids, making the overall playback smoother, less fatiguing, and instead boosts the air region giving that splashy feeling to the cymbals without the extra harshness.

This makes the Pandas synergize really good with other energetic genres like kpop, jpop, EDM, where most of the sharpness occurs in the 5-8K, and because the Pandas tame this region it helps balance out the extra fatigue that often happens on tracks like Butterfly by Loona, and Say it by Yorushika. The low-end texture is good -nothing crazy- not the most tactile or impactful, but it’s clean, doesn’t get in the way, and it’s enough to not be anaemic as there’s enough mid-bass where the drums, bass guitars, and male vocals don’t sound thin.

The timbre on the Pandas are also a step up over the other ones, it doesn’t have that much of “planar” sizzliness or that sharp metallic feeling, and note-weight is good, not too heavy but not floating off like some of the other planars either. As an all-rounder, this is my favourite planar mainly because the cut in the 5-8K region saves my ears since that region does get too much and become too sharp on the T10s, S12s, and all those. Overall, there’s a nice balance between the treble with the low-end and vocals without any region jumping out too much, or over emphasising certain elements.

vs OG P1 MAX

Now, the P1 MAX 2 isn’t as “special” and mid-centric as the OG P1 MAX before it got a silent retune, the OG pre-retune Pandas scales much better, they’re more immersive with a very forward midrange while having solid low-end texture and treble extension, which means even though the OGs have more of that “special sauce” in the mids, as a result of focusing more on a specific FR, the OGs aren’t as flexible and versatile as the P1 MAX 2 when it comes to just hitting shuffle on your entire library because the vocals are more pushed back to make room for other instruments.

Likewise the re-tuned version of the OG P1 MAX actually sounds very similar to the P1 MAX 2, but just not as refined, and sharper in the treble, and not as smooth. Technical performance wise they’re both pretty similar, and imo if you already have the re-tuned OG version then you don’t need the P1 MAX 2. Also, you can still get the OG Pandas sound by placing a 300 mesh on the re-tuned p1 max, and a 500 mesh on the P1 MAX 2, but overall the P1 MAX 2 is just a very solid all-rounder and imo if you listen to a lot of jpop/kpop, and tuning wise the Pandas sounds more complete in the vocals than the Dusk mainly because of the 2K boost followed by the cut at 5K.


When it comes to fully extended vocals you can either have a gradual gain from 2K to 8K like Harman, or an early rise followed by a cut in the uppermids like the Pandas so things don’t become fatiguing because you are pushing the vocals more forward, however, it’s not recommended to have both, meaning there shouldn’t be an earlier rise followed by more uppermids since that will sound too fatiguing and forward, and likewise if you have the Harman gain without following through until 8K then you lack the final extension like the Dusk. So with the better vocals in mind, the Pandas also follows a similar uppermids cut for those more energetic genres like jpop and kpop, but with good treble extension as well.

For what the Dusk is trying to do, which is being an all-rounder that’s good for pop/jpop/kpop, the Pandas actually does this type of sound better because of the better vocals while maintaining a smooth and balanced playback. The only real weakness of the P1 Max 2 is the low-end, but even then it’s not really a weakness, like the bass is still good, it’s not light or pillowy, has good note-weight, but it’s just not as textured and impactful versus something like the Hype 4.

Now resolution and detail wise the Dusk is still better, but the Pandas aren’t too far behind since it’s a planar afterall, and at more than half the price of the Dusk, as an all-rounder, I would pick the Pandas and then save up for a sound that’s more unique, like the P20 for example, but more on that in the P20 review.


As for some other comparisons versus the Nova my preference is the P1 MAX 2 because it’s not as shouty in the uppermids with certain tracks because of the tamer 5-8K, but the Nova does feel more complete and correct because it does fill in that region at the cost of scaling and some shout at higher volumes. Tech wise the Nova is also slightly better, it sounds sharper, cleaner, with more sub-bass rumble while low-end texture wise they’re around the same, but the main difference is that the P1 MAX 2 is a smoother, slightly warm, all-rounder, whereas the Nova is, well, you know, Harman 2019, it’s cleaner and more-balanced.


Versus the CKLVX or Pula, the CKLVX is going to sound airier and the vocal and low-end feels fuller and less light, it’s not as clean as PMAX 2 since the mid-bass does bloom out more, but it doesn’t bleed per say, it just gives the vocals a heavier note-weight. I still like the CKLVX better, it’s still probably my favourite under $200, the timbre sounds more natural, not as light, fuller, and it scales very good with certain tracks and gives you that dreamy, airy, but still full sound that you just don’t get with the Pandas.

And as some of you requested (on youtube) for me to compare the CKLVX with the Dusk, basically, the CKLVX is a fuller, airier version of the Dusk that’s less detailed. The vocals feel better extended because of the extra air. Based off my unit, if you’re going to have a cut in the uppermids you either need way more treble air for the end transients like the CKLVX, or else the vocals don’t feel finished because you blunted the extension. Or, you can have an early rise like the Pandas as well, but you just can’t have neither if you’re going for an uppermids cut Moondrop, that just makes the vocals sound boring, flat, and blunted. Technical performance the Dusk is going to be better there, its transients are sharper and more resolving, but tonality wise the CKLVX is so much more unique and enjoyable for me.

Worth it?

So, if you’re looking for an all-rounder then either the P1 MAX 2, or Nova would be the better buy over some of the more expensive stuff like the Dusk, I would skip the $300 range unless there’s a unique tuning, and just save up and buy something more specialised for a different sound profile. On the other hand if you’re looking to upgrade and only care about technical performance, then the other planars like the T10, Klanar, F1 Pro will all still still work and are probably the better value there, but just not as smooth and more sharper and unnatural compared to the Pandas, tech wise they’re very similar.

Here’s the Final Ranking for the P1 MAX 2:
Tonality: A/A+
Tech: A-
Overall: A

Thanks for reading :sunglasses:


So I asked simgot about the difference, and they said that there’s another version of them that they want to send me later, which is the final version, so these 2 are samples then I’m guessing


I never understood the point of sending samples that aren’t the final version unless they are explicitly asking for your input. It just further muddies the waters


So final version is Supermix 4LM? :sweat_smile:


so they like to confuse people, Simgot kinda loses credibility because you dont really know what to expect anymore

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these are PRE-PRODUCTION samples and not the final sound, it’s more for feedback, but ya I agree they should make it more clear


Ah ok, so your YouTube review is of a pre-production sample? (I haven’t watched yet)

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ya pre-production/first impressions (I mention it in the video ^^)


First Impressions and comparisons of the SUPERMIX4 to some other stuff like the Chopin, Nova, Dusk, Hype 4.

I made the review before the price was set, but I was informed this morning that the SUPERMIX4 will be around $150 USD :exploding_head:


That’s an awesome value. Thanks for the video.


We we’re talking how if it’s under $350 to $300 it’d be a hit, but SIMGOAT comes in and drops it at $150 lol wtf


It seems like they took a 250-dollar iem, and made it a disruptor, and removed all the extra brightness. Day 1 buy.


YUP, but just FYI it’s still a pre-production unit, but I’ll let you guys know once they ship me the retail one

Good shit from Simgot once again


some characters to allow me to get to the point
:eyes: :eyes: :eyes: :eyes:


Whats the talk about final tuning different from early samples?

I am always cautious now about releasing vids bieng caught off guard twice once by Hisenior and Myer-Audio

Not Final tuning your impressions could be way-off and steer people one way or the other? Thats what I worry about now after bieng burned.


First impressions, they want some feedback, I mentioned it in the video and comments, but if they do change the tuning of course I’ll let everyone know how the new one is :+1:

But going off the current feedback from my comment section, I doubt they will, similar to what they did with the LM (the “pre-production” nozzle I got wasn’t significantly different than the retail one).

If they do change it significantly I’ll make sure to call them out on it since that’s very annoying :angry:


they need at least 5 more db of bass :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: