JAY's audio memes (and reviews/ranking too I guess)

Damn - now I can see why I liked the SM4’s so much lmaooooo - the Titan’s have lived in my ears the past few weeks.


Aren’t the 8k peaks supposed to align?

Noticed you mention this before also.
As I can see from your YT review, you did review the current version of Hisenior Mega5EST. All the Blue ones are made with the current version, only the older translucent shell style IEMs purchased earlier last year is the old version.

I bet it was just not good for you.


:person_shrugging: idk which “peak” is the 8k resonance since it doesn’t look like there is one


Our group got a early opportunity to purchase the Okavango, T4 , EST . Funny enough we all agreed on the same thing on the 3 a rare thing indeed.

T4 standout tuning

Okavango wackadoo treble switches - got retuned and vents fixed silently

EST soft pullowey bass lack of detailed top end - was retuned and driver swapped i believe then anniversary edition further evolved.

If it just me i would question the results but all 4 of us hearing the same thing and talking about it was clear what happened post initial reviews.

So was your review on the anniversary edition or the regular one and are they tuned differently? If tuned differently that’s really confusing of hisenior to do. I would think an anniversary edition would be a purely cosmetic change


All the blue ones from Anniversary is the same, what I heard from Gareth in Hisenior. The Anniversary model was when they improved the Mega5EST, better venting, smaller shell, some driver change. Then they also got it into the original design, so both are the same.

I bet it’s just different how we all hear it, nothing wrong by that :+1:

Also @ToneDeafMonk I know they fixed the Okavango venting as the first units we both had driver flex. They fixed it since some of us complained, not really a retune but a fix to improve the product.
About the treble switches what was wrong? Used mine with it down as it got to agressive for me.


Crin snuck in a shadow collab :stuck_out_tongue:


$300 shootout with the bois :sunglasses:

SUPERMIX4, Dusk, Hype 4


Guess the 2 graphs (no cheating :eyes:)


Supermix4 pre-Production and Production versions?


A Moondrop set L&R channel graph :man_shrugging:t2::smile:



That’s a good one wouldn’t surprise tbh


Would be nice if we have AI capabilities of suggesting the most similar IEM tuning/measurement in the market from the graph/model you provided.

I tried the current GPT and ask for an IEM that has a similar tuning with Blon03, it keeps suggesting Tin Hifi T4, Moondrop Starfield and KZ ZS10 Pro lol.


Elysian Pilgrim Initial Impressions:

So it looks like either Elysian or HifiGo saw my video and decided to send me one in for review (shoutout to them, thank you), but since I’m on vacation right now this will just be a brief comparison to some of the current market leaders, full review when I get back :sunglasses:

Pilgrim Overall Sound
—Clean and clear tuning
—Balanced with no frequency sticking out
—All-rounder sound
—Good bass texture on the same level as the Dusk and Hype 4
—Slightly airy in the end transients of vocals
—The most resolving out of the 3

vs Hype 4
—Hype 4 is fuller, and more engaging, the sound feels more forward and big
—Vocals are slightly more forward on the Hype 4
—Bass is more enjoyable and more impactful on the Hype 4 while still being well-controlled
—Smoother in the uppermids/treble and scales better at the cost of slightly less resolution vs the Pilgrim
—Overall I still like the Hype 4 better because it’s just more engaging and musical

vs Dusk
—Pilgrim is basically just a better version of the Dusk, same tuning style, balanced, clear, clean, but just with better vocals and more natural treble (less sharp)
—If you’re picking between these 2, grab the Pilgrim, the build, design, and cable is much better too

—Same tuning style, clean, clear, but supermix4 is a little smoother at the cost of slightly less resolution
—Bass texture is better on the Pilgrim, more quantity and impact as well
—The Pilgrim is a slight upgrade over the Supermix4, but at x2 the price I think you’re better off getting the EM10

vs SIMGOT EM10 (pre-production version)
—EM10 is a better version of the Pilgrim with similar tuning style (clean, clear, all-rounder)
—More detailed, airier treble, and better vocal clarity/air in the end transients (EM10 reminds me of the Monarch MK2/MK3)
—If they price the EM10 around the same as the Pilgrim then I would skip the Pilgrim and get the EM10 (direct upgrade to the Supermix4)

All in all a solid release from Elysian, the build is beautifully made, solid metal, cable is one of the best at the price as well, packaging is also price leading… however, would I buy it myself? Probably not.

It’s no doubt a great all rounder set with great resolution, but, the sound is nothing special. If I wanted another all-rounder I would either grab the SUPERMIX4 at half the price and much better value, or the Hype 4 with its bigger and fuller sound, or the EM10 which is just a better version of the Pilgrim (depending on the release price of the EM10 it can easily replace it). So, for those reasons I would wait it out for other releases that do something more different.

QC wise I don’t think mine has a channel imbalance (can’t measure because they sent me a 4.4mm cable with their special connector :roll_eyes: and I don’t have a 4.4 to 3.5 on me right now), but I’ll graph it once I my adapter comes in, but ya, that’s all for now, thanks for reading :sunglasses:


Great impressions, thanks for this. Any idea on how much the em10 might be?


Nope, but if it’s under $500 they’re good to go :+1:

And if it’s around $300 it’s GG


Damn, sick impressions brother, thanks for sharing.

I should be getting a pilgrim in for review as well but it won’t be for another month or something.

You have gotten my attention in terms of the EM10.


Good for everyone that there’s more than enough options for everyone to get good sound and support who they choose to.

Yay for the hobby!


I guess the real question. Hype 4 vs EM10. Seems like Hype 4 is an unstoppable juggernaut?