Jaytiss Reviews and Ranking

Hey, TDM, it was not on purpose. But, I will stand by my assessment. I don’t need to hear a 4BA set that retails for nearly $700 to call bullshit. And I don’t care about them being a “small boutique brand”. I care about people getting ripped off. And that is exactly what this is. There is NO WAY you are getting your money’s worth with this set. I don’t care how you try to frame it. They got it wrong. Unless of course they were simply targeting elitist nerds with nothing better to do with their money. Well then, I guess they got it right. The times, they are a changin’. This was simply a misread of the current market. And the money going into R&D would have been increased substantially if they had made the price more approachable. But they didn’t. And in doing so, they cut themselves off from the average consumer. Besides that, they surely have made plenty of money for R&D with their CIEMs. So this is greed on top of stupidity. You really cannot defend that. But of course, you will try.

Ugh. Talk about beating a dead horse. Yeah, we get it. You’re a Plunge fanboy who is stuck coping with a $700 set that should have cost $250 at most. You’ve made your point. But unless you were in the room with Jaytiss, checking to see if he had a proper seal, then you will have to accept the fact that he did. He is well aware of what a proper seal on an earphone is. You just don’t like his conclusions about the set. So what? If you like them, then that is all that should matter to you. Just enjoy them and stop trying to make the world “like” an overpriced, underperforming set. Not everyone has $700 to just throw at the hobby. If you do, then good on ya.


Just wondering, since is seems you perceive value to be based primarily on driver count, do you also rant about the myriad of companies such as Sennheiser, Sony, Symphonium, and many others who offer IEMs over $600 with only a handful of drivers?

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Well said! The problem is that they are marketing this to audiophiles and audio-enthusiasts. If those 3 categories are the ones that they people they are targeting, then be transparent about it. Someone who is new to the hobby and has the discretionary income to purchase this set is going to be lead down the wrong path. They’re either going to be turned off from the hobby entirely, or they are going to think that this is the way $700 “audiophile” sets are supposed to sound. Either way, that is a problem. All this set is doing is making the hobby more exclusionary and elitist. And that is absolutely NOT what we need right now. We are on the precipice of IEMs really taking off as something that interests and satisfies the general public. And everything about this set flies in the face of that. We should be doing everything we can to get as many people into this as possible. It IS about the music and how people are able to enjoy it. It is NOT about how much money we can get out of people based on our name and reputation.

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By the way, I really like your channel. I watch your reviews fairly often. So no, I was not taking a cheap shot at you. And I do believe that what you are doing benefits the community as a whole. And I do appreciate you have both passion and knowledge when you take to the 'tubes. So it wasn’t personal man. not at all.

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I don’t buy them. I don’t review them. They exist for people who have the discretionary income to purchase them. And it is not all about driver count. It is also about driver quality and implementation. Obviously all of those come into play. What I am saying is that 4BA drivers, no matter how good and how well they are utilized does not merit a $671 retail price. I will say that about any iem producer, not just Plunge Audio. All you have to do is look up how much a Sonion driver costs and you will see the incredible amount of mark-up on this set. Many companies do this, for sure. But the companies who don’t? Those are the ones who are moving forward in this hobby. And those are the ones who will get my praise and not draw my ire. No matter how you look at it, there is no way to defend the price of this set. None.


All companies minus KZ do this. That’s why I asked since I don’t see you complaining about all the other companies. Drivers are cheap, the cost of an item isn’t in the driver.

You mention it’s not about driver count and then proceed to say the IEM cant possibly be worth that cause of only having 4 sonion BAs. Unless you are gonna start ripping on literally every other company it just seems like you got it out for Plunge Audio

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I got to be honest, brother. I think that if you had the chance to listen to say, the Crimson from Symphonium, you would change your stance. Even though those are $1600 retail “only” being 4 BA, they are impressive start to finish. The R&D that went into that pair of IEMs is pretty damn sick, they accomplish more than most tribrids that cost double the price with only 4 BAs.


I think this’s true, it’s more about implementation and tuning than just $ per driver…if a set is worth Z to you and your library then it’s worth Z to you, who’s to argue?..I really don’t get this value thing…music is valuable, how you go about and what you spend on enjoying it is…

Trust your own ears.com :smile:


One Hundred % Mr. Ohm!

The Crimsons blew me away when I had them in house for review. $1600 ain’t cheap by no means, but they definitely punch above their price group in terms of techs if you can believe it. Resolution, details and staging was bonkers.


This 24 driver set is barely worth the price of the Unity…

What is that…like 670 street price

But I love em


I’m with bassdad with regard to prices getting absurd. My first car was $1600 :rofl: but as long as people are willing to cough up there will be a market for them. Personally I’m eyeing off the next Simgots :eyes:


Brah If you’re after $ v’s $ bargain then buds =


Aaaaalright, I get you! Hahaha and I honestly agree - $1600 is absurd for a pair of IEMs! But for me it’s more so the experience. Music is so closely ingrained within my self that I can justify spending the cash if something audio related gives me the feels.


Time For A Crusade


Looks like Riku still has the B3 incoming…


Funniest shit ever…seriously where the have you been for the last 5 years?


Hey, I just wanted to say that Justin from Plunge Audio reached out. I don’t want to disclose what he said, but suffice it to say I think it was professional and kind. I do appreciate the kindness, and I wish him all the luck in the world in their future endeavors. I will say this to the bad actors here, and future bad actors here. Your actions aren’t appreciated here.

If you want to take things to pm, please do. But I’m not going to answer trolls or attacks here. To those who defended me, thank you. I was in a very bad mood yesterday due to this drama. My mental health isn’t the best, and I’m human not a robot.

Constructive feedback is always welcome. This is not a day job for me, and I have no goals of this ever being one. I have a satisfying and secure career. I always want to improve as a reviewer to be more clear in what I do. But like any skill, it takes time and patience.

I’m working on an indirect response video and it should be up before the weekend, but I don’t want the response to be half-baked, and want to sleep on it and think about a few things before I film it, and it is mostly written already. I have wanted to talk about my core values, and philosophy more, so it’s not exactly a response video as much as a two-birds-with-one-stone style video.


Right on! Totally feel you !