Jaytiss Reviews and Ranking

Graphs are only a small part of how a in ear sounds and if that is all you are going off you can not say you know what it sounds like.

This has become more about the questions being suppressed and not the actual first thing i said.

Usually i would have left it alone but as to delete and deflect with no information or methodology how you came to that conclusion when people use your platform for buying advice.

People who have the power of guiding the flow of a narrativeā€¦for instance in this caseā€¦Jaytissā€¦
and only because he has a 'tube channelā€¦puts themselves in a place of authority

since he is moderating the the flow of the narrativeā€¦he puts himself in a position that encourages reciprocityā€¦
whether positive or negativeā€¦ I guarantee youā€¦there will be a retort

Sooooā€¦opinions are like you know whatā€¦there are quite a few of themā€¦braggarts and charlatans as well as modest and forthright individuals

we are adultsā€¦I do believe

Corinthians 13:11

When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.



I did not mean any malice in questioning your findings, I wanted to know directly from you and you just answered it. The reason as i stated was that kind of finding aligns more with a bad fit.

This whole thing got blown out of proportion.

The shadow banning was a mistake in my eyes and warranted questioning.

I do accept the apology for shadow banning and being honest about it, The intent was for a conversation not whatever this just was.


If you want to tell me what your Youtube is, I will lift that shadowban. Thank you. You can pm me if you want as well.

The offer goes to anyone else who feels they might have been shadowbanned.


Blinked for a sec and we have a civil war going on here :joy:

Bro thought this was headfi


I respect your opinion, I understand the Plungies better than most. I am sad you felt the need to bring down the video and I get why you did it.

One thing I would suggest is talk to Simon and he has some real suggestions and get a fresh take on the way the Unity and Plungies are meant to be inserted as it is a huge difference to all oher IEMā€™S. And he is a awesome guy and in the least you might learn a bunch like I did.

No harm. You need his cell PM me.


Once he said he is on all the forums and then mentioned HeadFi I rolled my eyes and thoughtā€¦ā€¦goodness hear we go.

Iā€™ll stay outta the way

@Jaytiss keep doing what your doing brother. No need for anyone to come into our community and all thisnonsense to happen

Donā€™t mind meā€¦just a quiet 37 year old family man,that has ears and enjoys the tunes.

Donā€™t forget folksā€¦every fucking body has an opinion. Yā€™all be kind out therešŸ¤™


Ahem. Hello. Is this thing on? tap tap tap
At this point I feel it is necessary to address the REAL elephant in the room. A 4BA set in a 2x2 configuration that retails for nearly $700 is a dinosaur. Well, actually itā€™s a fossil. If you have purchased on and are enjoying it, that is great, but it doesnā€™t mean the set is infallible. It just means you paid in 2024 what this set was possibly worth 5 years ago. IEMs are getting better and prices are getting lower. I am not going to speak on how they sound because I havenā€™t heard them. What I will speak about is the fleecing of the audio-enthusiast community. That is what I have a problem with. Just because Plunge has made their name on CIEMs for professionals does not automatically make them immune to criticism. We all know that there are sets out there for 1/3 the price that can compete with the Unity. We all know that IEMs around that price point probably run circles around the Unity. You cant just say ā€œWe are Plungeā€ and expect everyone to swoon and hit the ā€œbuy nowā€ button. There is a golden age in progress at the moment and the decision to release an ā€œEntry Levelā€ UIEM at $671 was tone deaf at best, and an attempted money grab at worst. Look, I get not wanting to devalue your brand, but for what actually being offered in this set, the price is just ridiculous (maybe not as bad as the single BA set that sold for $1K a few years ago, but headed in that direction). People are smarter than that. And 95% of the audio-enthusiast community cannot afford to spend almost $700 for a single set anyway. So you have the folks that can afford it, and of those people you have an even smaller number who actually will buy it. And its probably just so they can say they own a Plunge IEM. Which is just dumb. Sorry, not sorry. The smart (and responsible) thing to do would have been to release this IEM somewhere around the $300 mark. That seems to be the point where diminishing returns really starts to kick in and it is the stopping price for most people as well. If they had done that, they would have gotten a lot more people with their earphones in consumersā€™ ear holes. It also kind of makes you look like one of the ā€œgood guysā€ and that you actually care about your customers. $671 for a 4BA set is (Sonion or not) simply ignorant. Or greedy. Or both. Anyway that is my two cents. I am glad that you stuck to your guns Jaytiss my man. Donā€™t let coping fanboys push you around. You might have hurt their feels, but they are grown-ups. Theyā€™ll be okay. Well at least until they hear something much better than the Unity for less than half of the price. Which they will. Or maybe not. Apparently that set is endgame for some. lol.
Ps. @Jaytiss - Are you sure you had a proper seal??? LMFAO!!!


And out of nowhere throwing cheap shots (Tone Deaf ) not sure if that was intentionally phrased or poorly worded like the rest of the run on ramble.

Easy for someone who has never listened to the set to criticize the brand not caring to know the backstory or learn anything about what makes them different and special.

The Unity is something I will never pick up and listen to. Not my speed not my preferred tuning and not my intended use bieng a strictly monitor like tuning for a specific application.

If KZ has a 16 BA set for $40 and thats your speed and get enjoyment from it then I am happy for that person just as much for someone who buys a $8000 set and love that.

Driver count dont mean value / proper tuning or any semblance of quality to the enlightened anyway.

In My Opinion as we are all allowed to have one.

Yes I will defend Plunge here becuase its a small Boutique brand with all the money going into R&D and knowing what Simon puts into his gear and how much time and mindfull thought goes into Plunge, I think the value equation is legit.

The Unity has a intended audience for musicians and studio use and for what it doesnā€™t sound like is it best trait.


Video, is back up. Iā€™ll be talking about my review process and ethics in a bit probably on Thursday or so. Iā€™m pretty emotionally drained from a few things atm.


Dont think you need to defend yourself Jay.

Division and dialog is a good thing.
Glad your not a sheep bro.
Take care.


Keep doing what you do, brother. Take care!


This is a hobby, not a job, man. Take care of the mental health first. Do whatcha gotta do but donā€™t do it to the detriment of your own well being.


Iā€™m glad @Jaytiss is more tolerant of stupidity than I am and you guys have sorted this out through your ā€˜graciousā€™ acceptance of his extraneous apology - cant remember seeing yours thoughā€¦ - seems you are still ignorant/ unflinching to your own part in the proceedings.

Only good thing is it saves me having to reply to that absolute dumpster fire of a post you made. No point wasting energy trying to reason logically with illogical people who cannot even remember what they have said or comprehend what others reply - your points/ ā€˜factsā€™ moved around more than a postman with the shits.


Wow it almost felt like the Penon thread on headfi


Gloss over simple fact and play it out how you want to.

Tolerance you speak of was him deleting and manipulating comments.

Too bad he deleted the video instead of answering my main question the first time, you all would have seen the comments or lack there of.

You all jumped on me for questioning his findings because those EXACT findings would be ones of a person not having a proper seal and fit.

The irony is you all jumped when you had ZERO context of why i asked him. He willingly knew he was shadow banning the exact question and still chose to double down.

You can all get into your feeling and be hurt but i was objective in my question.

It took everyone else answering for him, for him to give a half baked i tried some tips and it wasnā€™t for me answer.

If you think I need to apologize for asking a reviewer how he came to his conclusions when they line up with user errorā€¦ and instead of engaging in a civil conversation that it was he deletes the comments because he wanted it to go away?

He cant delete them here my guy so put some context behind it.

As for everyone that jumped thatā€™s your problem, the question was to him but thanks for your input.

Chap itā€™s like you were never taught as a child how to interact with peopleā€¦ I already provided a tutorial in how to ask nicely - yet ā€œcivil conversationā€ is how you are now framing your postsā€¦ :exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head: As you said Hifiguides is great in that you cannot really hide from any nonsensical content.

You donā€™t NEED to apologize / you make your own decisions / and I donā€™t believe anyone asked you to apologize (as noone asked @Jaytiss). I used it to show your lack of self awareness / something you have perfectly exemplified once again in that last post.

The amusing thing is what do you think he was supposedly running from - answering questions about how to fit an IEMā€¦? scary shit indeed. You not only imply but directly state manipulation which by its definition means there was an underlying motivation - so please enlighten us about what it isā€¦ as you have pursued him long enough and from your last message still do not accept his answer regarding the fit. Your warped idea of evidence is all based on subjective personal experience - another explanation could just be that they didnā€™t work for him, or you and him just see things differently - @Jaytiss has previously explained his super high esteem for the Aful Performer 5 as you can see on his ranking list / just because this elite positioning goes against the mainstream and I personally do not agree does not make him wrong and me right - and it also doesnā€™t make me think he is in cohoots with Aful or on some deep conspiracy laden scheme to mislead consumers. In fact he has been more responsive to community feedback (not always great and that has included coming from me) on his reviewing than most which has led to inclusions of sound and personal bias positioning within his ranking list. Given this tolerance, I wonder why your comment was not responded toā€¦

If @Jaytiss was on some scammy shit / this forum would jump on him as it has others in the past - and yes I agree he shouldnā€™t delete comments on his videos but equally he doesnā€™t need to respond to them. So what would be his gain here in saying he doesnā€™t like an IEMā€¦ He has no personal skin in the sales game as he isnā€™t a maker or affiliated with one as far as I know atleast and we all know bad reviews do not exactly enshrine a reviewer with manufacturers - allowing them to get free review samplesā€¦ So why get madā€¦ What harm does he pose in saying he doesnā€™t gel with an IEM? Normally only people with ties to the maker would find this an issueā€¦? - or perhaps the irony here really is that you got triggered and are so irrationally full of self importance and low of time taking responsibilities that you chased someone across multiple days and forums because they didnā€™t answer your rudely made accusatory posts which you have demonstrated for all to see over the last day. :man_shrugging:


I havenā€™t listened to the Unity, but from FR and some comments I can conclude that they are made for: 1. Studio monitoring - so they will not appeal to most audiophiles, focused on the music, not the IEM itself, 2. Musicians on stage - the professional work of the musician hardly corresponds to the audiophile experience, 3. Heavy audiophiles who have 100 IEMs and have listened to at least < 300 IEMs and like the different nature of Unity.
So if you donā€™t fall into any of the three categories you can go wild over someoneā€™s experience with Unity. Butā€¦that makes the argument pointless, that doesnā€™t mean heā€™s right about it. ā€œIn the dispute is born the truthā€ or not - in my opinion, this dispute puts a negative burden on both sides. :neutral_face:
Enjoy the music :innocent:ā€¦


I think itā€™s high time TO MOVE ON from the Unity debacle, I think all parties involved have had their sayā€¦3 cents worth in some cases.
So please if you feel the need to continue this inane ā€˜debateā€™ please keep it to DMā€™s, Iā€™m getting tired of the same back and forth as Iā€™m sure most folk are.
Iā€™ve ignored all the flags so far but if anything else is flagged Iā€™ll be pissed, Iā€™ve got better things to be doing than over seeing this thread.

Thank you


