Jaytiss Reviews and Ranking

Ohm…not only has he not merited a limit increase…he stepped over the line

he deserves to be treated as a hostile witness

at this juncture…I can see only one viable option

ban…ban…ban…and then ban again

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If we ban someone then we can’t publicly shame them for their behaviour and stupidity… They will just go off and become an incel with a Facebook group…

Dilemma - one is more fun than the other


This thread is getting wild…I fuckin love it

four folks replying at the same time


Projecting your own take on what just happened is delusional in itself.

I made my point.
Was I suppose to reply agree to every @Coldchillin response?

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yeah…you’re right…let’s do it slowly


You called me out publically. I told you the review and opinion stands in an attempt to brush you off. I deleted hoping you two would go away and this business would end. Both attempts for you guys to leave the forum were unsuccessful. I will be reuploading tonight, or in the next week because I have a life and job.

If you want to claim the Plunge Audio Unity is the greatest iem ever great, my opinion of that product will not take away from your enjoyment, nor should it.

I’m glad that you found that iem a great product. I did not. There is no truth in audio. You either like a product or you don’t. Simple as.


:joy: try harder

Atleast you realise projecting someone’s own opinion onto a situation would be delusional - you know for example like saying how your experience with an IEM must be true for everyone, or those other people must have not used them correctly… :man_shrugging::man_shrugging::man_shrugging:

Im just shocked to see an adult really this triggered by a review to subsequently hound a complete stranger over multiple days across multiple platforms, not because they have scammed anyone but instead solely because their audio take differs…

I don’t think that would necessarily help your points so not sure it’s relevant… Probably would also be a little vacuous and self serving since you both clearly coordinated your questioning here today


Lets make it clear that you lack understanding in this situation. Good try tho.

The question was clear, why did his take differ so much from the general findings of the in ear. Is this the first time a reviewer has been asked about proper fit due to a review being so off that there could be a variable we haven’t been told. But again instead Jay responding for himself had you all answer for him.

I comment on this forum as much as i do their. the conversation would never have gone anywhere if my comments were not being deleted and hidden. Your foil hat is showing. The only reason i saw his review was his post HERE…

Kind of odd the only two peoples comments being hidden and deleted were the ones questioning him…

@Jaytiss You are a public figure in this hobby dude what are you talking about?

You are the active problem here by openly admitting to deleting the messages.

Did you read that out loud to yourself before you wrote it dude…

I asked a simple question and instead of your elaborating on how you came to the conclusion you deleted and deflected…

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Don’t take it personal mate the keyboard warriors are the one constant in life. I own the Penon 10th and i think its a hot mess while everyone else sings its praises.
Subjective audio perception is just that. Just like musical taste


Nothing I said or asked about was subjective…

No seal, bad fit = no bass, shrill…

that’s not a preference in sound you are mixing the two up.

the keyboard warriors are those that decided to chime into a conversation that only one person could have responded to.

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You make it out like listening to IEMs is a complicated matter… :joy:
Life must be hard

I don’t need to try - your doing this all to yourself

@Jaytiss purpose as a reviewer is not to blindly agree - this is called an echo chamber. He is tasked with being consistent to his own reviews and not to the opinions of others. He presented his view - if you don’t like it - tough - you have your own/ your not going to die by his deadly wording, and in future just don’t read or watch his reviews if it proves this harmful for your mental health.

Chap you didn’t pose a question you stated your opinion as some sort of fact that he was fitting the IEM incorrectly and then made a rhetorical yet purposely insinuating comment that he did not do any homework on the subject, as if he was not fit to do the review.

I mean in general what are you trying to imply

  1. he has an agenda - well what is it???
  2. his ears are shot and he shouldn’t be a reviewer - are you his boss? Are you the audio police? Why is this so personal? If this is the case people naturally will stop watching or reading his content - market dictates outcome - remember people are not at each other’s beck & call as you pointed out earlier.

Life lesson for you - how to ask things nicely, or even just normally in this case, so that people respond.

“Jaytiss - how did you find the fit and seal as I know these are notoriously difficult (Founder even made a video on it) and I have found it really affects the sound?”

Wasn’t that hard was it…

Chap you admitted to using multiple platforms to question him. What is this Kafkaesque bullshit I am living through…

@Jaytiss - never a good look to delete yours or even worse another users comments regardless of whether justified or not – just give arseholes time to cook and they eventually do what has happened here to themselves.

I thought someone who is championing free speech & group thought would always defer to the wisdom of the crowd as you proposed regarding his review differing from the masses so it must be wrong… :man_shrugging:


Nenad…don’t take it personal…it’s only Tuesday so people are still pissed at their boss…wife…the guy who cut them off on the road…the rude lady at the deli counter…the police station taking their sweet-ass time approving your handgun permit…the neighbor who keeps throwing parties at all hours of the night (without being invited)…the shithead who dings your car because he has to swing HIS car door wide open…the 2000 dollar vet bill for the pet…

wait a sec…I just realized I’m f’n pissed off too

anyway…your a cool dude but just don’t







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Public figure? Really… I wouldn’t go that far. I have a small YouTube channel.

As far as YouTube shadowbaning. Yes, I shadowban everyone there who is rude. This is a common practice that Youtube allows to protect people uploading videos and try to foster a safe community. I don’t want toxic people in my life trying to fight me over an iem that I wasn’t a fan of. I will continue to shadowban anyone on youtube who is being rude. I just don’t have time for people that are that negative. I think this is fair. I’m sure I’ve been shadowbanned from other channels, and I got in some drama not long ago that was 100% my fault.

As to your question.
Here is how I tested the Plunge Audio Unity:

I listened to it with multiple tips on both sets of my test tracks which are public tidal lists for multiple hours with songs that I like. I didn’t have fit problems and found it a very comfortable iem. I didn’t find it competitive or enjoyable. End of story. If you think I’m wrong. That’s ok. Let’s be civil and move on with our lives.

I’ve tried on multiple occasions to be the bigger man here, but I feel this is getting out of control. Let’s be civil. If I offended you because of the shadowban, I apologize.


I haven’t listened to the unity, but from the graphs on squig, I can see why Jay would say no bass and shrill.

Also, why do people get so upset and defensive when other people don’t like iem’s they enjoy?


Human nature…everyone needs to be heard in the herd

It’s a social skillset ingrained in our DNA…helps us find our place in the hierarchy of a structured group

In this case…our passion for monitors


giphy (4)


You obviously have zero context of what happened prior to this even being asked on the forums where i got his YouTube link from. So using your foil hat to summon up a villan arc that i hunted him down is pretty wild as to the question was simple.


But hey let me say it again who watches the videos posted before responding right?

So you are proving my point and not yours. he can question it but I can not question his techniques and how he got to his conclusion???

If you had watched the video maybe you’d have context as to why.

The question was direct and there was zero malice he clearly via his video and comments showed lack of knowledge and willingness to even tell us how he got to that conclusion?

Answering your two points, Your right my question was meant to elicit a better responce than i just didnt like it…

You are mixing up separate things that have happened in this thread, I questioned him on why his finding were EXACTLY what would happen if he fit the in ear in wrong,

For you to tell me that the group attack mentality you all had when the question was simple and he did not want to back up why and how he came to those conclusions…