Jaytiss Reviews and Ranking

Fair, but that doesn’t mean they’re* wrong… do you get what I’m saying here?

Also, where is @Peripheral in all of this? Interesting…


People know I’ve tried em, do you know what a review tour is? Take your ass back to discord.


Ohm…ban this guy…or ban me…just ban someone


Are you aware of something called HRTF?


He can’t even spell HRTF - he’s in a Unity-induced rage


What an auspicious start to a long and productive membership for Colchillin…

don’t go away mad…just go away


@domq422 I’m not here for your beck and call, I get to it when I get to it.

Nice but we are not talkign about that are we now…

Since you are a “car guy” maybe you’ll understand it like this. If we have a group of people racing Porsche 918 Spiders and they drive around the Nürburgriing and you have one of those people have little to no experience in that car and they crash, is it A) that cars fault or B) the drivers lack of experiance.,


This is such a shitty and biased take


Coldchillin blimped his way through the wrong nabe…gettin a beatdown

he doesn’t realize he has to earn his stripes before he can start talking shit


La de da…let’s see what’s happening on the forums today:


Would you like to explain yourself. I have been crystal clear about what i have said there is nothing for me to further elaborate on.

I was objective in my reasoning for what i said there is no subjective criticism here,

Why are you being such a condescending asshole, brother?

I have no reason to argue with you and @Coldchillin anymore. I just don’t get it lol it’s kinda silly at this point.


You are comparing an objective area (cars) to a subjective (audio) hobby…


Whole lotta people getting big mad over a single review; if you disagree, take it to DMs or keep it civil. If you just want to be “right”, there are places better suited to that attitude than here.


Lets be very clear about the chain of events here.

I responded to his video days ago on YouTube and my comments were being hidden and or deleted. I tried again today to the same thing happening again.

So i brought up my concern, Why is me questioning his his review the bigger issue here?

I don’t have to like every iem is a cop out answer to a serious question and concern.

Ill ask you again, did you watch the video? If not how can you put any of this in context?

My question never got answered and every other response was deflecting the main question.

I am not being condescending and if that is how you take a direct tone that’s on you. This was never an argument about being right or wrong this was finding out why, before everyone jumped down my throught for questioning him.

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I don’t have to watch a video or read a review to feel as though you and @Coldchillin are being a little harsh on Jay.

My opinion stands. Audio is a subjective hobby. And yes, you are being condescending

Your comments being taken down off YouTube is a different story, I don’t agree with that unless they’re being blatantly hateful and hurtful. If You’re trying to provide feedback, that’s one thing. But it’s entirely different when you’re questioning someone’s integrity.

Also, I find it really weird how you and @Coldchillin never reply back to back, but rather, only one of you replies and the other just, disappears. Is that your other account you made to try and validate your initial comments?

The whole thing feels fishy.

@Coldchillin DM’d me claiming he is not @Peripheral so, I’m not sure what to think at this point.


Chap - am I misremembering something… I’m pretty sure I didn’t see you put the IEMs in your ears during the review…

How the fuck are these two mouth breathers so certain they know you (someone who has reviewed scores of IEMs and presumably knows how to insert one into your ears to get a seal… It’s not exactly rocket science) have done this wrong.

Forget worrying about Huawei when you have @Peripheral & sidekick @Coldchillin pressed up against your window each night



Right lets get a few things straight here…I’ve just responded to a DM from @Coldchillin asking if I could lift his new member response limit and I said…"Nope I think you need to take a breath and think a while”."I have no dog in this fight but you seem to be ruffling a few feathers here and it’s only a matter of time before I’m reviewing flags and I really don’t like reviewing flags.”

and here we are FLAGS…please for god sake let it rest there’s nothing to be gained or lost here just get back to your :notes: please :peace_symbol:


The fact of this matter still remains i asked Jay a direct question to a concern. Thus He responded with deleting the video and not engaging in the conversation.

To then have others jump in and speak for him. Nah, That’s not how a conversation works.

Being questioned for questioning something is the wildest ass backwards logic here today.

You are right @Ohmboy this is not constructive for the community, To hinder discourse about a subject and attack the question is more telling about how much you all wanted to talk about what i said instead of attacking me for bringing it up.

Context matters.

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Ahh so predictable… Queue a thousand tiny violins

I admire the delusions of people that have the balls to attack from an absolutist position of their ‘self truth’… NOT question or converse… then decide to try and play the victim when it doesn’t go the way they planned…