Jaytiss Reviews and Ranking

I have a different response/experience to some IEMs vs the consensus. Maybe Jay is an outlier for the Unity? I would think that it is quite appropriate for him to relate HIS experience, even if it is an outlier.


I disagree. And recognize weā€™re all entitled to our opinions and preferences. However there is a point when the opinion is so at odds with reality that itā€™s no longer a valid opinion and becomes wrong.
Like you may not like the color blue, and you can dislike blue all you want; even if I love it. But when you start claiming the color blue is actually red. Youā€™re just wrong

So, you can judge Jayā€™s perceptions? You are certain tha Jayā€™s ear anatomy/neurological make up canNOT in any way shape his perception or fit? The Unity has no chance of production variance?


Yes- that is correct. I have a good idea of the source for this iem as itā€™s not jays personal iem- correct?

How does it feel being omniscient?


Youā€™re literally changing the whole argument. Thatā€™s weak and cowardly play.
I also know a great deal about this specific iem. So yeah anatomy doesnā€™t change a warmer/dark set to one thatā€™s shrill no matter how hard you manipulate this convo

I disagree with both of you guys, tbh. @Coldchillin @Peripheral

I believe this hobby is one of the most subjective hobbies out there. But hey, you guys can stand on your hills and die there, the last thing I want to do is fight with some strangers on the internet about opinions.

In my opinion, Jay is entitled to his. In your opinion, you disagree with his findings. End of story.


Cool. I was direct but cordial if yā€™all are gonna get in your feelings about a little criticism and then scurry off - I canā€™t help that. Good luck to you

Itā€™s not that Iā€™m running, trust me. You literally just joined the forums a few minutes ago, Iā€™ve been here for years. What Iā€™m saying is, thereā€™s a way to say shit, dude. It seems like from an outsiders point of view that you and @Peripheral ganged up on Jay because you guys seem insulted regarding his findings. I canā€™t help with that.

There is absolutely a chance that his anatomy effected his findings, we literally all hear things differently and just from looking at Jayā€™s graph of the Unity, that 6k peak doesnā€™t look too appealing to me and could come off as shrill. You guys are trying to make this an objective argument which is where my problem lies.


I get that but tenure means nothing to me. Iā€™ve been on headfi and multiple discords for a long time.
No anatomy cannot affect perception to the point that a Benz handles like bucket. While some nuances and presentations cannot be objectively discussed. Some things can - Iā€™m just not letting yā€™all hide behind anatomy. Itā€™s pretty blatant itā€™s user error

I found the unity lacking bass and shrill and had that thang 10-fingers deep in my ear holes. Let the man live


How is discussing ear anatomy and the remarking how perception is personalized being cowardly? How is remarking that someone must be omniscient to know what another person is perceiving changing the topic or cowardly? You claim to know what Jay must experience while listening to the Unity. You technically could run a PET scan, EMGs, EEGs, etc. on Jaytiss while he listens to the the Unity but that still does not give you knowledge of exactly what he experiences. There is no present science that gives us that.


I donā€™t believe you. Post of pic of your unity time stamped

Lmaoooooooo :sob::sob::sob::joy::joy:


Ohh the video is coming up back up with a response to this nonsense. XOXOXOXO <3


Listen, you started claiming I was running, Iā€™m not trying to mention my time here as if Iā€™m above you, what Iā€™m saying is Iā€™m not running just because someone else has a different stance to me.
I like your car analogy because I work in the car business, itā€™s a perfect way to quantify this type of opinion using a different subject. Some people hate the way Mercedesā€™ handle, they find it too spongey and boat-y. Some people love it and swear by how smooth it is. To the point where they buy the cars for a majority of their lives.

Thatā€™s a subjective stance.

You mentioned above how someone saying the color blue is red, this is an objective stance. If someone said ā€œBlue LOOKS like red to meā€ thatā€™s subjective. There is zero argument to be had there. Neither sides can be disproved.


Of his anatomy is so much different than everyone elseā€™s that it renders his reviews to be so off base. Then heā€™s a unicorn and shouldnā€™t be reviewing. Does he have holes in the back of his ears? Giant ear holes that cannot get a seal like how far from normal anatomy are we talking here?

Bruh get off the toilet and back to your responsibilities


If someone says the color blue is actually red. Thatā€™s really good to know because then they have rare genetic condition applicable to only 1-5% of the population. Thatā€™s like someone whoā€™s color blind being an art critic

Or you were full of it the moment you stepped in here with your claim. This is an argument tactic and it works if someone is easily intimidated. Iā€™m not. Please continue