Jaytiss Reviews and Ranking

Yes you were aggressive, not just about the set but about defending jaytiss. You haven’t even heard the set, how could you be aggressive about that? I owned my part and didn’t blame you - we BOTH were aggressive however only one of us was shadowbanned - so I came here. I provided context to explain my actions and apologize for the disruption to the space and for the stress on jaytiss given his expression of the toll it took.

Again, this isn’t what I wanna do - to keep coming in here bringing up something that needs to end. I said what I said - my characterization of your comments is accurate but no it wasn’t your fault. Together we devolved into children.



What a fantastic reference. You win this round, Cutter :rofl:


@Jaytiss I have to say this thread has been one of the most entertaining and insightful of late…you never bitched or flagged anything when folks called you out, that there is a mark of a gentleman…


Yeah…all it took was a newbie to open his mouth…thanx Coldchillin :handshake:

now it’s the most entertaining thread on the boards…watch out HBB…we got a new kid on the block…and his name Ja-yooo

he’s movin on up…



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Sorry to break the entertainment for a review link. You guys make me laugh. XD


They love you right now, but the crowd is ever so fickle.

They used to love my food analogies…now it’s a ghost town in my thread :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :rofl: :joy: :sob: :sob: :sob:


Final update:
I spoke with Simon for about 30 mins a few minutes ago. I now have an accurate picture of how he does things and that he is truly a one man show when it comes to design, tuning and manufacture of his earphones. That in of itself is impressive, but it also partly explains why the price is what it is. The other part is that he refuses to use even “lower grade” Sonion drivers, and they are out there. I learned that just because someone boasts a Sonion or a Knowles driver, does not mean that it is going to be great, or even good. In summary it was a very informative and very friendly conversation which ended with him offering to send a set of the Unity for review. Obviously I took him up on that. And to those who rushed to his defense after my unknowingly ignorant comments, my hat is now off to you. If I had known then, what I know now…
It doesn’t mean the set is going to be mind-blowing, and it does not guarantee that I am going to like the tuning, but I absolutely will try to assess it for what it is (as I try to do in all of my reviews) and not what I think it should be. The price is the price and it is not $671 out of greed, but out of necessity from time dedicated and components involved. So there you go. I was wrong. I admit it. “And that is all I’ve got to say about that…”
If anyone is interested, I will post a link to the review once it is live.


No doubt. One of my bandmates to whom I gave the Hola a few months ago already is interested in a better set. I turned him on to the Delci. :slight_smile:

Still, we audiophiles are an outlier. Even the curious non-audiophiles can become daunted by frequency curves, terms like timbre, grain and siblilance, paddling amid the raging rapids of weekly ChiFi IEM releases and the byzantine world of ordering from AliExpress, among other things.

So, unless someone is curious enough to fall head over heels with this hobby like we all did, they’re eventually going to revert to mass-market headphones they can buy at Best Buy. And I’m not seeing Tangzu, Kefine or Campfire Audio products being available at big-box stores probably at any time in our lifetimes, regardless of age.

I would love to be wrong in this case, but …

As far as elitism in this community, that’s 100 percent true. But it’s also true of nearly EVERY niche hobby in which the products that are tried and debated are more expensive and of (usually) better quality than more consumer-oriented brands. People who buy $20,000 watches sneer at Timexes. People who buy $2,000 bottles of wine scoff at Yellow Tail. People who buy Honus Wagner baseball cards for $1.7 million don’t give a thick snot about Nestor Cortes’ rookie card.

I don’t think we’re bigger assholes than most niche communities, in general. :slight_smile:



What a classic film. :slight_smile:


Agreed. But now I know why you defended Plunge Audio. Simon is fucking great. I would have done the same thing if I knew him even a little bit. Apologies for my part in it too. I was just being dumb and ignorant.


If you were listening to this prototype and knew what I knew you would also turn into a FANBOY.


Sorry Goob…


Hold on…


No you’re not lol


You are priceless all the time @Toecutter



:joy: :joy: :joy:
Let’s be serious… @Rikudou_Goku is probably more concerned with you not breaking a hip in the ‘attempt’
(Jokes Jokes - no impulse control)


This 61 year old still has it



:smile: :rofl:


A few thoughts for the guys here. I feel my ranking list is kinda odd, and tries to do something kinda lame, but kinda cool in my eye. It’s like running upsteam and am afraid it might not work. So I seek feedback from you all for a minor adjustment or to keep.

or to something more traditional with just a recommend starsscore next to iems. It wouldn’t change that much just a more clear rating, and I think it might be more traditional. (just a quick thought but showing you what I think) I think this method would make a few things easier on my end, and more clear for those looking for a product.

Anyhow, I just want to improve and any feedback on this would be helpful.