Jaytiss Reviews and Ranking

Youtube video is out on my Channel explaining the whole thing. Questions or comments are welcome.


Been watching your stuff for a hot minute now. Awesome you are taking advice from folks on here. Real superstars on hifišŸ’„. Like how you are changing the ways youā€™re doing your rankings. Respect brother,Happy thanksgivingšŸ‘


Working on a review of the Muse M4 Bluetooth dac amp. If anyone has any questions or things that I should or shouldnā€™t cover, I would welcome it.


Looks like a smaller Questyle CMA 18 portable.

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Yeah, itā€™s cool. It has good power and is pretty. Sounds transparent to me. No complaints. It switches color from Red to Blue depending on the gain setting as well.

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Were you able to demo the Questyle at CanJam SoCal @Jaytiss

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I was actually eyeing this thing recently to possibly replace my broken BTR7. By chance have you gotten the opportunity to try the FiiO?

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I wasnā€™t able to demo that amp dac at CanJam, so have no comparison for that. The queststyle cma18 does look interesting although!

Yes, I have tried the Fiio BTR7. I think this is competitive against it, and it is cheaper in price. (200 vs 130), and it looks better overall. The Fiio can come with a nice case and some EQ setting for you, and they have the BTR15 the new amp dac that seems like a good choice as well. I think this is a solid choice so far, but has no app that I know of. I only have my Quidelix 5k on hand to compare it to. Itā€™s a lot more powerful than the q 5k which is nice.

Do you need a case clip like this?

Issue is if you need a dongle dac with a clip, Quidelix 5k has one build in for 110 with EQ, so thatā€™s hard to beat. I think the major advantage of this device is the design and the 3.5, 4.4, and 2.5 outputs. I could be wrong, but Iā€™m struggling to find anything that makes this insane, but a great value none the less.

I was going to ask about weight, and clip situation. With a BT receiver if it canā€™t be clipped and stay upright when clipped, itā€™s dead to me and I might as well be faffing about with a dongle. The Q5K nails this.

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Only advantage i see it over the other Fiio and Qudelix, both with PEQ is that this M4 has all 3 outputs. But that advantage can in some cases be pointless if you are only using 3.5mm and 4.4mm as you will then have the BTR15 as an option and that has PEQā€¦


This and itā€™s so good looking and measures well. I think that is the appeal. Versatile, pretty, and powerful for a reasonable price but nothing that makes it stand out too strongly.

No output impedance is specified though, that is one area it should beat the fiio in as fiio tends to have 1/2ohm OI.

I have a cheap and simple measuring setup for both OI and unloaded voltage measurements coming if it works like i want it to I will make a guide on it. (costs should be less than 30 usd in total, where 95% of the cost is because you need a multimeter.)

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I would love to hear more about this.

The BTR7 is a fantastic device, donā€™t get me wrong. The PEQ works fairly well, although itā€™s missing a whole bunch of software features.

The BTR7 also has a rather high output impedance of I think around 4 Ohms out of the balanced output. Now for myself personally, I like that it has this high output impedance because it compliments my desktop stack well. The topping only has a 0.1 Ī© output impedance. It just allows me to have different flavors of sound depending on what Iā€™m in the mood for.

The BTR15 looks to be a great little device with the same output power as the BTR7 in a smaller package + it seems to have the same PEQ function as the 7 as well.

The Q5K is a great piece of kit with superior software but the lack of 4.4mm means itā€™s not for me, unfortunately.

Well, thanks for the words anyways, brother. I appreciate you.


Keep your eye on my thread then.

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@Jaytiss Can you test if the Muse Hifi M4 can be used with your phone without BT? Just connected like a regular portable dac/amp.

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I canā€™t actually, I only have an iphone 13 pro max.

Damn it. Go Android, screw Appleā€¦


Mahinas thump so good on this trackā€¦that rumble :star_struck: :dash: :boom: