Juzear 61t 6+1 Hybrid IEM June 2024

I should’ve listened to it when I went to a connect yesterday it completely skipped my mind. I’ll have to wait again

Nuts, you could have compared it to the Alba, oh well…

I personally did not like Alba much. It is decent at best in my books. V-shaped tone.


Which source did you try it on? I felt that it was sparkly on few sources but it wasn’t on the stock dongle DAC. Yes, mids are slightly recessed but I didn’t think it was V shaped.

The Juzear 61T came in today. My first impression is, this sounds like dog sh*t. I can hear a lot of distortion around 150hz to 500hz. I checked the earphone connections and the source, everything was fine. I’m thinking there’s no way that these earphones can sound this bad while having a consensus of good reviews. Then I tested the earphones individually and found that it is defective. The left earphone is shooting a lot of distortion. It’s a bummer but these things happen. Hopefully I’m able to get a new set soon.


I tried it on my Cayin N7.

Ah man I hope your issue gets sorted soon.

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Same thing happened to me with the doscinco recently. 1st set was terrible but decided to give it another try and got a much better set. Real kick in the teeth every time though


well initially these were a bit of a dissapointment, with little bass to speak of.
However it appears they require quite deep insertion (to my ears anyway YMMV) and once i sorted that out these came to life.
Mids are definitely recessed but not horrendously so and there is a bit of bass bleed into the mids but again , not unpleasant and fairly nominal.
Not giant killers by any means but all in all a very nice addition to my stable and a good quality/value proposition.


Exactly my thoughts as well. While it’s easy to dismiss them saying that they don’t perform as well as $300-400 IEMs but in my opinion, it’s a perfectly good IEM at $150 which also includes a dongle DAC.

Man, the fit of iems can make or break the experience.
I was with a friend for a small audio meet-up, he tried various iems that I carried (Supernova, Aurora, Xelento, Wind, Sora light) etc. He had high hopes with Wind as I was praising it on call before the meet-up but he didn’t like the bass response when he heard it, the eartips didn’t work for him as for BCD to work the insertion should be good and the iem should touch the ear, unfortunately he wasn’t as impressed which is fine but also gives us an indication about how subjectively it can deviate the sound


personally for me, Xelento is a match made in heaven in terms of fit. They just melt into the ears and I don’t realise I’m wearing them after few seconds.


just got my 61t and im very disappointed. it has good sub bass but thats about all i liked about it. the vocals are veiled af, sounds like i have toilet paper stuffed in my ear and no its not just earwax bc i immediately switch to the simgot sm4 and cca hydro and they are much better.

tldr; sm4 and hydro (depends on your preference) are better buys

Note: i found the silicone narrow bore tips worked best for me. with wide bore ones i lost the deep sub bass and more of the gross vocals

Updating: my impressions have completely changed from when I first got them. I would strongly recommend the velvet wide bore tips as tonedeafmonk suggested. Also slowly inserting while lightly pulling on the top of the ear helps so much with the pressure. Once in, vocal really come alive both male and female. Sub bass is well extended and rumbly but doesn’t interfere with vocals. Soundstage and imaging are great. I’m still using +2db at 6khz but it could also just be a placebo and doesn’t really affect anything at all. These are becoming my daily driver and I’ll likely be selling my hydro and sm4 soon. They took a lot of work and trial and error but they are finally sounding amazing

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Your ear-brain expects a certain amount of pinna - mine is the same.

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i am very picky about vocals. i can eq bass and treble all day (and i will) but theres only so much i can do with vocals

Note: just pulled the trigger on pula pa02. Well see what happens


I am sad to hear that you had issues with the 61T. I would have been rather upset if this happened to me. So far I have been lucky in that I have never received a defective set of IEMs aside from the 0.78mm socket in the right Delci being loose and wriggly. I hope that you are able to get a replacement set soon since I would like to hear about your listening impressions.


Timmy doesn’t sound so impressed with the 61T. Though BGGAR says it graphs almost the identical as the Canpur IEM. Gonna wait for his take on this set.

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What about the Alba did you not like? I recently purchased the Artti R2 on a whim. The R2 is decent at best. The bass lacks punch and is ill defined. The overall details are not very crisp. I had to use parametric EQ to correct the upper midrange response. The music sounds a bit veiled. The only thing that I really like about the R2 is that it is a very small and comfortable IEM if you replace the stock cables which have right angle 0.78mm connectors. The Kiwi Ears Cadenza easily blows the R2 out of the water.

The PA02 will need a bit of parametric EQ for the midrange to make vocals sound good. I have the CKLVX CK-D41 which is essentially the same as the PA02. The limitation for male vocals is the quality of the dynamic driver. The DD is a bit muddy. Only some of the mid bass tuck can be removed in order to restore some fullness to male vocals. The slightly bright leaning tilt of the midrange can be easily corrected in addition to correcting for the earlier than normal rise for the simulated pinna gain. The early rise for the simulated pinna gain makes female vocals sound more like a teenage girl’s vocals. In any event, I was able to use parametric EQ to make the D41 sound much more natural, especially for vocals. The overall performance with EQ is pretty close to the Performer 5 in many respects.

Personally, I think that the $160 to $240 segment will be the segment which sees a lot of activity in terms of offerings and in terms of substantial gains in terms of technical performance. I don’t think that we are there yet and that more substantial improvements are yet to come.

Thank you! You just saved me some money. I can’t stand any IEM which sounds noticeably veiled. I can tolerate an IEM which sounds slightly veiled if the overall tuning has a relaxing or “chill pill” tuning which is nice for late a night when I am tired.

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