Juzear 61t 6+1 Hybrid IEM June 2024

We got very different 61t apparently. Mine is vocal centric/mid centric.


Not impressed by the set that’s in direct competition with his collab? Not surprised :joy:


Ha Ha truth!


I expected better from it with all the praises going around. Bass and treble are decent and i would appreciate but the midrange is too recessed for my taste, especially vocals. So not up my alley.

hilarious :smiley:

My 61t is here. Super excited to try it and review it.


Idk I’m just not hearing what other people are saying. It’s so muddy and I’ve tried several different types of tips but nothing’s working. I’m doing the pull up on the ear and let it settle in and still the same that I’m not getting with the hydro or sm4.

Good to know about the pa02. I’m not concerned at all with eq’ing so if it has a minor drawback that can be overcome with eq, then should be fine.

This one is on my radar as well, heard some good and some not-so-good… I hear that Akros is going to release a review soon’ish on it, will hold off a little while longer to get some more feedback before testing them myself.

These things happen. I’m not upset at all, it’s just an unlucky situation. As long as the reseller and manufacturer takes care of the problem, it’s all good. I’m on the fence if I should just completely return it and move on. I might not be able to give my thoughts on this set after all.

The only things I can say about it is the fitment is really good in my ear. Originally I was worried about the nozzle size and shell but it fits comfortably in my ears. The other thing I can say is the bass tuning is superb. Really well done as far as “tuning” the bass. I can’t comment on the rest because there’s a bad BA driver/drivers in the set received.

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I’m waiting for one of my friends to loan me his unit so I can try it out myself. I was super excited for 61T as I loved the 41T but I’m slowly starting to temper my expectations.

I was waiting for Timmy to say “Buy Dusk!!!” in the end hahaha

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I got to thinking that eartips might make a difference in terms of whether or not the vocals sound a bit veiled. When I was tip rolling the DaVinci, some eartips made the bass sound noticeably muddy even though the bass level wasn’t any different from some other eartips.

Sounds logical :grin:

The difference is quite big it seems. Unit variance?

Timmy and my mics are measurunf the treb nearly identically (above)
My 61t (Below) is mid centric with no slam and his thumbnail said “BASS”
Must be QC/QA. Bought from Amazon.jp so maybe I can get a replacement??


Just as an update, I decided to sit down and do some tip rolling and finally landed on the divinus velvet tips. I then had a new issue of having way too much pressure build up in my left ear so I had to fit them in just right. But with all of that done, I am getting a much better and fuller sound. vocals aren’t muffled although slightly recessed which is a major improvement. I did still have to add a -2.5db at 250hz eq to prevent the mid bass bleed into the otherwise natural timbre.

Still judging if it’s a over $100 upgrade from the cca hydro I still think the hydro is more versatile. Supermix 4 I think this could be a worthy upgrade if nothing else than the more natural vocals and/or the simgot treble is a little much


I found the New Divinus Wide a perfect match in one size smaller , tightened up the mid bass and with its pressure relieving design works great for me.

I also get driver flex on insertion If I shove them in too fast or dont lift my ear with other tips like the Penon Laquer tips.


SM4 is not an upgrade to Butterfly except perhaps in ease of fitment. This is one comparison where I think the price difference reflects the upgraded sound, and maybe then some. Simply more of everything, closer to the sound, (very much a positive for me) vocals and upper mids instruments in the same room/space, not so much with Supermix. I like the SM4 but I do need to eq it and turn up the volume a bit more as well.
I settled on shortened stem H70s for the tips, almost zero interaction with tip, but they are very sensitive to placement.

I meant the 61t would be a worthwhile upgrade to the sm4. Just not sure if it would be as worthwhile over the hydro. Need more time to decide if the value to performance is there

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Just unboxed my 61t. Unboxing experience is very good for the price. The shells look absolutely gorgeous, but they are on larger size. Cable provided is very premium, it feels supple and well behaving. The tips provided are also good.
I will post my sound impressions soon. For now Unboxing experience is 10/10.