Juzear 61t 6+1 Hybrid IEM June 2024

I have to agree with you, 61t is beautiful set :heart:.

Thanks for sharing a detailed comparison :handshake:

61T is an IEM, that hit the spot with the special sauce. And the sauce lies in the Treble.

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too many new releases are doing good with treble except for maybe Davinci.
Are the mids good on this set? I like a set if the mids are good.

Not if u want a natural timbre on your set, this does not have it.


Remember to add In my subjective opinion, your ears , your gear your chain not factly speaking as we all hear differently :wink:

I find the 61t mids, male vocals in particular are really off timbre wise in fact timbre across the range is not good I think the 41t was way superior to this new “upgrade”

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Which other instruments had off Timber ? Let me know as I have the set.

Plano was uneven Male vocals were veiled not true to life baritone voices were very coloured sax and trumpets were harsh.
I’m usually a person who finds something to like in any iem but the 61t just sounds off.
Ive tried many types of tips

Tried with Sony Zx707
Cayin N7
Cayin M3Ultra
Hiby R6 111

Onix X1 Alpha


Yeah, agree they have an exaggerated timber. And it is also mentioned in my review which I will publish soon. (Will update it here only)

But instead of the “Off” I felt they were kinda made extra rich (in treble especially) to provide different kinds of palettes which I liked a lot. And I get what you are saying, I use HD600 for reference in Timber specifically.

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Yeah the timbre issue is across the entire range sadly. Most bad in the mids followed by the treble then lastly bass I guess.

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that’s sad, what iem under $1K would you recommend for magical vocal presentation?

@Sonic_Sleuth recommended to me the Hidition Viento B

Frankly if vocals are your nr 1 priority, I would simply get earbuds instead. (cough Rikubuds cough.)

If your budget is all the way up to 1k iems though, im not the guy to ask but I do remember hearing good stuff about the Softears RSV, Softear Twillight, Sony IER-M9.


A few others to look at, if you’re open to used, would be the Monarch MK2, OG Dark Magician if you can find them, The Softears RSV is another banger, the Softears Twilight is said to have some of the best Timbre on the market but I’ve never heard them, and the last IEM I’d rec if you could stretch a little would be the Elysian Diva. QC beware, as it’s rather hit or miss, but if you can get a good pair, they have the best vocals I’ve heard to date.

Happy hunting!


For less than those mentioned, but YMMV on the used market, folks like the OG Thieaudio Oracle for vocals. I feel like there are others on the tip of my tongue…

For me personally the very best vocals will always be from a DD, so I fully agree on the Dark Magician, and for my taste the Simgot EN1000 with a very small mod is my ultimate vocals set so far.


Very true, the Oracle is known for their vocals and super natural presentation. Another one that just came to mind is the OG Teas if you can find them. I totally forgot about those!


DD Master Race


Twilight is another outstanding IEM for vocals btw.

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You should try the twilight. If I were to exit the hobby today with one IEM, money not being the limiting factor, I would pick twilight over anything else for my preferences.


I’ve heard, man. I’ve always wanted a shot to listen to them, I even had a chance to but the timing couldn’t be lined up. Maybe one day down the road for sure!