Juzear 61t 6+1 Hybrid IEM June 2024

If you do end up listening to the twilight whenever that is, do let me know.

I love the pair so much that I’m always interested to know the thoughts of folks who tried them. Doesn’t matter if it’s positive or negative.

RSV is currently at #1 in my Timbre ranking. But TBH I never enjoyed the actual timbre. Feels way too bland.

On the other than Studio 4 and Twilight is my constant recommendation. I love those sets to death. Oracle Vocals didn’t actually do the magic for me as I was hoping (maybe I expected a lot).

I know that people are going to hate me for saying this, if it sounds good Timbre doesn’t matter unless you are aiming for something. U12T doesn’t have the true timbre but I freaking love that set for vocals, male and female both.


Sounds like you are mistaking timbre for tonality.

To me - Timbre is realism. How real it can reproduce. Are we taking the about same thing ?

That description sounds very much like you are describing the tonality, that is how the FR is, if its warm, bright, bassy or whatever.

Example would be that EQ affects tonality, you can increase bass making it warmer overall or adjust the treble. But you cannot affect the timbre as that is more of a characteristic of the driver.
Timbre is how close the the output is compared to the actual instrument playing. U can have 2 different iems with the same FR but if they are using different drivers types then its almost guaranteed they will have a very different timbre, DD being the ones that tends to be the most natural.


Yes, exactly that’s what I meant, how realistically it can reproduce the instruments.
I even calculate instruments individually in IEMs to calculate the Final Timbre points. (Drum, Acoustic and Classical guitar, Cello and Bass, Violin, Saxophone, Piano)

Timbre is very important to me, but it is not something I enjoy if done realistically. I never actually used the words “Warm/Bassy” IDK where you got it from.


I liked them, overall they sounded just a little unengaging to me, with extra deep insertion I got the bass “special sauce” which is very cool, but… I’m unlucky with the shell shape. The obnoxious rectangle shape that I like the look of and is meant to not matter to the wearer’s comfort does push uncomfortably against a part of my ear. The timbre was legit though. I’d have given them more of a chance if they had a shell that worked better for my ear.


I agree with you about the fit. The rectangle shape does cause a minor pain on my antihelix however it’s very much manageable for me. I have relatively smaller ears btw, so anyone with larger ears, should have no issues with comfort.

I tried only Twilight of the list of iems you shared, liked its vocals very much but the mid bass was too much for my liking, I like sub bass over mid bass, it has to be there but not overcompensate that the vocals are played it

btw @gadgetgod let me try his Riku buds and I absolutely loved the grand sound on it, vocals were like 6XX series


Oracle - I may be able to source here, Dark Magician not very sure. Thanks for the feedback

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I didnt like Tea that much to be honest, sounded like it was missing some magic, sometimes you do not connect with the iems as I had huge expectations from it, I had it for a week and sold it for less than $120.


this kind of stack gives me chills, especially for listening to an iem, setups should be as simple as this


That’s surprising, but at the same time I agree with what you said. Sometimes, certain IEMs don’t click with us and that’s okay. The Dark Magician will be difficult to find, but if you can it’s probably some of the best vocals I’ve ever heard and I think a lot of people would agree with me.


I have already asked a couple of my friends here if they can help me source Dark Magician, let’s see.
btw, in single DD space, I like Xelento a lot.

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Best of luck! And yes, usually single DD IEMs have seriously good timbre and tonality for vocals and for instruments alike as long as the tuning lines up with the driver quality. Another few you should maybe look into, not sure how hard they would be to get, are the IEMs from Michael Bruce or otherwise known as shortbus Audio. @GooberBM has some really good understanding surrounding the sets coming out so maybe he could chime in.


I did shortbus mod on Olina and S12. Genius he is. I am a subscriber and follower.


Well, there is your ticket then.

(I forgot to mention the Softears Studio 4, that seems to be getting a lot of praise for its vocals.)


GIGA CHAD setup tho :muscle:

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Personally I like studio 4 better than RSV. I find the timbre to be more natural on studio 4 than rsv.

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