Juzear 61t 6+1 Hybrid IEM June 2024

Starting my day with this beauty :heart:. BTW, i got the Divinus velvets wide bore tips that were recommended to me by @ToneDeafMonk . I will test them with these tips and see how they effect sound.

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Too much pressure build up in my ears with the Velvet wide bore but it worked out well for few here.

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Yeah the initial pressure build up is there. I only saw one vent in the shell, maybe that’s there to tackle the bass rumble or what not. For a few seconds after intersting, I could feel the pressure too.


Yes, will share my short impressions with divinus wide bore soon.

My brother liked it so much. I had to get him this.


Congratulations to your brother. Did he listen to DQ and 61T?

It would be interesting if he chose 61T over DQ.

Yes , he have heard both.

Eventually got this today, this is going to be a fun week


He did. What were his reasons for picking 61T over DQ?

The bass blew him away , the softness he liked a lot.

Newbie noob here, self proclaimed non-audiophile riding in on my high horse. The horse itself isnt high, its just tall.

To me the 61t is a pita to fit in the ears. I shoulda downsized when i ordered the velvet wide bores as my ears are a bit sore from trying the ml size last night. But when i got them to fit- oh my was it rewarding. I used other tips while waiting for the velvet wbs, and tho not as good i found the 61t amazing.

For me, the vocals are a little bit recessed, emphasis on the little bit. Again, i am a noob and experience is only since the recent prime days. I am using the ka17 and tidal on my s22+. I have the pula02, tangzu heyday, the 61t, and i gave the singola and magic ones to my little half bro (little in he is only 46). To me, the heyday has the vocal location and clarity correct the best, 61t next, and the pula02 a touch further back.

I find the soundstage and separation similar on the heyday and 61t.

I mainly listen to the Grateful Dead, and all 3 iems have given me a new respect for Phil Lesh. It isnt that the bass is overpowering, its that oh wow, the jams have so much more depth and guidance with finally having devices that bring it out.

I have used 4 or 5 different main songs for testing differences. 1. Cusswords by Too Short for bass. 1a. Bad Guy by Billie Eilish. 2. Are you Experienced by Jimi Hendrix to listen for clarity on the engineered reverse sound effects that i believe are added in high. 3. Barton Hall They Love Each Other (1977) and State Fairgrounds Playing in the Band, and Eyes of the World (1974) to listen to all of the instruments for separation, stage, and how much Donna’s screams annoy me.

Overall, in music the 61t “beat” the heyday just barely. All 3 beat any audio equipment i have owned with maybe exception to my old-ish home theater system where in show or movie credits they have high quality audio in surround. Thats to say i dont have a device or music library that is as good so take it for what you will. Why iems you might ask- my gf hates me gaming loud and she is not on the bus with the dead.

In fit, the pula02 by a mile is the best as both the heyday and 61t give me issues. Part of that is i am new to the iem game and am still figuring tips and how to best insert for my ears- i was a swimmer growing up and ear infections scarred different areas so right ear different than left.

In gaming- heydays a bit too bright/high for me, 61t was pretty good. Pula02 in between- less separation but not too high.

So, out of my limited stock and you could only get one set, the 61t is best all around in my opinion (so far…is burn in real and do cables really matter? Ka17 vs fc4, only dif i can tell is ka17 delivers more power which liven up the pula02 and 61t the most).

Where could i possibly go from here? Do i even bother going anywhere for under 500 bucks? I like getting lost in individual instruments during the deep 20+ minute dead jams and switching focus every 30 seconds. Its like being in a candy store and trying different chocolates or taffy, one after the other.



Welcome to HiFiGuides and excellent work on putting your thoughts down.

My recommendation would be to enjoy the 61T for a while. Make a note of what you really like and what you’re missing from it and then take it forward from there.

If you really want to try something, Pilgrim is something that I would recommend you try for excellent staging and instrument separation.


100% Agree on this. But for gaming I would say Hype 2 is great but don’t expect you Music to sound great on these.

Overall at current scenario I would buy a IE600 for gaming since it can be plugged on Controllers easily too, the imagining is excellent.

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Terrific analysis. Well done!


Thank you. Appreciate you reading it.

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@Sonic_Sleuth gave great advice. I’d add that sometimes it helps to just take a deep breath and enjoy your music for what it is. Don’t worry about cables, burn in and sources. You have good sources. Focus on ear tips and If you’re up for it, you might want to play around with EQ settings. It’s a great way to figure out what you like and can guide you to a better IEM choice next time.

EQ isn’t perfect, but it’s free, so why not? On Android, Hiby Music Player, Poweramp EQ, and Wavelet are solid options. And when you’re ready for a step up, you might want to check out the Ziigaat Estrella. The early feedback has been extremely positive, and it’s clear that @VIVIDICI_111 put a lot of care into tuning it.


I second this. It’s very easy to keep chasing the sometimes elusive “perfect sound” by shelling out your hard earned dough when just enjoying what you have and are happy with is what it’s all about.

@Cooler04 I would also suggest to check local meets in your area or attend a CanJam nearby if possible. This way you can test a plethora of different IEM’s (and headphones) to get a taste of what else is out there that might be a worthy future upgrade.


Exactly, we forget what we are aiming for and get too distracted sometimes.

Happened to me a lot, mental peace got screwed because the thing that gave me peace is also transforming into a rat-race.


Thanks for the input ATech!

I have watched a few vids on EQ. Are those programs any different (guessing more detailed) than just adjusting the eq from my dac?

Thanks again for the time…oh ya, will def get the estrella in a couple months- i like how they look and i am interested in the tech they use.
And the pula02’s are working great connected to my Quest3. Nothing works real well connected to my xbox, but i only play football on that and keep volume low so i dont need another set :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the suggestions and input RBR!
I live in the middle of nowhere so there isnt much nearby. I am about an hour and half from Nashville and 2.5 hours from Memphis, TN. I looked for used iems on fb marketplace but nearest ad was atlanta Georgia.
But thinking about moving.
And ya, really digging the tunes. I have matched iems with tips now (got some in yesterday that worked great) and i am picking out a different live Grateful Dead show/album to listen to every night. While the audio quality isnt perfect of the recordings they sound so damn good on the iems. I mean shows from 50+ years ago and it feels like i am there!


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