🔶 Koss KPH30i

Pretty sure this is the video being referred to (?):

Yesterday I did the Ultra mod. After removing the stock pads KPH30i became too bright. Need to try yaxi pads.

I also found them a bit too bright/peaky without the stock foam. I ended up cutting the stock foam off to test but then sandwiched it back in between the grado pads and the headphones like tuning foam.

Cut? You know it comes of without needing to cut, right? :stuck_out_tongue:

Until they broke, I really enjoyed stock + Grado pads

Hindsight is 2020 :rofl:

It’s almost July. Some hindsight is 2021… :stuck_out_tongue:

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So I was looking around for any KPH30i earpad mods on the web, and I came across this blog post by headphonesty:

Somewhere in the KPH30i section, they mention the G-Pad mod (KPH30i Ultras), but they also whip out an aftermarket G-Pad that can use Leather, Merino Wool, or A hybrid of both:


The author for the Headphonesty blog post also provides some graphs that compare the stock KPH30i, G-Pads, and the Wool pads.

As of right now, I have literally copied my original post from the Grado Hemp thread, and pasted it onto this thread to spread the gospel.

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I had the exact same experience, I started years ago with DT880 600ohms, then 4xx’s within last year then, X00 mohoganys, Sendi aivas, ether cx’s, 6XX’s, Argon T50rps… then I finally bought KPH30i’s… I got so mad cause nearly nothing sounded as fun.

6XX on tubes probably came the closest, really came alive once the tubes were swapped


Hello, first post here…
As you see, the above happened, and I would like to know if anyone replaced the headband of the KPH30i with a Porta Pro headband. I have the impression that the clip on the Porta Pro is smaller than the hole behind the KPH driver.

Mine looks the same :frowning:

Does this happen just through normal use? I probably have 6 pairs of these guys and haven’t had one issue yet, but I see a lot of people having problems

When normal use involves tossing them around? Yes.
When normal use doesn’t involve tossing them around? No.


Ok so I finally got the clears after years of messing with the portas and the 75s, probably the best from the 3 stock but I still like both the other ones with band mod and yaxi pads a bit more, but yeah anyway I tried the grado pad mod and hated it, they’re just scratchier and bulkier, soundstage improves but I actually find them more uncomfortable.

Anyway besides that I got an idea to make them over ears and just put some he400i pads I had around, they’re not actually mounted, just clamp attached between the headphones and my head, works better than expected, has no one made a 3d printed thing to attach regular pads to these? Works way better than it should, I think I saw a grado mod a while ago, but just some kind of disc for mounting any pad would be awesome…

:thinking: I managed to get some more air and tighten up the bass pretty well. Not bad for $25 not bad at all. :rofl:


You didn’t buy Sodial pads by any chance, did you?

Idk they’re some chinese brand, is there a specific recommendation for those?
Still think it’s probably better to just put yaxis on them so I can take them outside without looking like a fool lol

Geekria are the usual recommendation.

Has anyone tried this pads with the larger hole? They look comfier than the others

Just finished up another mod of these. Purple Yaxi pads and new MMCX connectors + the wire from my Tin t2 IEMs. I enjoy the sound of this and the ultra mod equally but the comfort of the Yaxi pads is top notch.


Speaking of Yaxi, I’ve always wondered how these would fit onto the KPH30is. Idk whats up with the link embed, but they are S-Cushions for Grados.
