Let's talk about computers

You could try using Previsibines Repair Pack by BenRierimanu. It can help boost performance, especially in those areas that the game loves to bog down.


Would not surprise me. The 5800X3D is a killer gaming CPU, only makes sense to “port” that tech forward.

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I’m actually a bit surprised that they didn’t use it from the beginning and said that they were going to rush out a refresh to answer to Intel. Only rumors tho, but kind of makes sense for them

wowee! a leak of Intel’s coming workstation Xeon refresh based on Sapphire Rapids came out. there are gonna be unlocked / overclockable Xeon’s with one having 56 cores!!!

So i bought a set of DD5 6000Mhz, for my upcoming upgrade but im wondering if i should also pull the trigger on MB and just wait till the 3d version release to see performance/value

They shouldn’t require a BIOS update for the 3D V-cache CPUs, but it’s also possible that board prices could come down some if you wait. Not sure there’s a wrong answer here, to be honest.

You probably will but its not biggy as long as its not MSI (ive a several MSI boards refuse to BIOS flash properly) There are some half decent ones for 250$ not exactly cheap but not over priced as well. Back in the day paid around 200$ for a X570 board.

I am running the 5800X3d and if you are like me and you are looking for esports type games at 1080p and you want the smoothest most responsive framerate possible, nothing comes close. Once you get that massive cache you don’t want to go back. Now if you are playing single player games in ultra high detail and resolutions, it doesn’t really matter, but if you want to make sure your competitive titles are running as smoothly as possible you need that cache.

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This was the first I’d heard of this. Hope no-one here bought an reference 7900XTX.


So it looks like Windows 10 now handles Intel’s hybrid architecture fine now. Good news for anyone else not going to 11 anytime soon


Interesting one-off piece of old tech.

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I haven’t seen such a unanimous, and well earned, bloodbath from reviewers since the Intel i5-7640X.

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Personally, I quit watching the majority of tech reviewers since their viewpoints are all the same and they primarily appeal to the majority viewers who hold the same beliefs in order to maintain their viewership. I understand why they do it, I get it. I just wish there was a little more verity in opinions and perspectives.

This is an older video (3 months old) and I do not agree with everything he states however I do believe he gives a different perspective which adds value to the tech review community.

Shame this guy now has egg on his face since the “4080 12GB” doesn’t even match up to the 3090 Ti like he kept claiming it would…from NVIDIA’s first party chart. This is why you watch reviewers. And not guys like him. Any time you see someone defending a multi-billion dollar corporation, using said corporation’s own talking points to do so, that’s a good sign that you need to stay away.


I have to agree on how sad the pricing can be and that its mainly just marketing for a decent amount of stuff. The funny problem with data is that we could make up metrics like performance per dollar. All the company has to do is have the new stuff be slightly more expensive then a projected used price and consumers will buy it to not cannibalize themselves. People might blame miners for the price increases but even with crypto switching away from proof of work is just gonna mean the prices are less volatile its baked into consumers that if you want to get a certain level of performance they have to pay a certain price.

Advanced analytics being introduced anywhere could be its own debate and discussion which is interesting. It can in the short term show something might be more valuable and pick out undervalued things as we saw in stuff like basketball where the 3 point shot has risen into being a focus for an offense or baseball with OPS and WRC. When everybody started to learn about it it didn’t take long for everybody else to follow through and now that ability to find a good deal is much lower. Boston took Oakland’s moneyball and was able to combine an increased payroll to get those players, now teams have to spend so much more to get them and the advantage that gave the little guy is now gone.

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Price to performance matters, especially in business. These new graphics cards are extremely overpriced imo. It is a sign of lack of competition in the market that Nvidia can demand far higher than 50% margin.

Also - we are CUSTOMERS. Not ‘consumers’. Consumer is a dirty word that has been shoved into the market by companies as a method to change the way Customers are considered and valued. It was purposefully designed as a psychological method to reduce the importance of customers and should not be used to describe people who buy products or services.

Lol I am just used to so many economic papers had a whole paper where every time I used the word it was marked as wrong its honestly funny. Honestly I’m curious as to why it could be considered a dirty word at least the way I have always approached it the word is kinda interchangeable. Then again I usually just use words like bro for everybody. There is a reason why I am not an econ major or something like that though that crowd of people I swear is kinda hilariously looking at sheets talking about “efficiency”.

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@zenstrata kind of says it in his post. Customers tend to be valued. A business will put some effort into meeting a customer’s needs/wants. They will take feedback seriously, and ask for it. Conversely, if a business only looks at people as consumers, then they are just numbers on a spreadsheet. There’s no value there beyond what they bring to the bottom-line. It’s a mindset that’s associated with the two words.