Let's talk about computers

Alright not gonna lie, I haven’t been posting here lately a lot when it comes to PC in general. As stated, I am pretty much out of the loop on the recent things that have been happening when it comes to this particular hobby, but on what I am seeing on each post, things haven’t been good it seems.

Anyway, I recently bought a new M.2 SSD which is a PCI-e Gen 4.0, and it’s a Crucial P3 Plus 1TB, had to settle for it since the EVO Pluses were out of stock and second, I just in need of storage ASAP. Here’s the current worry I am having right now, for I have an ADATA XPG SX8200 Pro as my primary SSD for my OS and it is pretty much a Gen 3.0 version. The question is, should I switch my SX8200 Pro to the Crucial P3 Plus as my new primary SSD or should I just use the P3 Plus as secondary?

I would say that it depends on what all you are using your boot drive for. If it’s just for the OS and basic programs like Office, Crome, etc then I wouldn’t bother. You aren’t going to see any real impact moving from a Gen3 drive to a Gen4.

On the other hand, if you have something on the boot drive that will take advantage of the additional speed of the Gen4 drive, go ahead. It sounds to me like that probably isn’t the case, since you are asking if you should switch them, lol.

I really don’t think it’s worth the hassle. Even if you had a Samsung drive and could use their Magician software to clone everything, a Gen3 drive is already fast enough that you are probably more CPU/RAM limited when it comes to accessing/opening files or programs, boot up time, and other normal everyday tasks.


Yeah I guess I won’t have to since my SX8200 Pros are still freaking fast when it comes to booting up, but the thing that lacks about it would be the limited 512GB storage of it for back then I was planing to get the 1TB version of it but I was short on dollars at that time. Also when you’re mentioning something about the RAM, I am thinking about getting a 32GB kit with higher frequency speeds since sure I can do a lot with my current 64GB kit, but I wish it was a little bit more faster and I am willing to downgrade it to 32GB for more frequency speeds.

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For a boot drive, 512GB is more than sufficient. Best practice is to only install what’s necessary onto it and put everything else onto other drives. The OS will clog up over time and slow things down no matter what, assuming you don’t routinely do fresh installs, but keeping unnecessary things off will slow that process down.

As to your thought on moving down on RAM capacity for higher speed, as long as you have 3200 or higher, I don’t think you’ll notice a ton of difference. Not without resorting to silly expensive heavily binned RAM. And it’s just not worth it. Take it from someone who bought silly expensive RAM, lol.

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Really cool video here.

Also an opportunity to grab one of their Medium Mod Mats that have the messed up text and get it autographed if you like novelty items.

Yeah I guess it is really not that noticeable since my set of RAM is 64GBs, but it’s kind of sad that I wasn’t able to get it to its advertised freq. speed which is 3600MHz. Then again, if I want a working PC, we would much prefer long term stability even if it means cutting off the speed and performance a bit.

Quality Control is important, and not having it is a big issue.

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To be honest i think the whole “beef” is stupid, all either side had to do was pick up the phone and talk to each other like grown ass people, making videos back and forth is just idiotic and a waste of time - just make a “correction video” or even a colab video talking about the differences in each reviewers and how one differse from another.

its not like there is a fundamental difference in ideologies its just different ways of getting there

They would make less clicks and views with less videos. :slight_smile:
Direct approach and handle it… no no no lets make videos and “argue” more.

That is not how this works when one side starts out in public.
No sane company would sell a prototype either, yet here we are:

LTT (Or Linus in particular) does not do correction videos. Remember the backpack warranty thing?

There is a difference.
One side prides itself in having their shit together, the other side prides itself in “look, more expensive test gear” while producing unreliable numbers.


That’s a differences in methodologies not the goal - at the end of the day both want to give consumer information how each one gets there is a big difference but not a different endpoint, which is always why you dont trust a single source

They have done follow up video, and its not like it a “bad idea” that wount get views

That’s how children behave not grown ass men…
Steve could have picked up the phone tell linus that not ok, and work things out
Same goes for Linus way works just as well, the second he understood that damaging Gamer’s nexus/unbox therapy (or any other reputable reviewer) reputation in any way, he should have picked up the phone apologize then talk about how to settle things…

Starting a flame war is stupid, I dont do favorite all i want minimal BS, there is plenty of drama on the internet, i stay clear out of all that

anyone else hoping next gen graphics cards are the around double performance upgrade they’re saying it will be?
still running my EVGA 1070ti and for most games I play its still fine even at 1440p but newer games are going to be over the 8GB Vram even at 1080p (I almost hit 8GB in Halo infinite 1080p ultra)

you can try and snag a 3080 for a decent price, depending on the title and setting you could very well be doubling your frame rate. DLSS and FSR are a pretty big deal when it comes 1440 and over with newer titles and higher frame rates.

Eh not enough VRAM for 3D rendering i’m trying to get into and not enough performance increase for most of the games I play (plus need smaller cards for my case lol).
I’m hoping the GDDR7 switch makes 16gb the starting vram for mid tier cards and the expected performance boosts would make for a worthy upgrade.

Mid tier has been killed. The 180 to 300€/$ segment is not quite a barren wasteland, not far from it though.

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Best you can really hope for i feel is an RX 7900 xt a few months after the next generation releases and that ROCm implentation matures (which is a lot to hope for).

I was able to grab an rx 6900 xt for 350 bucks a few months after the 7000 series released and AMD cards have a reputation of depreciating a decent amount. 7000 series have decent ai performance and I have gotten ROCm to work on my card in windows. That card has such a poor initial reception that it bound to be under valued i feel.

LTT is shit. It’s been shit for a while now. I’m glad Steve called them out. Fuck 'em.

To be fair, I think there are plenty on the team that want to put out better quality content, but Linus has been breeding the force behind what we’ve been getting.

Yeah, my beef isn’t so much with them. It’s that asshole Sebastian I don’t care for. Obviously, he is driving this crap. I don’t watch the channel anyway, so for me it’s no big deal. No excuse for crap content. If I can’t be proud of what I do, I wouldn’t do it. But again, that is just me.

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I’ve been watching for years, but as of recently… I tend to prioritize other outlets. As much as I hated to see Kyle go, BitWit was never the same after the divorce, but that’s understandable. He had the grace to admit when it was time to step away. Linus… His head is filled with pride, and it’s blinding him. Can he pull his head out of his ass and turn things around, bringing back the quality without killing the fun? Yes. Is it probable?.. Looking at things right now, no. At least, not without some serious changes and Linus allowing them without interfering.
Lately, the channels I pay attention to (in the tech sphere) are more: Jayztwocents, GN, Hardware Unboxed, and Paul’s Hardware (mainly the weekly news stories as his home life and moving the office back to the garage is taking up enough time and energy, but looking forward to other content.

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