Lets talk about your tips! ;)

Ha ha! DId you get it? :laughing: Iā€™m rooting for you!

I can take pictures and make detailed instructions if that would help? I have off today from work so I can help you all day.



You guys are aware of this methodā€¦right?


Oh my god I never thought of that!

You guys ever try putting tips on the Blessing 2 (or dusk)?

Freaking nozzles.

Really gets you good at putting these things on but.


Not every tip fits on them, due to the huge nozzle.


Yup. Spinfit CP145 go on without much fuss, but I feel really bad for CP100 when they get stretched over those wide nozzles! I can even hear them screeching out in pain!

CP145ā€¦ No issues.

CP100ā€¦ Like putting a condom on a missle!

Poor little guy! :frowning_face:


HAHAHA WOW im stuck at work till noon way to brag, i expect more picture tutorials in the future though


lol really?? my hand is seriously hurting, that Mele nozzle is a thick boy

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Mele has been a brezee to tip roll for meā€¦ Try tip rolling on tsmr Land or Variations :joy:

That thing was made for big girls, if you u knownwhatimean

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Letā€™s shop? :smirk:

Hmmmmā€¦Letā€™s see how that would go down?..

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Letā€™s gooo! But you have to work donā€™t you?

Letā€™s see if this works. Iā€™ve never tried to link a video.


Iā€™m working. Home office šŸ¤·

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Asmr Resolution.

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What are we buying? MEST MKII? :wink:

ROFL, I guess I did that didnā€™t I?


ā€œGrab more cables, we only have 50.ā€

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Waiting on your photos of the ddhifi case.

Just realized im going to my parents this weekend and I have no transportation case. My brain cant think anymore now. Must. Get. One.

(give me time on Mest, need to find my peace with my stuff first. But i could use a single ddā€¦)

I could use more graphene 4 cores and you know the other IEM Iā€™ve been eyeing. :wink: But I was planning to wait till the gold Mele and Timeless to arrive before ordering more stuff. I enjoy the anticipation of always having stuff coming.

Oh shit, sorry I forgot. You got me too early in the morning. Iā€™ll do it right now. Iā€™ll send in PM as to not muddy a thread up.

You gonna hate it šŸ¤·