Lets talk about your tips! ;)

Can someone help me identify a foam tip:

It’s cone like with narrowing towards tip and mesh in the middle.

Some kind of Comply (Series 400/500/600 with their Tech Defender) would be my bet.


Quick comment about Whizzer SS20 that I just received today. Put size large on Olina SE and 1/ the confort is great, they are soft, rounded and fit perfectly, 2/ somehow the added forwardness of the mids help balance Olina SE and makes the upper treble sound more tame.
Pretty happy so far.

I will try them also on Vulkan and A3.


After a bit of rolling, here are the tips that work best for my IEMs and my ears:

  • Letshuoer S12 - Dunu S&S
  • Letshuoer x GIZAUDIO Galileo - Stock Silicone Tips (clear with black core)
  • Kotori Audio Dauntless - SpinFit CP100
  • AFUL MagicOne - SpinFit CP145

Nah, unfortunately it’s somewhat different shape.

It’s now official for me anyhow Pentaconn Coreir’s are the best tips I’ve ever had the pleasure to use…bested the OG Sony tips on Z1R and now trumped the spiral dots my all time go to’s for OG Andro :star2: awarded to them…

Edited…oh btw did you @rattlingblanketwoman snag those Andros on Head-Fi?




:raised_hands: that was a killer deal for an epic set enjoy brah :+1:

Was listening to mine this afterter and I still :heart: ‘em no question :star:

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I’m absolutely going to have to try these one day. When that day will come, I am not sure. But having to stomach the price tag may mean it’s not going to be any time soon :sweat_smile:


Remember they’re not vented…didn’t know that was a thing till the NOB saga, personally never had a problem :man_shrugging:

Oh no no, the Andos are fine and all, but I’m talking about the tips :sunglasses:


Let me think…Transducers > Tips > Amp > Dac > Cable…I’m not a modern day Tipophile but unless you need to address a real weak point with your IEM and like me don’t eq then Coreir is like a sniper riffle sight everything’s super focused :gem: then if you mentally wind back a bit there’s a whole battlefield sound stage out there too crazy :man_shrugging:


I did a quick AB listening session with Dunu Vulkan with both Easytips SS20 and Audisense S400 eartips.

The SS20 is very comfortable thanks to a soft and velvety material; and as advertised boosts the midrange and especially the vocals while at the same time cleaning out the mid bass bloat. Since the Vulkan already has a clean bass, it simply sounds like it is reducing the mid bass quantity.

S400 tips are very neutral but boost the bass perception a bit. They are combination of the outer shell of the Sony tip with a Spinfit-like articulated stem.

I can see myself use both on Vulkan but for now I’ll keep the S400 for the extra bass.


I cannot explain it guys, ever since I got the Dunu S&S tips, I can never go back to the other tips that I have used previously on my IEMs. It’s just I don’t know how to explain it, just perfect to my ears and they rarely slip off in my ears while I workout with my IEMs on. I just love it, and in fact quite possibly one of the best ear tips this year.


They work well for me with certain IEM’s, particularly shorter stem ones that have shells that fit my ears. The super softness is hard to explain, and they def take a diff approach that makes it worth adding to your tip-rolling arsenal IMO.


You’re certainly not alone.

I have a set of eartips (soft and pliable triflanges; NOT the horrific Etymotic or Shure ones) that damn near always provide me with a perfect, deep seal, and hence a perfect bass response. Many a times there are IEMs with upper end spikes I can comfortably listen to simply because of a deeper seal. There are also IEMs where others complain of weak bass, when I hear quite the opposite (again, because of the seal). I’ve sworn by these eartips for so long (over a decade) that even when they don’t necessarily fit the IEMs I will combine them with smaller tips and create some hybrid that achieves the same result.

It’s such an important part of the discovery and if I don’t like the way something sounds out of the box I’ll spend a few days tip rollikg becore dismissing the IEM as simply not tuned to my liking. It’s also convinced me to rediscover a few IEMs I would have never otherwise known the capabilities of.

TL;DR: Never underestimate tips. Tips can and will seal the deal (pun intended)!


Agreed on the Dunu S&S tips. It’s the only way I can comfortably wear my S12’s and also get what I think is the best sound out of them since they seal so well with their unconventional squarish shape. I also like how the ends are slightly flared from the core to give it a somewhat of a wider bore for your ear canal.



I took the gamble on the Coreirs, and my initial impression is disappointment. I basically agree with KopiOkaya of tweakingtips that they’re suitable for a narrower set of iems mainly because of how forward the mids are. He gave it 4.75 for vocal presence, but it’s like 5+ to me, and I have some of the others he rated as 5.0… I also feel while it’s organic, I thought W1 (thanks @ctjacks336 !) bested it in naturalness for some of the iems whille also feeling like W1 and some other heavy hitters have a larger stage. Some positives are that the comfort and seal are great, but I do wonder about sound changes as many iems won’t fit it fully on the nozzle. It’s not a bad tip, which depends heavily on the pairing, but the clarity is about on par with Dunu S&S, Softears UC, etc., so I don’t feel like it’s that special.


I find that the principle effect the Coreirs have in my ears with my iems is to cut bass significantly (almost a complete inverse to E-Pro horn tips for me), even while I’ve found the fit and seal to be exemplary - which hasn’t been what I’ve been looking for with the sets I’ve used them with.

Reading other viewpoints, I can only conclude that they’re inherently sensitive to ear anatomy, and my anatomy doesn’t bring about a particularly desirable effect. I bought a package with M and MS, and the sizing actually nicely bookends my typical fit, so I’m able to get a very nice fit for all of the sets I’ve tried them with by choosing one size or another depending on nozzle diameter, length and angle.

My next step is to try them with some sets where I might enjoy a bit less quantity or tighter bass for a change…

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