Lets talk about your tips! ;)

Don Cherry :star_struck:

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Final review of the latest tips Iā€™ve received:

  • Whizzer SS20 emphasize the mids and therefore vocals, similar to what I get with Spinfit 100/360. Stage gets improved a bit too. They are very soft, short and wide bore.

  • Audiosense S400 and Fiio HS18: both are neutral with a slight bass emphasis. Similar shape however sizing is different and the umbrella on the Fiio is quiet thinner. I still get a good seal and they are not collapsing in my ears but they sometimes invert when I take them out of my ears. S400 is also extremely comfortable.

I now use the S400 on Vulkan, HS18 on Olina with great results in terms of both fit and sound.

Other tips that I rec are TRN T tips, ddHifi ST35, Spinfit W1.

A lot of tips that are usually recommendedby people are uncomfortable to me because too stiff or thick, such as: Azla (Sedna, Sedna Light, Xelastec), BGVP W01, AE07, Final E, Dunu stock).


I think they cut the mid-bass, but about typical sub-bass from what I remember comparing. The bass also seemed a little softer than usual.

Iā€™ve seen some people say this, but I donā€™t think itā€™s that different from transducers. Iā€™ve looked at several iem rankings, and there are significant differences with some being quite amusing. When I look at Kopiā€™s rankings of tips, I generally can see why he gives them the rank on soundstage, vocal presence, and bass/mid/treble emphasis. On the other hand, I seem to agree less with Riku. One factor for the difference is weā€™re all not using the same transducer when evaluating tips, and some synergize better with others and not so good with others, but that also applies to evaluating transducers, too.

Yeah, I noticed thinking back to all the positive reception I saw and noted, a lot of people were referring to Z1Rs (LOL) or probably similar with less pinna gain e.g. the NOB.

Yeah, itā€™s not bad. I guess I was just disappointed thinking the metal would have made an exceptional difference to me on different aspects, but I think personally itā€™s around par for newest gen silicone/latex material if it was paired with an iem that has good synergy with it.

lol Not often at all. I donā€™t produce a whole lot of wax but never got an ear infection. I donā€™t think bacteria/fungi/mold can really thrive on silicone

I like Dunu also, but they can exaggerate the sound especially the clings and clangs. They open everything up and have great clarity, though. I find fit and comfort is great, but because of the shape, it can hurt my ears on some nozzles. I recently got H570, and that one is killer. It is good pairing for practically anything. It reminds me more of W1 than Clarion, which Kopi compared them to.


Does anyone have any tip recs for Galaxy Buds2 Pros? Just upgraded my phone (to S23) and got a free set of the Bud FEs which I gave to my wife. Fancied trying a set but ended up finding a new, sealed set of the Buds2 Pros off fleabay for a bit of a steal and Ā£20 less than new pair of the FEs. Ordered some different sizes of Alza Sedna Max and Spinfit CP360s to try but would appreciate any other recs for tips to try out :+1: .

Just got some goodies in from Ali. Didnā€™t realize the ostry has screens in them.:crazy_face:


Those Ostry tips look super interesting, Iā€™ve never heard of those before. Mind linking me to the listing you got them from?!

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Just found this amazing item on AliExpress. Check it out! $4.99 | OSTRY OS100 / OS200 / OS300 Earphone Turning Tips For Hifi Earphones KC06A KC06 And Catheter Diameter 4mm-6mm Earphones



Damn, thank you kindly brudda!


I donā€™t know about AliX, but I got 'em from Amazon in the US, man - they were dead cheap too. Looking for a link, brbā€¦


What the hell! :handshake: youā€™re the man for this, I was about to buy em off Ali and wait 6 months for delivery


Yeah, man - hereā€™s the link:

OSTRY OS100 - OS200 - OS300 Earphone Turning Tips https://a.co/d/cQt9quw

Just noticed that the Amazon seller is Shenzhen Audio. Wasnā€™t Prime 2 day, but I did getā€™em in 10 days right in the middle of the holiday rush. $13 for 9 pairs (3 per pack). Hope they work out for you - I like 'emā€¦


Just noticed how cheap the AliX link is tho - might be worth the wait after all :thinking:

Edit: so the listing with three packs is $11.98, a $1 difference (@ first I thought it was 3 boxes for $5, which is nuts)ā€¦


Wish I would have know that!!ā€™ I searched on Amazon and could never find them


Youā€™re a legend, thank you much. I definitely will give these a shot for the Maestro Mini wit their no grill on the nozzle having ass.

I had to give up on using the Sedna max tips because the pressure build up when you first put them in is cringe inducing.


My pleasure - happy to contribute! :handshake:


Cant put a regular filter on it yourself?

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Iā€™ve tried, there is no lip for the filter to catch onto so the ones I have donā€™t stay on properly and I just donā€™t want to use a stronger glue in case I screw it up. I donā€™t have the most steady hands in the world, so dealing with tweezers and small filters is tough for me.

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aa yeah then the other methods are also kinda risky/one-way tickets.
in that case that ostry tip will do fine, that one was actually popular like 4 years ago or so. Havent seen anyone mention it in a loooong while though.

iirc, the OS100 is the one with the least dense filter (= least amount of damping/change). So I would probably get that one and then just buy some separate filters and put them on them if you want more damping later. Not sure what the size is but you probably want those 3mm filters.

oh and for the record, I believe those comply foam tips also have an inbuilt filter/foam for protection.


I appreciate that, I wasnā€™t sure what the numbers were referring to, I thought at first it was the sizes.

Iā€™ll give em a shot.