đŸ”¶ Letshuoer S12

thanks for sharing, how much was early bird price?

It was 129.99 USD for just the S12

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Easy and decent sub bass treatment for the S12 with parametric eq.

EQ applied:
Low Shelf @40Hz
Gain 3dB
Q 1

Sound demo with disclaimer: As always in reality it sounds different, this only for rough comparison.


Cool! Have you tried putting a tuning tape on the vent? Might be worth a try. EQ is handy but a pain if you have to swap around sources and IEMs


thanks for the reminder
trying it now.

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Fully taping helps a bit you’ll gain around 2dB more sub bass at normal listening level.

The S12 has 2 vents

which I taped masterfully for science

I recorded the same track at same volume 1x taped and 1x untaped. Then I checked the audio spectrum in iZotope RX7. There I looked at the dB amplitude of the first strong bass impulse at around 40Hz.

Untaped (amplitude = -24.7 dB):

Taped (amplitude = -22.4 dB):

So in this scenario I gained -22.4 dB - -24.7 dB = 2.3 dB

and finally the sound demo:


You da man! thanks for all your contributions :smiley:

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haha love it. Have you seen these before? Tuning paper. In case you want a more aesthetically pleasing tape mod haha

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It’s a fun hobby. Thanks for the info about the tuning papers.

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Good job :call_me_hand: S12 is a beast :grimacing:


but doesn’t it cause pressure build up and suction feeling? correct me if I’m wrong but also it may enclose the sound stage

Are these air-permeable? Because my first taping test I’ve done was with some random fine pore filter I had lying around which had no effect. The seal has to be tight.

Interesting. I think they are somewhat permeable. Akros has a vid on using them to modify bass on Blon BL03, so it does work for that IEM: HZsound HeartMirror - How to modify Bass Output TUTORIAL - YouTube. Not sure if it’s different with planar drivers?

I’ll stick to what we call Tesafilm for now.

:laughing: I can imagine the designer at Shuoer right after he sees this.



Think I’ll wait until they’re back on hifigo
don’t want to bugger about with taxes etc.

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I don’t think @PopinTeddy and @Morphitsu had to deal with VAT and customs, but maybe they were lucky
I sincerely hope I don’t get snagged!

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Hype Train

Yeah, UK no VAT no customs for me.

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is Shuoer Audio Store on aliexpress their store or just someone using their name?

The case is (at least for Poland, but I believe it is common for all EU countries), that below 150$ net of cost the VAT should be added to price and paid at the initial payment directly to the buyer. Above that you should pay it on import at your customs.

It is written at Shuoer site that tax is not included, but still I think it may be some kind of overlook that makes it go through the customs automatically


Per previous discussion on their Discord, I believe so. Paging @shuoer for confirmation.