🔶 Letshuoer S12

Ended up holding off temporarily. Had to make sure payment for insurance renewal cleared first.

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Next to blon 03, these are SMALL, smaller than all of my kz’s, for anyone worrying about fit i’m finding them comfy and i have super difficult ears :+1:
immediate listening impressions - final tips + tripowin altea cable (stock cable is nice but 4.4mm and my 4.4 - 6.35 adapters isn’t here yet)
mid bass is CRISP, sub-bass is weaker than mele but still present, doesn’t have usual planar timbre but it’s still there, just not as obvious as a planar as the timeless or a sundara


Feed us some Timeless vs S12 :smirk:


it’ll have to be off memory i sold them around a couple weeks ago due to fit issues
from what i remember - bass and sub-bass are very similar, male vocals feel thinner on the s12 and less so on the timeless but not by a massive amount, i’d say maybe a 10% difference and i’m only noticing it because i use iems to watch youtube and things in the background, i think on anything with post processing it’ll be harder to distinguish the two
the s12 stumbles a little in the treble - high hats and cymbals don’t have any edge to them and i’m particularly treble sensitive so i can’t imagine how it’d be for someone less so, female vocaloids ie miku on kill jill sounds fine, just fine, which is what i got from both the timeless and the s12
soundstage + fit clearly goes to the s12, when @Rikudou_Goku mentioned the timeless had like a soundstage/imaging that was entirely in the front that’s what i was experiencing without realising it on the timeless. I don’t think the s12 has particularly good soundstage/imaging just not particularly awful (although obviously mixed reports)

disclaimer: all immediate impressions + i don’t particularly review things i just try and a/b test with what i have to see what i like and don’t like, currently a/b ing with the hekili but for $120 which is the price i paid, safe purchase, no build issues or weird caveats like i would have to give a lot of products ie the timeless fit was god awful for me


Hekili?? I’d love to hear more about that, in the right thread at the right time. :heart:

The S12s just arrived.

First impressions

  • Excellent cable, feels and looks good and solid.
  • Comfortable fit in the ears
  • Construction looks and feels sturdy, top notch
  • No cheapo vibes from this set


Out of the box graph


And they added a “real” waifu. Take that Moondrop!


Congratz :fire:

Mine should arrive this week, but fedex :poop:


Ok guys and gals I am not the most versatile in audiophile vocabulary but I already can give you my verdict about the S12. If you want to read a full review of the S12 read any of the numerous Timeless reviews and add my below remarks, et voilà.

The S12 is better than the 7HZ Timeless

I can keep it short, this is an obviously very close to Timeless tuned driver Timeless clone with the same driver inside. Which is a good thing.
As you can see from the graphs.

The S12 has a little bit of sub bass roll off otherwise the tuning is the same.
I have been listening the past 9h switching between the 7Hz and S12 and there are no big differences. There are slight differences which make the S12 the winner in my book:

  • Overall I find the sound of the S12 a little bit smoother
  • fit, comfort and looks of the S12 are way better than the Timeless
  • S12 has the lower price
  • excellent 2-pin cable

Oh and btw:

The only IEMs I use foam tips on are the the S12 and Timeless as I prefer overall more smooth, dark sounding IEMs.

Here are the foam graphs.

S12 is a very good IEM and definitively worth a buy.


OMG I love all those hype reviews! For now it looks like a cheaper timeless with a better cable and no QC issues (based on 3 reviews after 1 day of usafe, so I don’t call it a day yet), so win-win-win situation.

Mine is still stucked at outbound of YanWen, so I guess I would have mine in a month or so, but for 120$ I guess I would wait.


Thanks for the review. Just to clear this off - this is not the same driver as Timeless. Ours has a 14.8mm diameter while the Timeless’ is 14.5mm. To-mae-to, to-maa-to, different nonetheless :smiley:

Sidenote: @Ohmboy could you change the thread title to LETSHUOER S12 (yes, all caps)? We got a rebranding because we needed to register in US and Shuoer Audio / Acoustics is not available unfortunately. Thanks.


You’re welcome. From looking at the graphs I would have bet it’s the same driver. Good job on this IEM. Fit, feel, comfort and sound are impressive I’d even say oppoty.

Edit: corrected the driver paragraph in the review.


How’s the S12 treating you? Still enjoying them? Any comparisons you could share?

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i’ve not had much time to test them, a-level mocks at the end of January unfortunately :/, i’ll test them more throughout today though and give thoughts by 6pm

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No rush mate! Thanks for sharing your insights!

That takes me back! Good luck!

Yesterday evening I took some more time for critical listening and switching between the 7Hz Timeless and the S12 and found that they differ more from each other than I initally thought. So instead of trying to articulate how these 2 sets differ I decided to endeavor to record sound demos. As I’m a big fan of sound demos (Shout out to Dan’s Audio Reviews, Tharbamar and Zeos) and as I recently purchased a IEM measurement kit I thought let’s give it a shot. I think the demos succeed to give you an impression about their sonic characteristics.

Most importantly I learned 2 things.

  1. Frequency response graphs are more misleading than I initially assumed
  2. Don’t assess audio gear on the sideline like I did yesterday while doing office work

Sound demos

The Recording chain was as follows:

Roon → IEM → Artificial Ear IEC711 coupler → Audacity (mono recording) → Export as wav files → Normalize wav files with iZotope Elements → Create video

Listen with neutral headphones if possible.

Here we go.

First track is a contemporary jazz piece showcasing all the good jazz stuff: Marcus Miller - Trip Trap

Second track is a female choral classical containing only strings and high pitch female singing

Third track shows the bass/hip-hop capabilites The Roots - I Don’t Care
Btw, this track must have the deepest sub-bass droning throughout the whole track. I guess this is some kind of easter egg put in by The Roots. Can you hear it too?

Fourth track is classic hard rock Thin Lizzy - Hearth Attack

Final remarks

For me the Timeless wins in the bass department. The S12 is leading the rest of the spectrum.
In the end I still like the S12 more. Also I find the S12 has a wider stage than the Timeless.


Sheez thank you so much for a review with demo comparisons!

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You’re welcome. The S12 might appear sibilant or overly bright in the demos but they aren’t in reality imo.

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Just received mine, fantastic unboxing experience!

Extremely generous set of tips too :star_struck: