đŸ”¶ Letshuoer S12



Based on the graph above, I would EQ like this:
Low shelf @150Hz -3dB
High shelf @2.5kHz -3dB

From there, you can try fiddling with frequencies and gain values

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Anybody knows if the stock silicon tips (white with black stem wide bore) that came with S12 is same as kbear 07 black stem? Looking to get some stock since this is the tip that gives very wide soundstage for me
final e tips somehow killed the 3d though the bass is great.

That cable sure is pertty

Yes not just aesthetics
perfect match for my S12. Most 3D holographic sound using this cable and its perfect match using my MT604 tube amp fed by L2B dongle. This cable also rounds the uppermid / treble hotness without losing any details. Truly my endgame since i am sure inwill not benefit from any $500 range now and any kilobuck i will get either wrong match or diminishing returns
so S12 with this setup is just perfect for me. Oh just using this eq in uapp to make it as Z12.


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nice! does uapp eq work system wide? Also when playing from TIDAL?

when you grant usb exclusive access to uapp then no systemwide eq example eq dont work for youtube etc
you need to come out of usb exclusive mode.

Never tried Tidal but it should work within uapp since functionality to login tidal within uapp.

Again The parametric eq within uapp is a paid function since 3rd party vendor so they might enhance functionality time to time.

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Thanks for the feedback! :slight_smile:

Bought back my S12
 far too long. Been missing it since I sold it months ago. Thought wanna grab the S12 Pro
but the color not for me. Z12 have really nice color variant but the zreview logo is too much on the faceplate.

2 of my favorite IEMs.
LetShuoer S12 - really like the sparkle and bass.
Moondrop Stardust - clean and max neutrality.
Will be rotating these 2 daily.

Just trying on my desktop setup. No doubt is absolutely bonkers. Won’t listen too long on this setup else later I’ll never touch my iFi Gryphon. :sweat_smile:


Planar wars 10.0 :rofl:

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Has anyone tried the SednaEarfit Max on these? Do they fit?

I do tend to think Comply foam has more upper mid smoothing and loses some bottom compared to other foam tips as they seem to be a more porous/open and damped material (slower recovery from compression). Not sure it’s that much bass loss but remember that it may not sound like that much since most of the response is attenuated along with the bass. I haven’t been a huge fan of comply over the years because they have, what for me, is a noticeable sig but I love them on my Moondrop S8 with a cable that slightly enhances highs. Heavy silver Litz or Penon mix type cable.

I first heard the S12 at CanJam London. I enjoyed it so much I bought it on the spot, even after listening to their fancier IEMs.

My impression is that the white tips are too stiff and hurt my ear canals, but sound the best. The black tips are more comfy in the ear, but are too bassy.

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I tried Michael Bruce’s mod. My impressions so far is that it might be a little too warm even for me. Plus I think I’m always going to experience some “uncanny valley” with IEMs that aren’t at least dominantly DD based.
I’m thinking of putting it up for sale at a low price, available either as-is (shells separate quite easily) or glued sealed. I didn’t want to glue them yet in case someone wants to tinker with them further. I’ll put them up for $90 if so, and I can include the original driver filters to reverse that part of the mod (and include some Etymotic foams to use the stems from and a couple spare 400 density filters if the next owner wants to redo any part of the mod).


Ive just completed 2/3 of the Michael Bruce mod and it improved the S12 nicely to the point i may actually start using them.
Reduced the bore and broke out the front port.
Not going to bother with changing the driver rear filter ax this seems the sweet spot.
Still prefer the WU but these are now waaay better than stock.


Did it bring up the midbass a bit? That’s what I think I need to like my Z12 a bit more since my current favorite is my Kai.

A little but main benefit is it moves the gain region so you lose that shoutiness.

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So it is fairly noticeable then?

To my ears, definitely noticeable.
The bore change should be reversible if you’re careful when removing the grills.


Sweet, definitely could use that touch of midbass :sunglasses: