Listening to tonight (Part 2)


I have been more into Miles Davis and buying more albums recently. Yesterday I was thinking that I really needed to hear an album that I hadn’t played in a long time, Miles Davis Live at Newport 1955-1975.

When I say a long time, I am not exaggerating. I just realized that I do not have a copy on my laptop (my jukebox), which I have been using since I got my BF2 in Jan.2021. I used to use my DAP (Sony NW-ZX300), but it will not work with the BF2 and I had to assign a laptop to juke-box duty.
So…I haven’t played this set in two and a half years. I ripped the 4 CD’s to my laptop today and Monday will be Newport Day (a few minutes shy of 5 hours).

For those that are surprised that I haven’t noticed not hearing this set in two and a half years, I did a Miles count today in my collection.
Miles Davis, with all his different groups, consists of 317 pieces of music in my collection. That is 39 hours of solid music.

Since jazz music as a whole is only 30-40% of my listening, it will take a Long time to get through all of my Miles music. :grin:


Love a good show band!

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So you have “Miles to go before you sleep.”

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Big time! :+1:

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That is the first time I have heard them…I really enjoyed that and I am going to check them out.

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Starting off tonight with some reference tunes from my playlist. Currently enjoying “Cosmic Symphony” from Flying colors.


AMHD > Schiit Bifrost 2 > Cavalli Liquid Platinum > HiFIMAN Edition XS

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I’ve been listening to my collection of Djam Karet CD’s today if anyone hasn’t heard them their early albums remind me a bit of Marrilion, without the vocals…Well maybe not the first track but the last 4 a little.

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I thought I would try something different. I have heard about Alanis Morrisette’s “MTV Unplugged” performance. I have never seen it, so I tried to find a video, but the videos were poor quality. However, I found the Hi-Res sound track on AMHD. The sound quality is excellent. I am definitely getting the sense of being there. So far it has been great.

AMHD > Schiit Bifrost 2 > Cavalli Liquid Platinum > HiFIMAN Edition XS


She sang a little while ago at an awards show or somthing and she showed she still has her pipes. Seemed to walk away from the limelight early in her career… Some people don’t want to hang around until they’re 80 like Elton and Billy Joel…:smile:

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Love “Uninvited.” She hangs on to that 7th and builds tension forever, lol.
Some creative, powerful accompaniment too. I’ll have to check this one out too.


By Bread Pilot

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That + DX312 > Sunniva :ok_hand:

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Ooooffff that’s probably sounding thiiiiiicccc I love it, perfect set up and album to vibe to :sunglasses:

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When you have the time give Nirvana’s Unplugged a listen also…It is a close second to her performance.


roon (ROCK) → Allo DigiOne → Yggdrasil OG → V550 → LCD-24

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