Listening to tonight (Part 2)

Ben Stiller is leadsinger of a rockband now?!! :scream: :laughing:

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I can’t un-see that observation now…

Also funny is that Ben Stiller was in a Punk Band “Capital Punishment” when he was in high school. Stiller played drums. They did an album called ‘Road Kill’ but I don’t I think it was ever released.

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Today I am back into my blues collection. 50 years of Alligator Records.

Doing it tube style.


Continuing a random tour of the hair-metal era sound

roon (ROCK) → ultraRendu → Spring 3 KTE → OOR → HE6se v2

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ADHD or just an eclectic library of tastes, something to change it up.

roon (ROCK) → ultraRendu → Spring 3 KTE → OOR → Susvara

Fantastic stuff I just discovered during my morning listening.

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Super dope :fist_right:

Nice pick, Dom. Makes me want to check out more from him.

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Thanks, brother. The entire album is pretty great, some interesting stuff in there. Love the mastering on it, very well made music

Started the evening off with ‘90s UK Jazzy Trip-hop with Nina Yamada.’

Now on to 'A Journey into '90s & ‘2000s Nu Jazz with Leopold.’

OPUS > CMUS > Cambridge Audio CXN V2 > Jnog (OG) > Freya S > Vidar (monoblock) > Klipsch R-620F

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The IEM discussion thread made me listen to this '90s metal song.

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If you’re into fusion at all, there’s a good chance this will be an album you can dig.

The drummer in the band is ZackGrooves on YouTube and if you know him, you know he’s an animal behind the kit. Highly technical with some serious chop and groove skills. This sounds absolutely amazing coming out of the EA500 :+1:

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Qobuz > Cambridge Audio CXN V2 > Jnog (OG) > Freya S > Vidar (monoblock) > Klipsch R-620F

Qobuz > Cambridge Audio CXN V2 > Jnog (OG) > Freya S > Vidar (monoblock) > Klipsch R-620F

If you know, you know

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Just saw/heard Sarah and Matt Szlachetka (on her right here) as a duo
at a short mid-week concert. VERY talented musicians! Was great to talk with
them afterwards too.
PS he did several songs on slide guitar that were pretty amazing!

Of course, found a more recent one from just last month, lol.

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Fantastic. There is nothing like being there.

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I have this one going at the moment


I have the HEK on the system in the bedroom. It’s fantastic! There is a lot going on in this album, and I hear everything. Wow.

Local CD > SMSL M200 > Realistic 7-band EQ > Denon AVR-2808CI > HiFIMAN HE1000 V2 Stealth

The beast at night. You gotta love these old stacks.

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