Listening to tonight (Part 2)

Different jam same source :ok_hand:


Currently doing some work and listening to the Oriolus Szalayis driven by the iBasso DX160.

I’m on my second run of Royal Blood’s album Back to the Water Below. It just dropped today and I’ve been eagerly awaiting it’s release. Thankfully, it has lived up to and/or exceeded my hopes for it in pretty much every way. These guys put together a very good album.


Wow, what an amp! Great choice. I dream of getting an A23+ someday.

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It really is. I meant to say Parasound, but the autocorrect on my new phone is a Nazi and no matter how many times I tell it to leave a word the way I spelled it, the next time I do it it’ll correct it anyways.:sob::rofl:

In all seriousness though, I can recommend the Parasound amps without hesitation. I haven’t heard/used the 23+, but I have used the 21+ and a few others and I’ve been nothing but impressed.

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Some fresh Mark Lettieri. Yeah, I’m there!



Lettieri is never a bad choice. I’ve gotta see him live at some point, for sure. :metal::sunglasses:

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Such a great rock album, from start to finish. Never been a big fan of RB, but this record is definitely my favorite from them so far.

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Christian Fabian Trio - Christian Fabian · Jason Marsalis · Matt King

roon (ROCK) → ultraRendu → Spring3 KTE → OOR/Hypsos → Susvara

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This is definitely their best album, IMO. I think they took some of the good from Typhoons, dropped some of the poppier aspects that I didn’t enjoy from that album, and put together a very good, very complete album. Definitely one to rock to! :metal::sunglasses:

Just to keep things topical, I’m currently running my Hifiman HE560s off the Burson Timekeeper 3i which is performing both amp and DAC duties.

At the top of my queue currently is the Chris Robinson Brotherhood’s 2017 album, Barefoot in the Head. Just a solid, low-key, bluesy/folksy rock album. Honestly, I think CRB has put out most of my favorite stuff from Chris Robinson. :+1::sunglasses:

This looks tasty! Gonna have to throw it on next. Thanks for the rec! :pray::sunglasses:

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Its modern forward Jazz but if you like bass and percussion (which I know you know something about) hopefully you’ll enjoy it - might be better later in the evening or with that first bourbon of the night.

I really dug the Siena Root album you put up the other day, I’ll be revisiting more of their works soon.

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Anything with Jason Marsalis behind the kit is definitely worth a listen in my book. I’ll save it for when I get home and start my Labor Day weekend off with a glass or two. :wink::sunglasses:

I’m glad to hear you’re diggin’ some Siena Root! Personally, I think they should be way more popular than they are so if I can turn a few more people on to them I’ll consider it mission accomplished. :metal:

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:notes: Funky Friday

If you dig that 70’s funk then here’s a selection of tracks laid down by the Commodores before their cross-over into the adult contemporary pop scene, though there are a few hints of their future sound poking through a hard gutsy funky curtain.
Tracks of special interest to me, but at a total of 37 minutes the album is worth a full play…
“Hold On”
“(Can I) Get a Witness”
“Mary Mary”
“Gimme My Mule”



Taste so good, pass that recipe around



Came across a new collection from Steve Lukather called “Bridges”. I really like it.


These guys are such pros, they still sound great together and I feel like this is a really good recording. He lays down a solid vocal performance in this one as well. Great listen.

AMHD > Douk U2 Pro > Schiit Bifrost 2 > Cavalli Liquid Platinum > HiFIMAN HE1000SE V2 Stealth


Just finally got done with my duties for the day and came inside. I have the house to myself until Sunday so I actually did some speaker listening earlier, but I’m back on the main rig with the DCA Expanse running off the Ferrum Oor/Hypsos stack with my trusty Holo May KTE making all the bits and pieces sound so lovely. The glass of new Scotch I’m trying out tonight should be kickin’ in to help enhance that loveliness shortly. :wink:

For tunes, I’ve got Scale the Summit’s 2011 album, The Collective, at the top of the queue right now. If you enjoy listening to wonderfully performed instrumental rock pieces then Scale the Summit is a band not to be missed. The Collective has some of their best work on it, injecting some very emotive sequences into their otherwise highly technical music and playing. This is the perfect album to start off my nightly session with.


Decided I wanted to switch to the ZMF Atriums, which I haven’t had out for quite sometime, to get some of that beautiful musicality that ZMF is so well known for. Still running them off the Door/Hypsos stack and the May KTE.

For music, I put on Common Ground, a 2022 masterpiece by Bill Evans and Robben Ford (amongst others). This album is killer and I love it to bits. Plus, it should transition well into the Christian Fabian Trio pick from @Delta9K that I’ve got queued up next. :+1::sunglasses:

Edit: Two thoughts. First, this lineup should put out more material. They’re so damn good together and I would definitely buy their albums (already own this one on CD and digital DL) and I’d pay good money to catch them live, too. Second, Keith Carlock is the unheralded star of this album. His performance is the perfect example of a drummer knowing their role in a group and playing it to perfection.


I rotate from Opeth, to Pink Floyd, and then to something like Rush or Talking Heads to rinse out my brain. Then repeat again.


DX312 > MT-604 with Voskhod 6J1P’s > OG P1 > Sony EPEX10A tips…