Listening to tonight (Part 2)

Such a big part of my childhood growing up on a Florida barrier island.


DX312 > Serratus…


Joni’s never a bad call…:metal::sunglasses:

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Listening to the album and track rec’s posted - Really good stuff to be sure, some of which I would not have added to the queue on my own so thanks to all contributors for sharing!!

I’ve been spending some time with Paul Hardcastle’s discography and had this one playing earlier.

roon → ultraRendu → Spring3 KTE → OOR/Hypsos → Susvara

New release from Soen

roon → Allo DigiOne → Schiit Yggdrasil OG → Violectric v550 → Audeze LCD-24


Good eve, all. Unfortunately, I ran out of gas last night. But we are at it tonight, starting off with something familiar and laid back. And, it’s been a while, so here we go…

AMHD > Douk U2 Pro > Schiit Bifrost 2 > Cavalli Liquid Platinum > Sennheiser HD660S


Pretty good album, IMO. What did you think of it?

Edit: To remain topical:

Still toiling away finishing the case for my newly built Bottlehead Crack w/ Speedball so I have the Penon Serials running off the A&K Kann Alpha.

For music, I’m listening to the first album in Tom Morello’s The Atlas Underground series. Some of the political stances I don’t necessarily disagree with, but the musical talent and his ability to make the guitar do things I’ve never heard before make listening to this album so much fun every time I put it on. The instrumental version of this album is pretty cool too. Definitely worth taking a listen to! :metal::sunglasses:

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Now listening with the Audience MM-500 from my GS-X Mini with the Holo May KTE pulling DAC duties.

At the top of my queue is a 2017 release from Mother’s Cake entitled No Rhyme No Reason. I found these guys on a Bandcamp trawl goodness knows how long ago and I’ve been listening ever since. They have a sound that’s something like harder blues rock married to some form of neo prog and I’m a big fan. These Austrian dudes know how to rock, that’s for sure! :metal::sunglasses:

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Using this cover photo, but it’s really about the Grieg Piano Concerto.
It’s absolutely excellent, imo (and Grammophone’s.)
If you want to dip your toes into some exciting, gorgeous, well-recorded
classical music, this would be a good place to start.
Hey…it’s 13 minutes SHORTER than Dark Side of the Moon! :wink:


Finally got a chance to check this out. It’s very good. Seems to be in the wheelhouse for me lately. Clean, slippery and very well done. Excellent rec.

YouTube Music > Douk U2 Pro Schiit Bifrost 2 > Cavalli Liquid Platinum > HiFIMAN HE1000 V2 Stealth


After the Common Ground album was over this one came on. I was gonna stop it and I thought “Why?!?” So I found it on AMHD. Can’t believe I have never heard this through. I’m gonna grab some port and just take this one in.


@Raptor168 Classics!!


Man, if someone asks for a list of all-time classic jazz albums, Kind of Blue sita right up there at the top with Giant Steps for me. Such a seminal work that laid the basis for so much of what came after.

Edit: Stoked that you dug Common Ground! I can listen to that album on repeat. :sunglasses:


Haven’t been around lately.

Busy doing renovation work , gardening as well as upgrading , re capping, signal path resistors adding discrete op- amps , etc.etc. to my 225 wpc Anthem MCA 20 amplifier…

Been listening to various Vic Stevens Mistaken Identities series CD’s as I work on some hifi electronics mods…


Tonight is my inaugural listening session with my newly completed Bottlehead Crack w/ Speedball! Right now I have the ZMF Atriums plugged into the Crack with a Modi Multibit 2 doing the DAC thing.

As for music, I’m gettin’ jazzy with a 2018 release entitled Currents, Constellations by The Nels Cline 4. This album is a newer pickup for me and this will be my third run through it. It’s just a solid contemporary jazz piece with some truly top shelf musicianship from all involved. They really do some cool time signature shifts. Definitely two thumbs up from your’s truly! :+1::+1::sunglasses:


Early morning listening session, and I was in a Pink Floyd mood.
AMHD>Wiim Pro>Bifrost 2/64>Soloist 3XP /w supercharger> Arya Stealth