Listening to tonight (Part 2)

Good evening all. Seems I’m stuck in the 70’s today! Here is another classic and a nice way to get things started.

AMHD > Schiit Bifrost 2 (USB) > Singxer SA-1 > Focal Radiance


08.00 Sunday and off we go…

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It has been a while but I broke out the 6xx today…I have them hooked up to the WA6…I forgot how good they are on tubes…Listening to an oldie but goodie… The Killers - Live From The Royal Albert Hall…The performance is great, the energy is amazing and the crowd is awesome in this video I posted…How can you not love live music??

PC>FLAC>Modius>Woo Audio WA6>6xx


No sure if anyone else here gets the newsletter from Matt Fripp. I enjoy checking out things like; best jazz albums, best sax players, etc.

Well yesterday I got one and it features Hot jazz musicians in New York with links. Right off the bat, I am Really enjoying Adam O’Farrill’s stuff.

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I likw Tierney. This is more scatty than her albums. They’re having fun!
I’m going to an album release party next week for Erin Krebs, a local jazz
singer whom I’ve seen before and enjoy. Always good musicians around her.


Discovered her Album “Unusual” yesterday, good stuff!

My personal favorite version of this. I have a few cds with this on it, but over all this is the one for me. I know the opening/closing music is the most well known part of it, but it really is worth giving the whole thing a shot. Especially if you like that opening music. It’s all very dramatic, it’s very heavy as far as classical goes, and they’re singing in Latin for god’s sake. What more do you need?

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Watching Devils Rejects tonight and this track came on, totally forgot about this soundtrack…

Raptgo Hook-X>Questyle M15

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Z1R…always for this :gem:


Good eve, one and all! Since there are no playoff games on the tube tonight, I figured I’d start the session early. Trying the new release from The Flower Kings, called “Look At You Now”.


It’s good. Consistent with what I expect from them. The vocals could be stronger in my view, but overall a good listen.

AMHD > Schiit BF2 (USB) > Singxer SA-1 > SMSL DA-9 > Triangle BR02 w/REL Tzero mkiii sub


After that intense concert, I took a brief break. Shifting gears now, I have a great one on. It’s the Yellowjackets and " Parallel Motion". Some great work has been done on this record. The HE1000 really does an incredible job with jazz, too. Fantastic, and fits the tone of the night…


AMHD > Schiit Bifrost 2 (USB) > Cavalli Liquid Platinum > HiFIMAN HE1000 V2 Stealth


I listened to this one for the first time this morning and I was honestly disappointed. I’m a fan of The Flower Kings and I found it sad to hear Roine struggle that much on the vocals in particular. I mean, vocals have never been his strong suit, but, in places, these were just downright bad. Weak, strained, often off key. I commend bands/artists for not using autotune most of the time, but situations like this is what it was designed for.

For the record, I also felt like this album was mediocre musically as well. It lacked energy and didn’t bring anything new to the table. I dig the quirky sense of fun energy that their better albums over the years have brought to the table. This album totally lacked any of that and the songwriting/composition felt kinda stale and “done before.” For me, they missed the mark on this one and that’s too bad. :disappointed:

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I have been hemming and hawing for a few months about getting this collection, but I bit last night. Some really great music. I only have a couple of Coltrane albums and there is no overlap with this package. It is six or seven albums and I paid $35.00, plus tax. A very fair price I thought. And the sound is pretty good too. I bought it on iTunes, but it is on YouTube also:


Agreed. I was trying not to be too harsh about it and ended up not being entirely forthcoming. I mean, it had its moments, but yeah, disappointing.

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FLAC > Foobar > Jnog > THX 789 > Zeus

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It did have it’s moments and I think they’re still a great band, but I think they need someone to take over vocals at least if they want to keep being relevant rather than becoming a nostalgia act.

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