Listening to tonight (Part 2)

That is a great point. In all honesty I had the same thought about Geddy when Rush was nearing the end of their run. It happens, man. Time and mileage takes its toll on a person, especially a vocalist.


No doubt. I mean, I have had to start physical therapy for my ankles so that I can keep the mobility needed to do my heel-toe technique on the pedals. After hockey (two broken ankles=4 surgeries, 12 pins, 6 screws, the Marines, and decades drumming they are basically falling apart. They click and grind, but since starting treatment theyā€™ve gotten worlds better. Thatā€™s said, Iā€™m like half the age these fellas are so Iā€™m not intending to talk down or anything. Just stating the reality of the situation as I see it. Unless they happen to know that Roine has some kinda issue for which treatment is an optionā€¦


Grado 60e w/L Cush > THX Portable > Bluesound Node 2i > AMHD ( some interesting synergy)

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Needed some fuel to get pumped to tell the corporate hacks where to stick it so Iā€™m sitting outside my arbitration meeting with my Orioles Szalyis running of my Cayin N8ii.

As for music, thereā€™s nothing better for inspiring corporate hate and vengeance that a little by of RATM. Iā€™m listening to their eponymous masterpiece of an album in hi-res and enjoying every second of it.

To those about to rock, I salute you! :metal::sunglasses:

The forum wonā€™t let me attach picsā€¦ Weird. Either way, you guys know what it looks like lol! :rofl:


For the morning work commute, the Malibu doesnā€™t have a bad stock system but I think I should def look into car audio for awhile

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Jimmy Haslip!

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A living legend if ever there was one. I was sad when he left the Yellowjackets, but they recovered nicely with young Pastorius taking that empty spot and then Dane Alderson later on. I get that Jimmy would want to branch out and develop his own brand. When you are that gifted, it seems like a natural thing to do.


This may sound like heresy, but I prefer the Alderson era to Pastorius. I think his style fit the bill better. Thatā€™s not a knock on Pastorius at all as heā€™s still one of my all-time favs on the low strings.

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Not at all. I think itā€™s perfectly valid. In fact, now that you mention it, I think I want to go back and do some listening to see whatā€™s what! This will be a fun projectā€¦ :grinning:

There was another fun little thing I was gonna undertake which is to list out some of my favorite songs and then find as many different versions as I can (i.e. OG studio release, live, any re-doā€™s) and so forth. I find that things like this are not only fun to do, they give a little more meaning to a session. That may be a little strange, but I have fun with it!

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if heā€™d stayed with he may not have had time to work with Michael Schmidt, Scott Kinsey or Allan Holdsworth, to name a few. its abit interesting that a lefty should play a righty :v: :sunglasses: :+1:


Here is a great interview I found that talks about that a little bit. Enjoy! :+1:t2:


Not strange at all, my friend. I do the same thing. I enjoy finding my favorite version of a track or album amongst all the remixes and remasters available. Itā€™s fun, but you also learn a lot about the music itself, production techniques, your own preferences, etc.


thanks for that. hadnā€™t seen this one. in another interview he said had some lessons from Jaco, which must have been a big confidence booster.
JH is always cool and modest; the mark of an aware & accomplished musician.

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Kristin Hersh Hips and makers (sorry the only way I can list the whole album :upside_down_face:)ā€¦


New Skalpelā€¦
Love these guysā€¦:smiley:


Currently trying out my new to me Abyss 1266 Phi TCs plugged into my Ferrum Oor/Hypsos stack with the Holo Audio May KTE pulling DAC duties.

For music Iā€™m listening to Mass Sly Raidā€™s 2022 album, Calm in Chaos. Basically this was just the first straight ahead rock album I came to in my queue and thatā€™s what I wanted to listen to for my first time plugging the Phi TCs into my own rig (I just bought them at 11:30PM last night). Iā€™m actually quite impressed with my initial listen but Iā€™m definitely still tweaking things to get the most out of them. At the insane price I got these for, they just might be keepers. :metal::sunglasses:


Switched to the Hifiman Susvaras (also new to me) through two Parasound JC1+ monoblocks amps with the Schiit Yggy+ as the DAC.

On deck in the queue is the eponymous 1971 release by The Doors. This record speaks for itself, but this signal chain is truly something special. Iā€™m just reclined by my listening station with a glass of Lagavulin 16 with a smile plastered on my face. An all time great record through an all time great headphones powered by an awesome signal chain. Experiences like this are what keep me in this hobby. :metal::sunglasses:


Easiest :+1: Iā€™ve ever givenā€¦enjoy :tumbler_glass:ā€™:tumbler_glass:


You like jazz? You like bass? You like Carl Mayotte!