Listening to tonight (Part 2)

Listening to this with the Aful P5 was a revelation. Seriously. I am so in love with these iems. They need power, sound kind of crap straight out of my phone. But on any of my small desktop amps it’s a whole other story. I am about to the point that I prefer them to all of my over ear cans.

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What other cabs do you have currently, out of curiosity?

Friday it is, then. Events of the day have me in a somewhat reflective mood, so I’m going to start with a few off of this Ryan Adams “Return to Carnegie Hall” album.


It’s funny how a piece of music can grab you in a way you don’t expect it to. I love when that happens. Enjoy the evening, all. :sunglasses:

AMHD > Schiit Bifrost 2 (USB) > SMSL SH-9 > Focal Radiance

OK, time to shift gears. This is a really good album from Porcupine tree called “In Absentia”.


thanks for posting :v: :sunglasses: :+1:

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I had several more a couple years ago, but sold them because I realized I didn’t really need them. Probably the best I still have is the DT1990. I have the Sundara. which I like but can only wear for a hour or two due to the clamp affecting nerve damage in my neck. Have the Fostex T60, Sennheiser 599, and a few lesser sets. All less than $200. In the past I had LCD2 and Fostex TH900 among others. I have not been blown away by most audio equipment I’ve listened to in the past, but I always go into it knowing what I can afford and being realistic about it all. One thing I appreciate about the Aful is they handle many styles of music well, which is a big plus in my book. I listen to many types of music, and they show off and highlight things in song like few others I’ve encountered.

The engineer and producer of this album deserve much praise. First heard this back in the 70s when my sister had it on 8-track. Listening with whatever headphones she had back then. Revisiting it tonight and honestly blown away by how good it sounds.


Right now I’ve got the new to me OG Mangird Teas running off my A&K Kann Alpha while doing some post surf sesh chillin’ in my truck.

At the top of this morning’s queue is a 1999 album entitled Last Wave Rockers by Common Rider. This is a band that Jesse Michaels, lead singer of Operation Ivy, formed after year of doing no music after the Op Ivy breakup to get back into do some music. They aren’t a full time band and they just get together basically whenever Jesse feels like doing something musical (he’s actually a pretty successful graphic artist these days). I freakin’ love this album and it’s definitely worth a check out! :metal::sunglasses:

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:ok_hand: + IE600

Nice combination of smooth strings and Brazilian rhythms! A pic me up, :wink:


And one more… a 2023 remaster of her Songbird album. Not sure if I prefer this or the original yet. Cleaned up and vocal seems more prominent. Hmmm.
Still one of the most evocative, sensitive singers ever… :smiling_face_with_tear:


Found these guys awhile back, Boomkat has a couple more releases but I’m collecting it all.

Raptgo Hook > Questyle M15

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Friday night! I finally got to have a legit session with the new speakers. Of course, I had to run some reference tunes through them. So I am currently enjoying this one.


I mean enjoying it on a level I haven’t before. These things are butter. Also, the amps are pairing incredibly well with them. I’m kinda blown away! I guess I’m not used to good stuff! :laughing: This is truly fantastic.

AMHD > Schiit BF2 > SA-1 Pre > SMSL DA-9 > Sonus Faber Lumina II w/ REL Tzero mkiii sub


Wow…Good stuff coming into your life (and not by accident.) Glad you’re
enjoying them!

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Thank you, Sir. I feel fortunate to be able to get them. I heard it could be tough, but Crutchfield came through. I think they had just received an allotment, so the timing was excellent. There are three choices for the finish - Piano Black, Walnut and another dark wood. They didn’t have the third option, and anyway I am thrilled with the beautiful Walnut finish on these. I was gonna go black, but I ALWAYS get black, so I broke the cycle!

I think I am good now for a long time… :rofl:

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Meanwhile, back to the music. I felt like some guitar, so I spun up this wonderful collection from Don Ross called “Water”.


Great album. He does a piece with the Prague Philharmonic Orchestra that makes me close my eyes and gently sway. In fact, I do a lot of swaying to this record…

AMHD > Schiit Bifrost 2 > Cavalli Liquid Platinum > HiFIMAN HE1000 V2 Stealth


Staying on the guitar theme, here is a nice one by Bruce Cockburn called “Crowing Ignites.” I sometimes forget what a good player he is. He has a unique style.


AMHD > Schiit Bifrost 2 > Cavalli Liquid Platinum > HiFIMAN HE1000 V2 Stealth

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Saturday night. Starting strong with an album I have just discovered. Not sure why it took this long. It’s Porcupine Tree and “Deadwing”.


AMHD > Schiit Bifrost 2 > Singxer SA-1 > LSA HP-2 Ultra