Listening to tonight (Part 2)

Nice choice. :+1:t2: I dipped pretty deep into this one yesterday. Incredible listen, btw. Cheers, mate. Happy holidays to you and yours. :christmas_tree:


Wishing you and your family a very merry and :notes: Christmas too :christmas_tree::beers:

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I love watching the opening scenes of the Queen at Wembly video where they do a time lapse of the stage buildout. Happy holidays, Dog. :christmas_tree: :ribbon:


How amazing would it of been to see The Beetles, Elton John or Queen perform there at their peak?

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DSD > Foobar > Jnog [J2] > Sabaj A10a > Klipsch R41M

Messing around with DSD for the first time. I think this sampler album are the only DSD files I have. It took a few minutes of configuring Foobar to play the format.


Iā€™m curiousā€¦ how did the DSD based music sound to you? How much of a difference would you say it was over PCM 24/192. FLAC files, specifically? Was it enough to where you would say the musical experience was enhanced/made better? I have been curious about this for a while so any insight you could provide would be most helpful. Thank you in advance. :+1:t2:

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Merry Christmas! Everyone

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Well, TLDR, I really couldnā€™t hear the difference between the DSD version of the album and the same album they recorded in ALAC. (Why they chose ALAC over FLAC or even WAV, is beyond me.)

Being that I am middle-aged and suffer mild hearing loss and tinnitus due to my time in the military, it is often difficult for me to hear the very subtle differences in music quality. Depending on the recording and the quality, sometimes if the difference is significant enough I can pick it out.

I remember doing this audio quality test on NPRā€™s website back around 2015-2016 and I got them all but one correct. I was quite proud of myself for being able to hear the differences.

Going back to the DSD files, they recorded the DSD as a speaker mix and not for headphones. At first, I was playing it on my little desktop setup. Then I moved to the big stereo to listen to it. The Cambridge CXN V2 plays DSD just fine. I think it is far more difficult to discern the difference in higher quality recordings, i.e. PCM vs DSD on a speaker setup. Itā€™s easier, in my experience, to listen for those differences if I am using headphones.

For instance, the other day I mentioned that I was browsing around Qobuz and their 24-bit offerings. Honestly, I really couldnā€™t tell the difference between that and regular CD quality recordings most of the time. When I could hear a difference, and thatā€™s wholly subjective of course, I felt that the music sounded fuller and less hollow by comparison if that makes any sense. But it could also have been the placebo effect too!

I might look around for other DSD music to buy, download and to play around with to see if I can hear any differences with headphones on.

Overall, most music sounds really good and thatā€™s more important to me than minute differences that I may or may not actually hear. I still want quality sounding music to enjoy, and I think I get that 99.9% of the time regardless of the sampling rate and format. Iā€™m also equally happy with most of the vinyl recordings I listen to as well.


Found a CD case of my old discs so slotted this CD into my Camry for the first listen in a very long time. The bass through my crappy car stereo was still so awesome, I should definitely get back into some hip hop, just has to be the right kind for me.

I also have a disc of Restiform Bodies, I can only remember ā€œBobby Trendy Addendumā€ so maybe itā€™s the only noteworthy trackā€¦ guess Iā€™ll find out soon.


Iā€™m going to be straight up honest - some of Steven Wilsonā€™s music can come off as very cheesy to me, however, he has some straight adventures in audio form in his discography. Thank you to my buddy @JAnonymous5150 for remaining me how good this dude can be.


I try to buy some new/new to me music every week. I am easily bored and always looking for the new thing that turns me on. The downside to this behaviour is that I am always pushing out good stuff from my regular playtime. As an example I have been going backwards from brand new for the last few weeks. today I came upon the album called Mojo by Ash Grunwald (2019). I forgot how great this album was, with many great guest artists. I started to digging to see what Mr. Grunwald was up to and wow. I got busy buying.

In 2020 he released a blues album with Josh Teskey. Very solid blues album called Push the Blues Away, IMO.

However in 2022, he released an album called Shout Into The Noise. This is fun. More like Blues Rock than Blues. I will be playing this A LOT!


Finally getting around to pulling out my CD collection and slowly but surely making digital lossless copies starting with my favs first. Had to nab this oneā€¦still my all time fav trance mix since first listening to it in 1999. :notes:

Paul Oakenfold - Tranceport

Tranceport | Paul Oakenfold


Itā€™s Friday and I am working from home today. Itā€™s raining outside and for some reason I got the urge to go back and listen to stuff that first made an impact on me. This one is a favorite. This is the 2019 Remaster and I like it. :+1:t2:

Local FLAC > U2 Pro > BF2 > SA-1 Pre > DA-9 > Sonus Faber Lumna 2 w/ REL Tzero mkiii sub


I was at this performance in July at our local music festival.
They are at my favorite club Tonight!! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Also Chris Haise and Nathan Graham bands.
Happy New Year!

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Having fun with Amazon Music HD this afternoon. The algorithm has created a playlist that has sent me on a trip through the seventies! Iā€™m just letting it roll for now as many songs are tasting very good and are stirring up ancient memories. Like this one. It just takes me away every time.

EDIT: After nearly an hour, I am off the playlist but still in the 70ā€™s vibe as something has triggered a desire to spin up some Doobies! :wink: I have always liked this album.


Found a ā€˜Doomer Jazzā€™ playlist on YouTube a while ago. Then I searched Qobuz the other day and found one of the same title. Different tracks of course, but I really like this playlist.

Qobuz > Cambridge Audio CXN V2 > Freya S > Vidar (Monoblock) > Klipsch R-620F


I wasnā€™t sure if I should post this here or over on the classical thread! I have found something exceptional and fun that I am enjoying very much. This is the Jacques Loussier Trio and ā€œBachā€™s Goldberg Variationsā€. Great listen.



Qobuz > Cambridge DacMagic 200M > Sabaj A10a > Klipsch R41M