Listening to tonight (Part 2)

Have a good one, enjoy the weather if the sun is out where you are.


Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend! :raised_hands:


Good belated eveing, folks. Had a busy one today, but I always find time on a Saturday night for some music. Got a good one spinning right now.


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Edited…a totally epic album :heart:


Went music hunting and couldn’t find any rock or pop that I liked. So, off to the jazz section. Came across a new to me jazz band called: Darcy James Argue’s Secret Society. They have four albums in iTunes. Tested out the first three albums and thought they were OK. Then I played Dynamic Maximum Tension.
This was not like any jazz big band that I had ever heard before. Bought this double album immediately.


Training my station on AMHD and this came up:


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New discoveries are a very good thing. Enjoy. :headphones: :sunglasses:


So Friday at last. A dumb week, it was! :laughing: But it’s over, had a real nice ride home though it was kinda hot (89F) so I’m chuggin down a small Gatoraid to hydrate before I crack open a bottle. I am starting tonight with something new (to me) from Big Big Train, released 3/01/2024. This is “The Likes of Us”

About halfway through. I like it. A lot of familiar riffs and arrangements with fresh compositions. I am quite OK with that! Great musicians, all of them. great listen.

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Into the evening portion of the session, and am enjoying another first. I have heard of this group but never listened to them. I’m diggin it. This is Lonely Robot and “A Model Life”

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Time to break out something from the local collection. Ah yes, this will do nicely…

Yes, it’s the special box set! I stream a lot these days, but I swear it’s nice to still have the physical media and the cool materials to mess with. Oh yeah, and the music is incredible! These guys are pretty awesome musicians. The HE1000 really lets me hear each part, each instrument, every voice - What an experience.


100th Window, received some mixed reviews when released in 2003 but IMO, has aged like fine wine. Music coming out of all places…the west country in the early 2000’s. Wild.

For historians 100 years from now, a vibe check for a generation coming up through the 90’s…emergent culture from the fringes into the mainstream…forever augmenting…such has been the story of these strange and beautiful Isles.

Anyway, that’s enough of that.

feat. Sinèad O’Connor. A perfect pairing :fire:


What are you all listening to this weekend fellas?? Looking to add some new music to my library hehe.


I’m getting a late start tonight. @gadgetgod I am gonna kick it off by rolling that Lonely Robot album again (see above). When I find something new that like I usually go through it a second time. Kinda fun because often times an album could sound amazing to you, but the next night on the second run you are like “Huh… wtf?” :laughing: Also, a certain nuance or detail could be missed on the first listen. Kinda like that meatloaf that is even better the next day!

From there, who knows. I’m gonna go with the flow…