Looking for bassy headphones for listening (mainly) to EDM - have a few candidates and a budget of around 150€

They go into each cup (L/R).

Oh, I’m an idiot

The thing I’m most worried about is the comfort on those to be honest. Don’t wanna mess with returning and stuff if it somehow ends up not comfortable. I had some comfort problems with on-ear designs since my ears are a bit protruding.

EDIT: Well, out of on-ears I reckon trying some cheap JBLs and they had low clamp, so that was probably also a big factor. With those I had that issue. I also had some Sonys with batteries and vibrating bass (crazy stuff) that were on-ear and those were fine. It’s a bit of gamble tho.

That is a legit concern. As you saw in a post I linked above, there are people that have changed the pads to help that.

Yeah, and that probably changes the sound as well and then it’s an unknown land.

Feel like the DT770 would at least be a safer choice for sure. Will probably try to find someone who tried both and can compare.

The problem with beyer stuff is that they got those upper-mids and treble peaks.



That is not a well tuned treble IMO.

Yeah, but that’s stuff I’m now listening to for more than a year on the DT880 and am still living with it.
It’s funny that some people praise those Beyer peaks and describe them as a stand-out advantage.

Once you heard something thats better tuned, it will be hard to go back.

Is there one of those for the other models of dt770, from what I’ve heard the 32 ohm model is regarded as the worst dt770

Well, the DT880 isn’t my first headphones, but they’re the first which I would call quality headphones. I can certainly notice those peaks and in some tracks it’s for good, in some for bad.

Yeah, I would be for sure buying the 250ohm if I go with the DT770. The 32s are subpar and I would like to use the amp I paid for.

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There are


some other graph dbs out there


Well, at least the 2,5kHz peak is almost gone. That would be the worst for me for sure.

Seems like the Beyer is the one with “too much” highs and the 1MORE the one with “too little” highs…

Looking into it, it seems that the 80ohm model might be the way to go, since it’s warmer and has a bit better highs than both the 32 and 250.

Seems that it lacks sub-bass according to this tho, at least compared to the other two.

I wish that Beyer didn’t discontinue the 600 ohm model, that’d be my pick if you can ever get your hands on one

Isn’t that be a lot brighter than even the 250ohm
I already have one fairly bright headphones - the DT880

Doesn’t really matter as it’s discontinued either way…

And which would you pick out of what is available? I’m talking just about the DT770 rn.

I wouldn’t expect it to, but usually the 600 ohm Beyer variants tend to be the best versions of their headphones.

I think it depends on what your overall preferences are, but I would be tempted more with the 250 just due to being able to use it on more tube amps

It’s an interesting read.
I don’t understand that he says the 80ohm have more bass than the 250ohm even tho they clearly don’t according to the freq. response. Correct me if I got it wrong tho, I’m still an amateur.