Looking for XLR microphone setup

Even if you have direct monitor on for the um2?

Nvm I am a liar. I can hear myself with it either pushed in or out.

Through windows? Because that would be the case if you have it set in windows. You shouldn’t be able to hear yourself with direct monitor off

Okay yeah that’s cool I unchecked listen to this device in windows. Like you said, when it is pushed in I can hear myself. When pushed out I cannot.

Perfect, that should come in handy, and you should be good to go

Okay sweet. I don’t seem to be clipping either. The red light doesn’t pop up if I yell or talker louder than normal.

Good, and are you getting a decently loud signal in windows? You can download something like Audacity to record and play back to see what people in a call or game would hear

I downloaded audacity yesterday, so I’ll give it a shot give me a few.

If you find that you feel the recording is too quiet and you feel that the gain is where you want it on the um2, you can adjust the digital input volume in windows

Yeah it is a tad quiet. It is picking up keyboard sounds also still, but I might not be able to eliminate that totally. Adjust in windows via levels tab?

Yes, what is it set at in windows right now?

You will not be able to remove noise like that entirely, but you can keep it at a reasonable level

It is currently at 60

Yeah so you can adjust it to 70 or 80 to see if it gets louder without distortion or clipping

With a condenser like the at2020 can be a nightmare to get rid of background noise compared to a dynamic

Also I should say that if you want to record something, you can get rid of the sounds in post, but doing it live (actively) is a more difficult task without really compromising fidelity. I was able to get my desk condenser to block out background noise in real time but man it is a pita

70 Sounds much much better than 60. No clipping either. I put it up to 80 since it was still a little quiet. No clipping as of now

Cool, I would stay under 90 at most (above 80 you might get some hiss though) to avoid windows messing around with it

Okay cool I’ll keep it at 80 for now. It sounds pretty good. Not too loud not too quiet.

There is a slight hiss @80. By this you mean like a static sound kind of?

Yes, you will get some but most people won’t be able to hear it. You can bump it down to 75 and see if it’s still audible. The hiss could either be the interface it’s self or the mic picking up background/ambient noise. You won’t be able to get a perfectly clean signal with your recording environment and equipment, but it will be more then clean for whatever you plan to use it for

I think we should be good. I bumped it down to 75 for now. I’ll have to give it a live test. Don’t really know until I try.

Personally, the Focusrite interfaces are significantly better quality, and last longer. The Behringer interfaces I’ve owned have all had one issue after another. May just be me having bad issues with a brand, but that’s my experience.