šŸ”¶ Mangird XENNS UP

Iā€™m having the weirdest experience this weekend. Terrible sleep several days in a row, never having a chance to listen to these or other IEMā€™s in any environment other than a car or in an apartment with the noise of the AC blasting in the backgroundā€¦

And I find myself not having joy with the Xenns UP. But then I tried the MEST, my always-joy when Iā€™m at home (Iā€™m on a road trip now). And even now, trying the MEST, Iā€™m not finding joy either. Then the Clairs, same thing.

Does this ever happen to people or am I screwing up my brainā€™s acoustic expectations with all this testing and back and forth?

Iā€™m telling myself itā€™ll be better when I get back home, when I get a good sleep, and listen in a quiet room again. Maybe with a glass of whiskey.

I just need to be careful not to tell you all my opinions under these circumstances because nothing is doing it for me right now.


It totally happens. Sometimes Iā€™m just not in the mood, or I feel like Iā€™m stressed or maybe even had one too many cups of coffee and then Iā€™m like ā€œWhy is this thing that I liked yesterday bothering me right now?ā€. Frame of mind is a big factor in listening enjoyment.


If you watch folks do reviews enough you can see when they are not in the game.
Scariest vids are ones a casual has no idea is a bash job because a person was being ā€¦human. Not intentional but I have sat up 30 seconds into vids and knew somethin was offā€¦

Never know what is going on in peoples lives
Just a bad damned day

Seen it many times


Oh and side note pertaining to potential quality control issues with the UPā€¦

When I first tried them, there was an odd white noise type of sound on them and then the music stopped mid playback. They started up again and I think they were the same quality as before this sound occurred. I donā€™t know why Iā€™m only thinking of it now but it happened within the first minutes of trying them.

Did a driver die or something and Iā€™ve been loving them regardless? Lol

Musicteck has awesome customer service! I had a problem with a dap I bought from them and took amazing care of me! I canā€™t recommend them enough. Theyā€™re great!

Well this sucks! Literally my FAVORITE track to compare the Xenns UP against the MEST, to show where the Xenns UP is actually more enjoyable for meā€¦is blocked on YouTube :frowning:

I uploaded a private video with recordings of my ā€œReferenceā€ playlist, just to see what YouTube would show as copyrighted or not, and to what degree it would harm the video being published. I was pleasantly surprised to see some tracks not even identified (so I wonā€™t get in any trouble for them) and all but one track are fine to use, but will simply lead to me being demonetized. I donā€™t care about ad money so Iā€™m happy :slight_smile:

Highway to Hell though guysā€¦so good on Xenns UP. SO good!

The Xenns UP review video should be up on my channel in a week (I hope), pending when I receive my binaural recording dummy head.


You actually critically listen to reference tracks streamed through YouTube? Doesnā€™t it destroy the quality?

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Oh no. I listen on Apple Music.

The YouTube thing Iā€™m talking about is when I upload a demo of the IEMā€™s on YouTube, Iā€™ll need to know what will be copyrighted before I upload.

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So, which has better sub-bass, the UP or the Thie Monarch?

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How is the QC so questionable on the UP, while the Tea hasnā€™t really has any significant QC issues that I know of. When so many of the initial purchasers are disappointed, it makes me wonder about an first run manufacturing issue.


Good question

And they were on pre-order; I wouldā€™ve thought thatā€™s when you take the most care.
No news about why this is happening either :cry:

Ordering from the UK so very nervous.


This! The Tea is one of my favorite iems and I havenā€™t heard of widespread QC issues at all with the Tea. How/why did the Up launch so poorly?

My ears are here! First video Iā€™m going to put up is a Xenns UP demo, comparing them to the MEST and a mystery headphone/IEM (just for fun).


Received the replacement cable today. It is extremely interesting that the new cable has a completely different (unremovable) sheath compared to my originalā€¦


They just didnā€™t want you taking it apart and inspecting the soldering job.


Looks good. Also got new iems?

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Whaddya know? The cable works. I finally have a complete and working Zenns Up set.

Yep. I received the new set and sent the defective set back a little while ago.


Mine should be here very soon, it hit the UK last Friday.
Was hoping it would turn up today, but no such luck.
Hope yours sound good @resolution - I can imagine the experience would leave many with a bad taste in their mouth, but also hoping the product makes up for this fiasco.

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They sure are prettyā€¦


Finally, itā€™s here!

At work though, so gotta wait patiently :sweat_smile: