🔶 Mangird XENNS UP

Man, I really want to try these.

@Purplezorz I’m also in UK so if you don’t mind me asking where did you order from? And did you get stung for VAT and customs duty on them?

That box looks very different from mine. I wonder what other changes there may be…

Ordered directly from site, no taxes at all :slight_smile:
However, usual China wait - was like the full 21 days.

I will explore it later on :slight_smile:


What the hell did they do to the box???

DMS would eat it up. That’s pretty much his channel style.

I want it!

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Yea I’m torn. The design mirrors the shell very nicely. Then again, I’m also into the simple monotone dark leather appearance we got. I could be happy with either!

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I’m interested to see if any of the accessories are different. @Purplezorz if you can, please take a photo of the cable connector sheath. I want to know if you can unscrew it or not.

Added to the list of operations for later on this evening :slight_smile:


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Pictures :slight_smile:

For some reason I thought they came with spinfits.
Back to Amazon I go lol.

The pictures were uploaded in the wrong direction, so go from the bottom up lol.

Also, doesn’t look like you can unscrew anything =/
I didn’t use TOO much force though in case I stupidly broke something lol.


No consistency whatsoever, different cables, different boxes… I wonder if the actual sets sound different.

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I want that box :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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So sad. The first batch were garbage. This packaging is obviously much better designed and you got the new proper cable. First batch was total garbage.

I’m sooo pissed off and confused right now.

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Totally agree, that cable looks much better than the one i had…

Tiz ChiFi…
Good set, Bad set :man_shrugging:


I love being rewarded for being a loyal brand early adapter. Not! @luizgarcia it’s very possible you had a bad IEM as well as I did.

How do you ship a product when the packaging and product development weren’t even complete yet?


Now, I just need to wait for the listening session later on :sweat_smile:
Hopefully it doesn’t fall apart when I put it through my bass trials.
Hoping that anyone who got whatever the previous version was, can enquire about getting an updated version; though I thought the ship had basically sailed on this one.
Seems like they were in the final stages of development and needed to hold fire for a couple more weeks…
That, or literally the response that has been seen around the internet has triggered them to pull their socks up?

Its called, being a beta tester. :joy:


Yep, that would explain why the Mangird Tea had a much better bass slam than the UPs, now i will never know :frowning: