šŸ”¶ Mangird XENNS UP

I still like the kind of classy affectations on the original box. Though, a better cable matters more haha

The placement of the accessories are even different.

Aye more 007 than infinity wars :+1:


OK so first impression listens.
Compared to the Mangird Teas the mids are more recessed, bass is more palpable/tactile and treble is a little more reserved.

The lower mids on the UPs are richer and more detailed than Teas.
The UPs are harder to drive than the Teas.

Ultimately, whilst there is a little more bass out of the box than I guess most IEMs, theyā€™re still relatively tameā€¦

However, Iā€™m very happy to say that when you give them some encouragement (EQ), they donā€™t complain at all on even the most fearsome sub bass tracks (Breathing - Quok, Lion - Dillard, 0742 - Dillard etc) and Those Who Wander by Parallel Highway sounded absolutely incredible.

Definitely a smooth, laid back IEM without EQ which could leave you wanting more, or be perfect for relaxing listening sessions.

Hereā€™s my EQ to get it up to an acceptable (for me) listening state.

Will try some actual basshead stuff later to see how far we can really take this little Berry driver with tracks like ā€œSnakes and Laddersā€ by Doctor P as well as ā€œThink About Itā€ and ā€œPass Thatā€ by Franky Nuts >=)

Also, the Teas once again show their incredible value. Whilst a layer of richness and weight is missing, I didnā€™t immediately see it being completely outclassed by itā€™s younger, pricier brother.


Finally had an excuse to use the E1DA #9038D - so far all my IEMs have been too efficient :joy:


Interesting take! Canā€™t wait to get the Tea in.

Iā€™ve been back and forth with my feelings about the UP. On the one hand, theyā€™re unique from my collection of favorites for their warmth (yet still retain resolution elsewhere, if a bit recessed relative to other sets).

On the other hand, I keep finding myself wanting something a bit more balanced or on the brighter side. I think Iā€™m just inclined that way for my general listening.

Iā€™ve moved the ranks back and forth. Currently, I have the MEST as a ā€œSS.ā€ The Clairvoyanace as a ā€œS.ā€ The UP as a ā€œA+.ā€

The ā€œSā€ grades are for sets that stand alone for my tastes and run my whole library without needing any other gear to enjoy everything.
The ā€œAā€ grades are for sets that complement the core sets. They offer something unique.

So, the UP are an A class for me, but not S.


Tbh that all sounds correct - and the Teas should fill the gap you mentioned, albeit at the sacrifice for some lower mid richness.
I still think they need a little EQ to get it to ideal, but barely anything in the grand scheme of things.

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Sounds like we have the same set! Treble is VERY tame. One of the most relaxed sets Iā€™ve ever heard.

Yes, however, the EST seem to be very responsive to EQ which is nice to know.
The good thing about the soft highs is that I can turn up the overall volume to compensate - I think this set is meant to be played LOUD, because under pressure, so far they seem to handle everything fine.
Even something like Chili Fingers by Primate, which has a lot of wild, sharp, sudden and powerful sounds, doesnā€™t seem to bother this IEM.
And something like Fly Away by Escapism Refuge where in the first few seconds (25) where she hums and the synth pad plays at the same time is completely coherent. On some sets, the two just muddy together and doesnā€™t sound particularly pleasing.

However, sets that have more treble energy and more forward mids WITHOUT being fatiguing will make the UPs seemā€¦lacklustre.


Is this your first tribrid???

Yep, Iā€™ve heard some others a while back, like the horrendous (I donā€™t care what the reviews say dammit, and yes Iā€™m sad that itā€™s Purple and isnā€™t amazing) Jomo Trinity and still my ALL TIME favourite Noble Khans, but I never really dabbled too much into the IEM game.

Just have the FiiO FH5s and the Mangird Teas ATM (well, now the UPs too which was supposed to replace the Teas).


Leaning towards the tea over the UP? On first impression anyway?

Too early to tell for my personal needs - but in general, the UPs are a better set - justā€¦diminishing returns hits. Itā€™s not TWICE as good - and the tuning is different.
It kinda reminded me of when I compared my Klipsch HP-3s to some Audeze LCD-3s and 4s.
I love the Klipsch for my music, but in terms of lower midrange richness, thickness and detail, thereā€™s so much missing compared to the Audeze.
There is a very similar vibe here tbh - especially seeing as Audeze planars are usually rather dark.

Oh, forgot to mention that basically everything sounds closer to you on the Teas, but again, the stepped back nature of the UPs allows you more volume headroom.

So I did a bit more A/Bā€™ing and the Teas sound presentation is more engaging.
When you get deep into the listening hole, you forget about it, but that UPs quiet treble is definitely a factor - and again, the Teas are more efficient and everything sounds closer, whilst also having a wider soundstage (seems the venting is different, I can hear my fan much more clearly when the Teas are on vs the UPs).

On a separate note, I tried to go full basshead to see what would happen andā€¦itā€™s not really worth it, at least not with powerampā€™s EQ. It takes too much effort to get a proper rumble out of the driver whilst keeping the mids and highs low enough and by the time you reach it, itā€™s losing control. Will try a more clinical approach with EPO and my Ifi at some point.

Gonna play with it a bit more for normal listening scenarios to see how I feel about 'em.


I see the UP as a very different IEM. Itā€™s not about details at all. It brings the level of the band up and it pushes the vocals back into the mix. It doesnā€™t have pinpoint imaging like so many others. Everything is swimming in this warm mix, but itā€™s enjoyable and never harsh. Itā€™s quite different than all my other tribrids. Iā€™m enjoying them quite a lot but itā€™s the opposite of a technical performer.

This might be the ultimate chill IEM. Kinda like how I see the ZMF Aeolus of headphones, laid back and awesome. Which I absolutely love. It sounds like it looks.


I think your experience with the UP is kind of similar to mine, for those of us who enjoy over the top bass the UP is just ok.

Maybe use APO and try to lower the mid bass a bit, it has so much mid bass that it may be taking your attention out of the bass and sub bass, just a thoughtā€¦

I actually decided to invest the UPā€™s money into another toy, so far they are excelent!


Iā€™ve always had such an interest in Audezeā€™s design. Something about it always made me feel, when I was just starting out, that these were serious audio headphones the way they look like they feel on the head and how they appear.

Now, Iā€™ve found myself not ever trying the brand even once. I really want to try one some day.

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Hahaha, i totally feel you man if these were horrible sounding i would still want to buy one just because of the looks, and let me tell you something, you cannot tell how well built they are just from pictures. They are a work of art imo.

I had a LCD2-C but it was just ok so i sold it, now i finally decided to get a higher end model and i am mind blown! Everything people said about the X is true, i just A/B it against the Focal Clear and imo it manages to have the same level of detail retrieval while delivering a much better bass and a wider soundstage.

My brain burn in has not even started yet and i am already in love with these cans, highly recommend them!


For me it is Meze in headphones when it comes to looks. The 99s have a nice classic and understated look to them and the Empyrean are just another level of beautiful.

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DANG! Another buy I might need to do!

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Break out the EQ, and donā€™t let this be you. This guy wore an Audeze for a little too long.