šŸ”¶ Mangird XENNS UP

anyone else?


I think his tone got lost in translation because, texting online can do that.

I took him as making whimsically fun banter and not deriding the fun of shopping per se.

EDIT:: to stay on topic on the Xenns, I would like to add that I still really enjoy them :slight_smile: theyā€™re very fun and full sounding.

I also love their mold shape, the way the fingers grasp them, and how they fit and feel in the ears. Snug.

First video on the channel. Lots more to say on the Xenns UP not said in the vid. Some talk about the channel and whatā€™s to come, some talk about the IEMs on cameraā€¦ enjoy?

Impressions | Xenns UP


No this forum is best on the net.

Bro did not full post this vid so I will post (he just linked)


Thanks for the video and good job. Nice start for a first video :slight_smile:


To 70% of the comments in the last 24 hours:


Sometimes, music can best describe things :wink:

Thanks man!

Nice job glad I subscribed early. Look forward to the channel. Thanks for posting this Chris


So, i have been receiving a few DM asking me more details about why i sold my Xenns UP after only 1 day which i donā€™t mind replying to at all, but i thought i leave an explanation here for all who may be interested.

I did like the UPs a lot, they are a better set than my two current IEMs which are the Fiio FD5 and the Mangird Tea, but for $700 i was expecting more of everything.

The bass was super nice, but it was not presented in the way i was hoping for. For me it had lots of presence but lacked the dynamic punch / slam i am looking for.

The mids and highs are super nice and i agree with @tkddans , the best way to describe them is sort of ā€œrealā€, there was no sign of that bad BA timbre some sets have, my only complaint in this area is that the UP sounded a bit darker than i would like, i actually added a high shelf eq filter to correct that and the result was sufficient to solve the problem for me.

I think the soundstage of the UPs loses to both the FD5 and the Tea, not by a lot but still.

So this is it, it is a good set and i think many will love it, if i had paid say $400 for them i would probably keep them, but i expected more for $700 so my search goes on.

Hope this helps others who are interested in this set, i am not a reviewer and i have limited experience with IEMs (probably around 10 IEMs in total), so please take my impressions with a grain of salt.


If you want punch, maybe take a look at the Alambic Ears Mundaka.

Never heard of that one, but it is above my price rangeā€¦

Iā€™ve got a pair coming in 2-3 weeks. Itā€™s a dream basshead set apparently :slight_smile: like monster among monster bass

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The UP for sure

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Interesting. I have the Tea coming at some point (but from Drop, so likeā€¦.august probably/sadly).

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like monster among monster bass


Intriguing >=)

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I recognize a fellow basshead :slight_smile:

EDIT: ha! your signature proved me right ā€œJust another audiophile basshead crossover.ā€

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Yep, definitely a basshead over here - more sub bass though, and I know itā€™s asking a lot from these 15mm and smaller drivers, butā€¦WE HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY, I CAN FEEL IT. No pun intended xD
Iā€™m just enjoying all these bass-tuned IEMs that are coming out.
The UP and now the Mundakas!
Looking forward to your review :slight_smile:

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I no longer have the UPs so unfortunately my solo review is the one you saw a few posts back.

I loved your ā€œaudiophile basshead crossoverā€ description btw, lol. That describes me as well, the Sennheiser IE300 had more intense bass than the UP and i returned it because i missed better highs and technicalities, not all bassheads are willing to sacrifice detail, soundstage, etc just for the sake of bass, right? hahaha


Yeah, I saw you moved on from them pretty quickly.
But thatā€™s OK, still nice to see some Beryllium Tribrids out in the wild. The highs do concern me, because Iā€™m not trying to go darker than the Teas, unless it happens to have peaks in just the right places, which Iā€™m not sure they have.

Oh yeah for sure, the term Basshead has a stigma :sweat_smile:
Sure sometimes I wanna plug my SZ2000s and V-Modas with a crazy EQ into an Emotiva A-100, sacrificing clarity for fun blasting Snakes And Ladders by Doctor P or Pass That by Franky Nuts, but more often I just wanna play Finest Hour by Submotion Orchestra or Lion by Dillard without worrying about the headphone/soundsystem falling apart, but also not missing out on the extreme ends of the frequency response - and thatā€™s where you want your in ear to be bassey, but not a complete mess.

Physics often wants you to pay a lot of money for the privilege :weary:
Still, after burn in (and some EQ) the Teas do extremely well for the price, just need that sub to rumble a bit more and itā€™d be perfect.

Have you looked at the Hyla Sarda? Used they sell under $1k if you can find a set and they are easily the best bass Iā€™ve ever heard. So much slam with detail, texture, and tasty sub bass. They are a somewhat v shape set so you get a lot of sparkle up top with tons of treble detail. If I didnā€™t have fit issues I think I would still have mine. Iā€™ve found I prefer a shallower fit IEM.