šŸ”¶ Mangird XENNS UP

I havenā€™t been on here for very long. Iā€™m not trolling you :frowning: have you been getting trolled a lot lately? Not sure if this is the right place for me then.

Anybody? :heart:



Why do you think I would state multiple times in my impressions posts of my brand new $700.00 IEM that my cable is dead and post pictures of how bad the cable connection work is underneath its sheath?

Because it works great?

Yep i am for sure having fun while trying to find the gear i love, i consider both enjoying music and enjoying the gear itself as parts of the hobby.

I found exactly what i was looking for on full sized headphones, my journey was:

AT M50, Beyer DT770, 400i, 4xx, Sundara, Ananda, LCD2C, Fostex Ebony, Focal Clear. I ended up keeping the Focal Clear and the Fostex, i donā€™t think i will purchase another full size headphone for years to come, the Fostex is exactly what i was looking for and i may even sell the Focal Clear.

Now for IEMS it was:
FH3, Ikko OH10, LZ A6, Mangird Tea, Sennheiser IE300, Fiio FD5, Xenns UP. Honestly out of these the one i really love is the OH10 but the comfort was a deal breaker so i had to return them, they had the most incredible bass slam plus a huge soundstage which i really dig.

The problem is, it is all about references. Now that i have tried so many different IEMs and headphones i am not even sure the OH10s are still what i remember! lol, maybe if i heard them today i would say ā€œmehā€. But what i am looking for is the best dynamic slam i can find, with a big soundstage, decent mids, good highs and good comfortā€¦

Oh, and i will not go above $700. If i canā€™t find what i am looking for in that price range i will just settle for the FD5 and the Teas which are the ones i am keeping so far.


Dude chill out. What the hell is wrong with you???

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Ooo, have you heard the th900? I have one and a Clear. They compliment each other very well!!!

Enjoy the music & the gear.

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Dude, please ignore me and do not speak to me. Thank you.

This is how itā€™s done. Do it!

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Not yet, from what i heard the 900 is pretty similar to the Ebony but has hotter highs? I asked people who own both the Ebony and the 900 and they say the difference is not worth the price if you already have the Ebony so i ended my search there.

But yeah a Focal Clear for open back with LOTS of details + a Fostex for that dynamic slam is a great pair imo, i donā€™t need anything else when it comes to full size headphones.

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My anybody comment was a reply to my own request for recommendations. Not for you. So stop reaching. Itā€™s not ALL ABOUT YOU, damn


Is the ebony the massdrop one?

^^^ Please Gentlemen Please ^^^


This forum is CRAZY wth???

Yes, it was discontinued some time ago but i was able to find myself an used one.

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Oh I see. Well ime the th900 is well worth over the thx00! But I guess only with used prices :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: much better clarity and less conjustion. I will agree the treble is a lot more foward , but on my BHC and BF2 is a bit more relaxed!

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Gentlewomen :stuck_out_tongue:

Ok weā€™ve all got a bit carried away on this threadā€¦Iā€™ve given everyone a nice polite warning about keeping things on topic so can we just please do that?

Thank you


I apologize that this was your first impression of the forum. It is normally very cordial and informative from budget to high end. Feel free to browse through the rest of the threads and youā€™ll get a better feeling of the forums


Right thatā€™s two posts hidden anyone else who post inflammatory remarks or off topic comments will be silenced for 48hrsā€¦surely you have better things to do with your time because I know I do.

Thank you.


How is an apology inflammatory?