šŸ”¶ Mangird XENNS UP

I came here so hyped and now it feels like someone died :rofl:


I edited my posts.
Child like behavior.
My apologies :+1:


Regarding UPā€™s highs and EST drivers: Donā€™t people say EST need burn-in or is it placebo/Brain burn in?

Shell size is a bummer, but not the end of the world. Cable sucks tho. For the price should be more premium (hint-hint TA Hybrids cable)ā€¦

Canā€™t wait for more impressions tho, Iā€™ll need to wait 1 or 2 more weeks before I order mine. Also, to people in EU, I dmā€™d linsoul and they said the Yuexpress takes care of the VAT and duties anyway, despite the new rules.

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Linsoul previously took care of the VAT when I got something from them a few months ago to be delivered inside the EU. The company they used at that point was 4px. It was slow delivery but there were no charges and Linsoul were very helpful.

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Yeah, ill be using that deliver just so ill avoid taxes. Now I just need to decide if iā€™ll still go with the xenns up or back to the oracle plan (and its queue time)ā€¦

Iā€™m already finding, on day 2 with the Xenns UP, that it doesnā€™t really play some of the already bass heavy stuff like rap for my taste. A bit too much bass on tracks mastered for it in overdoses already. The MEST plays them a bit more tastefully, for my taste haha.

But the UP still sounds wonderful with much of my library from classic rock through jazz very very well for my liking.

I still need more time to dabble more into each genre and tracks in my library therein, but I would give these a solid S- for musical enjoyment. Perhaps a solid A at least for objective qualities and no enjoyment or personal taste factored in.

Treble seems to be accurate to life as anything gets, along with authentic reverb and harmonics, though the psychoacoustic affect of elevated bass impinging on perceived mids is there. The mids are still audible and executed authentic to life too, to what I can tell, but they can appear ā€œrecessedā€ due to that bass elevation.

Very enjoyable set so far. Something I would have easily alongside my MEST as a fun, yet accurate, alternative.


Thanks for the heads-up. Iā€™ve been burnt by this individual before with the DM6.

Would you say the Variation is a better set overall?

No to mention itā€™s also $200 dollars less expensive. Iā€™m really enjoying mine. I did not have to go hunting in an attempt to find what the set could do well, it was immediate.

Both the Oracle and Excalubur are great sets as well especially if you have smaller ears vs the Monarch & Clairvoyance and again, they are almost 200 bucks less as well.

I just heard @luizgarcia put his Xenns up for sale and has already sold it. Congrats to @luizgarcia


Yep, i have never heard any of the other IEMs @Resolution just mentioned, but for me the Xenns UP are not worth keeping for what they cost.

They are great, donā€™t get me wrong, i like them better than the FD5 and the Mangird Tea but i was expecting more, or at least expecting something a bit different. They are just not for me, it happens.

I can totally see others loving them, but i am looking for something specific which i have not yet foundā€¦


Whatā€™s everyone running with these? Iā€™m thinking of taking up IEMs again after unpleasant fit issues. Also curious about DAPs

Not too sure what exactly youā€™re looking for?..but your best bet is to probably go up a tier MEST, Z1R, U12t as youā€™re getting close to what an IEM can do without going all out casino win :slot_machine: :man_shrugging:

Keep looking. The hunt is part of the fun of this hobby. As long as youā€™re having fun and enjoying yourself, thatā€™s the whole point.

Donā€™t feel bad about it. They are not for me either and the Mangird Tea definitely was. The Mangird Tea even came with a working cable!

For the record, if itā€™s not 100% clear and transparent, this is a picture of the Xenns Up cable horrible connection handiwork underneath the unscrew-able sheath. The cable is dead on arrival.

I also have no idea if this cable has somehow damaged the IEMs. Linsoul and Xenns are looking into it.


What in this picture shows itā€™s not working?

Sorry, it might be difficult to see and difficult to photograph, but the connection work underneath the plastic heat shrink is horrible. I probably need a macro to photograph it. I showed it to Linsoul and they completely agree. Still waiting to hear back from Linsoul & Xenns to decide what they want to do about my faulty set. You can see frayed cable sticking out of the heat shrink as well.

Ah I see. So cable doesnā€™t work at all?

Surely the point of this hobby is to enjoy the music?..enjoying ones self comes from thatā€¦the rest is just shopping lol :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:ā€¦


Well put!!! Lol!


IS this better?

Seriously? How many times have I said I HAVE A DEAD CABLE??? WTF Are you trolling me too and why?

Isā€¦that a yes??? :persevere::disappointed_relieved:

This hobby is about the gear to you enjoy the music more and more. Shopping for the gear, learning and sharing experiences are all part of that as well. No??? I seriously hope youā€™re not jumping on the trolling bandwagon as well Ohmboy.